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The process of working together with a group was harder than in previous projects I have

done. While we did have communication, it was hard to assign a part to each person as what
parts there were was always changing. Sickness also plagued our team causing 2 members to
miss meetings. The problem with revision was that we were so down to the wire revision was
barely possible. Each member only got to revise the morning before the presentation (but I do
not think many changes were made from the last edit). I think the hardest part of the process was
working together as a team but the part that worked best toward sour learning goal was finding
sources that acted as "evidence to support [our] claims, ideas, and arguments."

It was challenging yet fun finding sources for the project because we had to find so many.
Instead of a paper where to back your claim you write context then a quote then analysis, in the
presentation you would state your claim, read/show your evidence, then say your analysis (how it
was an example of that type of Review). I think our group did a good job of "generat[ing] and
pursu[ing] lines of inquiry" by encouraging audience interaction and trying to tackle any
questions by having two summary slides and also cementing their knowledge by asking them to
use the strategies they learned toward reviewing a pizza.

When it came to presenting I know some members of our group were not as secure in
their public speaking abilities and while I have never had a problem with presenting I found it
much harder with this presentation because not only was it long but also was a group
presentation. When public speaking by myself I usually do not practice much and it leads to
better results but in the presentation I felt I needed to practice my slides and make a script
because I had so much to say (especially to make the 45 minute time mark) and did not want to
let my team down.

Taking on a leadership position in this group project was a new experience for me. In
group projects I usually took on the role more of a vice president. I would take on a good amount
of work and re-emphasize what the leader said but did not make up the ideas of what to do on my
own. Coming out of it I definitely do not think I did the best job as a leader. Things I assigned to
group to do by a certain time were not done and in the end I did not have enough of a voice to
tell my group what to do and therefore would be left with the parts I did not state clearly i.e.
citing, visuals, etc.

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