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9h30 a.m.: we arrived at the Piping Centre which promotes the

history of piping in Scotland. We had an initiation to learn to how play
the bagpipe.
The bagpipe is constituted of a air tank, a melodic hose called a
chanter (it looks like a flute), a strain (to maintain the hoses on the air
tank), a blow hose (you need to blow inside to fill the air tank), two
tenors bumblebees, one bass bumblebee, a tuning slide (to get right
notes), and holding cords.
Then we visited the Piping Centre, a guide explained the evolution of
bagpipes through centuries and countries around the world.
12h00 p.m.: Next we visited the Kelvinggrove museum, which contains
exhibitions on Art nouveau, Impressionism, Egyptology, the Renaissance
and natural history.
15h00 p.m.: Then we arrrived at Hampden Park, which is the National
stadium in Scotland .
Here we visited the locker rooms of the soccer players, also the room
where the journalists make the interviews after the matches. Finally
we went to the field by the door used by the teams on match days. We
went up to the bleachers, and we finished with a group photo.
Clara Sacilotto 1re ES1

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