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Asian Students

Article Title Authors Your Favorite Importance to Examples What you think
Claims Info. your issue
about college

Intended and The author As a Same as my -Technology I think this

Unintended claims that the consequence Fav. Info. has positive article is spot
Consequence use of of students not and negative on. The
s of Education technology effects on achievement
Technology can either receiving a achievement gap is a major
On Social widen or help proper gap based on issue in
Inequality close the education, the the availability society, and
achievement likelihood of of technology, the points that
gap ( which is how it is used, the author
them attending
created based and how it it made make
on race and college is low. implemented sense as to
socioeconomic This is due to in the why it exists. I
status) that a number of classroom had never
exists factors, but the looked at the
Also claims -Studies show issue from the
that early high costs of that students point of
access to college with early technology
education education, and access to though. Its an
plays a large the lack of education are interesting, yet
role in the access to less likely to relevant take
likelihood of dropout and
students higher level more likely to The authors
attending a coursework in college theory about
four-year middle and technology
college high school within
education and
are major
the importance
components of of early
the issue. access to
education is
useful because
it sheds insight
on the difficult
problem of the

College The author This gap is also It shows the - Black students I feel that all that
claims that widened with the academic are offered less this article talks
African fact that African achievement honors and AP about is still a
improves for American American gap between classes current problem
black students are students are black and white - Black students in high school
students but often less least likely to students, and receive lower and college, but
for which prepared for take Advanced what is being test scores I do think that
college than Placement (AP) done to reduce - Black students the achievement
ones? white and Asian and/or honors the gap. have a higher gap between
students. They classes when dropout rate black and white
generally have offered. - black students students is
lower test scores Statistics from are more likely getting smaller
and a higher the College to take remedial as time goes on.
dropout rate. Board show that courses in high
With this only 30% of school than Although I agree
information the African other racial with Conkley up
author claims Americans who groups to a point, I do
that white and are good at strongly believe
Asian students math took AP that the
have a Math, compared achievement
significantly to Asian gap between
greater students at 60%. African
academic Aside from the American and
achievement fact that African white students is
than African American shrinking, and
American students are cannot accept
students. least likely to his overall
take an AP research.
course when
offered, many
schools that are
black and
Hispanic dont
even have
courses such as
AP and honors
offered to them

Confronting The author I thought the This article Minority I feel that this
the claims that in author's use of relates to students often story helps to
Achievement order for his past problems in feel as if the show the
Gap minority teaching college that system is perspectives of
students to experiences to minority against them students who
close the provide the students may struggle to
achievement reader with have a harder In order to succeed in the
gap, they must background on time mending close the current school
provide new his experience the achievement system
forms of help with the achievement gap, teachers
and implement achievement gap due to must Additionally, it
new learning gap. I also their understand helps to give
styles to found the experiences in that they might advice to
encourage information on early need to educators on
students and how students education. change the how to
to provide performed Therefore, he ways they confront the
them better and believes teach or problem and to
incentives to were more helping to reinforce their begin to close
attain equal determined to encourage students the
levels of succeed and learning in achievement
education and learn when the younger gap
success. teach students to
attempted prepare them Also, I think
different for their future. that this is a
learning good start to
curriculums closing the gap
and by trying new
encourages ways to solve
his students. the problem

theory of how
to close the
gap is
useful because
it sheds insight
on the difficult
problem of
impression of
the school
system and its
influence on
their everyday

Asians How they It shows had My opinion on

performed claim that it's a gives the topic as a
Explaining better cultural thing examples of whole is that
Asian academically that asian an any student
because they have more achievement can be just as
Americans put more effort effort because gap that occur smart or
into their of their beliefs from smarter than a
schooling. then they say kindergarten asian
advantage that because all the way to american as
of this they college long as they
over whites pay put the work
psychologicall in.

Although I
agree with up
to a point, I
cannot acce
his overall
researth that
__________ .

Success in The author The fact that This is Compared to 4 The article
claims that the community important year schools brings up good
Community way that colleges are because the and points
College: Do community ranked on achievement universities concerning
Institutions colleges rank different gap is not community education
compared to aspects that between colleges serve availability
Differ? one another favor schools universities a more diverse between
and four year that are in and population with locations.
schools is not cities community to balance
accurately compared to colleges but school, family,
shown in the more rural between the and work I agree that
assessments. schools community obligations. education
Some colleges as opportunities
community well. differ from
colleges focus community
more on job college based
training on where you
compared to come from
ones that because my
focus on experience
transfer from being
credits. from a rural
compared to
what is offered
confirms it.

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