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The following survey contains questions about our Dhaka city flyover system.

The findings
gathered from is survey will be incorporated into a research paper on the current system of
flyover in Dhaka city is effective enough to stop traffic congestion and increase
traffic flow. I would appreciate your honest answers to the questions. Thank you for your time.

General Subject Information

Gender: Male Female

Survey Questions

1. Have you ever on the flyover in Dhaka city?

a) Yes, regularly.
b) No, never got the chance.
2. Do we need Flyover in Dhaka city?
a) Yes.
b) Yes, in a great extent.
c) The present system is fine.
d) No.
3. Are the current flyovers can meet our future traffic demand?
a) Yes.
b) Yes but need some change.
c) No, we need immense change.
d) No.
4. How the current flyovers in Dhaka city affecting the traffic system?
a) Yes, in a large amount.
b) Yes, in a small amount.
c) Yes, in a negative way.
d) Too little to be noticed.
5. What do you think about the current flyover system in Dhaka city?
a) Good.
b) Bad.
c) Ok, but need changes.
d) Not effective.

6. Do you think that we have a problem of proper planning about flyovers?

a) Yes, we are new.
b) Yes we need good planner.
c) We need quick implementation.
d) Both ( II + III )
7. Do you think that the Bangladesh Government is taking proper step to build flyover?
a) Yes, a lot.
b) Yes, but not enough.
c) No
8. Do you think our government should adopt the flyover system of other developed
countries, considering the economical condition of Bangladesh?
a) Yes, obviously.
b) Yes, to some extent.
c) No, cant afford.
d) Not at all.
9. Do you think the flyover is enough to stop the traffic jam?
a) Yes, undoubtedly.
b) Yes but not always.
c) Only flyover cannot.
d) Not at all.
10. How do you compare our flyover system with other countries flyover system?
a) Huge difference.
b) We are just in a primary stage.
c) Have no idea.

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