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By: Grant, Jacob, Matthew, Wilson, and Shane

The Problem
Birth rate, food, water, death rate

Future lack of food

Overpopulation: Excessive population of an area to the point of overcrowding,

depletion of natural resources, or environmental deterioration. (The Dictionary)

Population Increase = Poverty Increase

World population increases 1.1% per year

Improvements in food & medicine

By 2050, food needs to double

Most useful sources
Current Solutions
Child limit law

Space colonies

Brainstormed Ideas
Manmade landforms

Atmosphere water

The Black Plague

Vertical Farms
The Plan
Multi- story buildings in urban areas

Use aeroponics to grow plants

Funded by government grants


Lettuce Tomatoes Peas Broccoli Kale

Spinach Beets Potatos Carrots Grean Beans


Total square feet for plants = 66 plants

Total cost for one square foot of all plants = $3.30

Total price for all plants = $73.17

$125 will cover a 3x6 area or 18 square feet of lights

A warehouse in San Jose cost about $3,600,000

Expansion Plans
1. U.S ---- Total population

2. India ---- Population density

3. Japan --- Population density

4. Germany --- Population density

5. China --- Total population

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