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We should put Ruby Bridges in a play to honor
courageous people .We should put her in a staging
show because that will show people/student not to be
afraid to go to school because of their skin color.
When Ruby Bridges was 6 years old ,she was one of
the 6 students to pass a test to go to 1st grade.Ruby
was honored to go to William Frantz school and it
was a white school ,African Americans weren't able to
go to that school because of their skin color.Ruby
went to the white school but nobody went to school
because their was a African children there , kids didnt
went to school for a few months , than white students
came back to school. Ruby Bridges was brave
because she walked through a crowd that yelled Go
home!We dont want you! Go home! We dont want
you they didnt stopped her ,she showed the world
that she deserve to be there.When Ruby was in 2nd
grade African american children went to Frantz
Elementary school like her. Ruby Bridges was really
brave and smart by going to a white school and being
an African American hero , she even stopped racism .
That what why I will want to make a play or show
about.Thank you:)
Guadalupe Rodriguez

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