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The purpose of introduction is to introduce your research idea to reader and to establish its

importance and its potential significance. This means that you should start introduce to the
research topic. Mitchell and Jolley (2001) have identified several ways to demonstrate the
importance of a research topic.

The main purpose of the INTRODUCTION is to give a description of the problem that will
be addressed. In this section the researcher might discuss the nature of the research, the
purpose of the research, the significance of the research problem, and the research
question(s) to be addressed.

Three essential parts of a good introduction are:




Somewhere in the introduction you need to inform the reader of the rationale of
your research. This is a brief explanation of why your research topic is worthy of
study and may make a significant contribution to the body of already existing


The statement of purpose is not simply a statement of why the research is being
done. (That is what the rationale section is for.) Rather, "purpose" refers to the
goal or objective of your research. The purpose statement should answer

"What are the objectives of my research?" and

"What do I expect to discover or learn from this research?"

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