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Reflection Nature and Nurture

The assignment I chose to reflect on is the Socialization of Nature and Nurture. I

choose this assignment because I feel that I really tried hard to provide reasonings

and explanations to my answers. I also enjoyed learning the different factors that

contribute to the traits we develop. Nature means the traits or characteristics that

you inherit, whereas Nurture means the traits or characteristics that you develop

over time. I feel this assignment helped me find new ways to provide supporting

details to my claims. My learning goals for the next assignment are to continue to

provide supporting details. I would also like to have a better understanding of the

social concepts. Another goal I have for the next assignment is to start early. I

completed this assignment one hour before it was due. I think giving yourself

enough time to complete the assignment ensures you do your best. My final goal for

the next assignment is to provide supporting details from the text as well as other


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