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Savage Inequalities Reflection

I really took an interest in this assignment because it is personal for me. I didnt grow up in the

wealthiest neighborhoods so I understand how a student who attends public school vs. a student

from private school. Irl Solomon is a former history teacher decided to take up teaching after

civil rights issues arose. I think this assignment helped me develop my writing skills the most. I

was able to take what I learned from the reading and apply it to the assignment. Looking back I

could have provided more detailed information on how poverty affects students however I feel

my decision to not focus completely on the matter a good one. This assignment I dont feel my

academics skills improved much. I find it easier to complete assignments for topics I am

interested in. I feel public schools and private schools difference in funding is an important issue

that needs more attention. I think it is unfair for public students to not receive the same funding

as private students. However in this society everyone isnt given the same opportunity due to the

social statuses. My learning goals for the next assignment are to get information from as many

outside sources as possible to apply to the assignment. Another goal of mine is to start the

assignment early. I think when starting early, it gives you time to ensure the end result will be

good. I dont think I would change anything about the way I wrote the paper. I think I did a

really good job and I stayed on the topic. I also think its important to give your personal

opinions on the matter as well. I think with this assignment I was more vocal with the material.

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