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Fatal Vision Curriculum

Purpose/Rational: The Fatal Vision presentation is dedicated to informing

students on the perspective altering effects of alcohol. Students will learn, at
the end of the program, that ordinary task are considerably more difficult
under the influence. This demonstration will assist students in reconsidering
the impact alcohol has on them.
Time Frame: 60 minutes.
Resources Needed: Power Point, availability to projector, fatal vision goggles,
bucket, foam balls, tape (sobriety test).
Curriculum outline
o Lecture/Presentation: Dangers of Alcohol 10-15
Discuss the fatalities of alcohol for college age students.
Communicate STI/STD rates with students in relations to
Explain academic consequences for alcohol use.
Present the ways alcohol impedes judgment.

o Group Discussion 5-10

Students will be encouraging to share their own
Brainstorm any other dangers of alcohol.

Midpoint Transition 15-20

o Fatal Vision Activity
Students will try to do a field sobriety test.
Participants will be asked to do ordinary task, like throw
balls into a bucket, or pour water into a cup.
Participants will collaborate together to try throw and catch
a ball.
Safety/Documents/desc_fatal_vision_goggles.pdf (other

*Note: to help display how much impairment these goggles simulate,

students should do all tasks without them first, then try the activities with

End Transition 15-20

o Lecture/Presentation: Prevention Strategies
Go over alcohol content in various beverages.
Demonstrate different ways to drink safely.
Give tips for cutting down consumption.

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