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The follow on plan from the Worlds Biggest Juice Detox


LEVEL! Reshape Your Body
Transform Your Health
Take Your Life To Another Level

Jason Vale
The Juice Master
every single
juicy one of YOU

JUICE DETOX to j u i c e t h e world
mission on is
a y s b e e n m y
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Its alw e D
s B i g g est Juic n g a p art of it

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Over 20,000 people from 50 countries
took part in the end...
...and they are just the ones we know about. There have been some incredible transformations,
some of which I will share in this small download, but after seven days of living on the
finest freshest juices with some exercise thrown in for good measure, the vast majority
of you should be feeling fitter, healthier and lighter - both physically and mentally. I will
go into what foods and drinks to have next, what not to have and The Law Of Four way
of eating, which if you follow will ensure youre living in the land of the slim for years to
come. However, you already know what to eat and what not to eat, you knew that before
you started. What I focus on more than anything is the power of the mind. If you feel on
fire, you are focused and you have a clear goal that is far more powerful than telling you
whether butter is better than margarine!
Now that you have finished THE WORLDS BIGGEST JUICE DETOX, youll feel as though
someone has plugged you in and recharged you! You should feel on fire and focused. So the
question is where do you want to go from here? Do you want to go back to your old ways
and end up in exactly the same situation you were in before? Or, do you want to take your
health, your body and your life to The Next Level? For many people this is a Sliding Door
moment. I have seen people go on to lose over 7 stone (98lbs 44.5kg) and completely
transform their lives after THE WORLDS BIGGEST JUICE DETOX but at the same time I have
also seen people go right back to where they started within a week of doing the 7 day juice
plan! Which camp do you want to be in?

Dont you want to get your health to where its perhaps never been before and feel what
its like to have that body, even if its just once in your life? Wouldnt you at least like to try
it on for size? Wear what you want whenever you want? Not have to worry about how you
look on a beach? Be in a position where you are running on full power most of the time?
Wouldnt you like the energy to tap into your full potential in order to live the life you want
on a daily basis? Its your shout clearly, but imagine if you continued with this lifestyle?
Imagine what you would look like and how you would feel in a month if just one week has
had this effect on you! Yes there will be challenges along the way, but you will never be in a
better position than right now to take your health, body and life to The Next Level.


One of the most precious commodities you can have is momentum. Its not always easy to
get going, but once you build up enough momentum everything becomes just that little bit
easier. Now that you have completed the THE WORLDS BIGGEST JUICE DETOX you have
this very precious commodity and if I were you Id do everything within my power to make
sure I didnt lose it. Think about it, before you started this, the mere thought of eating
nothing but salads, soups, veggies and fish, etc. would have seemed daunting, let alone a
whole week on nothing but freshly extracted juice. Now the thought of eating salads, soups
and lean proteins must seem like a walk in the park. Before you started this, just the thought
of being without refined sugars, caffeine and refined fats would have scared you. Now, for
most, just the thought of eating them is nowhere near as appealing. Before you started this
whole New Year health kick, running a bath might have seemed daunting for you, let alone
running a few miles now you hopefully have your exercise mojo back too. Momentum is
extremely precious and the time to maximise its power is right NOW!
You need to know momentum is always there and is just as powerful for good or for bad. This
is why if you wish to take your body, life and health to another level you must utilise it now.
For example, if you say to yourself that youre going to sit down for five minutes and watch
a bit of TV, it will turn into an hour or even five. Equally if you go for a quick 5-minute run, it
will turn into 30 or even 60 minutes. If you break the junk food seal once one day; youll do
it twice the next day. If you eat well for a few days in a row, this will create momentum and
the chances are you will continue. For some the end of the THE WORLDS BIGGEST JUICE
DETOX, will be the end of it for them. They will certainly feel and look a lot better than they
did, but they wont look their very best. They wont get to that Holy Grail place, the place
where they LOVE their body and feel on fire most of the time. They will gradually, but ever
so surely, lose the momentum and go back to their old ways and BOOM! They will be right
back to where they started before they know it.
You have a golden opportunity here to take this to a level you may never have even hoped of
reaching, I mean really raise your game and get into uber shape. You have the opportunity
to really tap into and harness the power of the momentum you currently have I hope you
take it by the scuff of the neck and run with it. If not now then when?


If you havent seen it, Limitless is a film starring Bradley Cooper (stop drooling!) who plays
the main character Edward Eddie Morra. Eddie is a New York City author struggling with
writers block with a deadline looming, and struggling after being dumped by his girlfriend
Lindy. One day, Eddie comes across Vernon Gant, his ex brother-in-law. Vernon, a drug dealer,
offers Eddie the nootropic drug, NZT-48, claiming that it was just approved by the FDA and
that it allows the user to access 100 percent of his or her brains capacity instead of the
usual 20 percent, thus giving them limitless possibilities. Eddie, takes Vernons card with
his address and phone number, accepts the pill and arrives home. Eddie takes the pill as he
enters his apartment and finds its true; with his heightened brain activity, all of his senses
become tuned into everything in his surrounding environment. He can recall everything he
has seen and heard, he can learn exponentially faster, and he is able to outsmart and out-
talk people. The pill transforms him from an uninspired lethargic guy who misses deadlines
and can hardly make it through the day, to a superhuman where limitless possibilities lay
before him. He goes from a writer who couldnt get a page done in a fortnight, to finishing a
whole manuscript in just a week. He transforms from a person who didnt want to get out of
bed, to someone who is alive and open to all possibilities. He becomes a person who cant
wait to jump out of bed with limitless energy and limitless possibilities. He even learns a
language in a couple of days! Now clearly I am not suggesting for a second that living on juice
for seven days will mean youll be speaking Chinese by next weekend, but I feel the Limitless
Pill is a very good analogy as it often describes perfectly how some people feel at the end of
the 7 days. We even had a Facebook post on day 5 of THE WORLDS BIGGEST JUICE DETOX
from Bess Geddis which read,
Day 5 and feeling AMAZING... lost 5lbs, have crazy energy! Not hungry at all, even
forgot to drink one of my juices yesterday! It feels that Im on some magic pill... but its
just juice
Towards the end of THE WORLDS BIGGEST JUICE DETOX another post on Facebook came in
From Laura Jensen that once again summed up what I am talking about here,
JASON! What THE? Ive been saving my scale reading until Monday morning, but in all
the excitement of hearing about everyones early successes I decided to retake my
measurements. In the last week Ive lost over 9 INCHES.... I KNEW my clothes were
fitting better but 9 INCHES??! WOOO HOOOOO!! Hope you can hear that one all
the way from British Columbia Canada! Needless to say Im thrilled!! Measurements and
scale aside I feeeeeel fantastic. The only way I can aptly describe it is like being in an old
black and white film and suddenly jumping over to color! Hair, skin and eyes are so much
brighter too..
And that really does capture this for many people its like going from black and white to
When you remove all of the toxicity (refined sugars, fats, etc.) coming in, replace the
deficiencies (vitamins, minerals, amino acids, fatty acids etc.) and do some exercise, the
fuzzy head syndrome lifts and you start to feel on fire again, or limitless. The reason I
have done this free download is purely because I dont want you to lose one of the most
valuable commodities you can have - momentum. I dont want you to lose this limitless
feeling that will allow you to tap into the endless possibilities that lay before you. Even if I
only get to one of you and you go on to extraordinary things, then its more than been worth

Many people at the end of the 7 days say it feels like someone has plugged them in for a week
and they now feel fully recharged. If there is anytime in your life when you are going to make
a major permanent change then this really has to be it. I know I keep repeating this same
point but that is only because I cannot stress enough the opportunities that lay before you
right now. You need to understand that this recharge only lasts a certain amount of time
and its different for everyone, which is why its even more important to allow your limitless
possibilities to shine now. Personally I need a recharge every few months to keep my goals
on track and to take my life to the level I want. We all run out of gas, as life is life, and we all
need to plug ourselves in from time to time. Whilst you feel fired up, raise your game and by
the time you reach the need for your next recharge, you will already be starting from a new
level. We all slip up slightly from time-to-time and no one is perfect and nor should we ever
play the perfection game, but each time you recharge you have the potential to take your
body, health and life to a new level. This means every time to drop back slightly, you are still
at a better level than before you started. I urge each and every one of you to really run with
this, follow the principles laid out in the next section and just once get the body and health
you ultimately crave and deserve. Please make a point of reading the following stories to
help inspire you. The following people all did the 7lbs in 7 Days Super Juice Diet, utilised the
momentum and tapped into their limitless possibilities I hope you do the same.

Just a little push for those doing the 7 day plan to lose weight and or change their life.
In Jan 2011 I weighed around 16 stone. I first did the plan in September 2011 and lost 1
stone (14lbs) in one week! It was the incentive I needed to change my life. I was only 26
but couldnt do a single burpee, my hips and knees hurt and I was depressed and always
tired... now Jan 2013 Im able to do 50 plus burpees, Im strong, I hardly get ill, Im happy
and positive, and have plenty of energy. I lost almost 6 stone (84lbs) since first doing the
programme in two years (taking into account I had my third child in-between). I now
do the plan every 3 months, pray for everyone to be successful on the programme and
I hope it will kick start you into changing your life physically, spiritually and mentally and
thank you Jason for your hard work and making things plain and simple and straight to
the point. SJ Makeena

Dear Jason,
I first heard about juicing about 7 years ago in a book by Janey Lee Grace. At the time
I was obese and I had epilepsy, asthma, eczema and IBS, and my children were living on
the same junk food as me... I didnt begin juicing at that point though, and just tried to
slowly improve my diet. I did lose some weight, but I still didnt feel healthy. I discovered
that I was also anaemic and was very tired all the time. I was still convinced that being
healthy was really about losing the weight.
Then about 4 years ago, I started looking into juicing again... I had very little confidence
though, and was convinced it wouldnt. However, I decided to order the book and dvd
of 7lbs in 7 days to find out more. That was a life changing moment for me. Reading and
watching Jason and the way he explains the psychology of eating really got me thinking.
It was the first time Id read anything like that, and it really changed the way I looked at
my diet and my life. So I saved up and bought myself a juicer and a rebounder. Its one
of the best decisions Ive ever made.
I do 7lbs in 7 days a few times a year. Ive also done Turbo Charge Your Life, as well as a
couple of other detox programmes. I love the juice detoxes, they really help me to feel
more energetic and alive, and Ive lost weight every time Ive done them.
Each time Ive done a programme like 7lbs in 7 days, Ive felt so in control of my diet,
compared to when I lived on junk food and didnt feel in control of anything. I feel like
Im taking charge of my health and my life. It means so much more than just losing weight,
thats just a happy side effect of it...
Juicing has changed my life in so many ways. Im happier and healthier, and finally in
control. Every morning I get up early, do yoga and then start juicing. I now have more
confidence to do the things I want to do in my life. Im slimmer, healthier and much
more focused on my goals. I no longer have asthma, eczema or IBS. My iron levels
have increased and Im no longer anaemic and in January this year, I came off epilepsy
medication after being on them for 21 years.
I have lost 6 stones altogether, and gone from a size 18-20 to 8-10. Even more importantly
though, I now feel that anything is possible, and that I can make my dreams happen. It
took a lot of courage, but I attended Jasons Juice Academy this year and it was an
amazing experience, one that Ill never forget.
My children also have juices everyday, and really love them. They are very healthy and do
lots of sports. Im now a raw vegan, I juice everyday, do yoga everyday, and Im studying
to be a natural juice therapist, reiki healer, holistic therapist and life coach. My dream is to
help and inspire other people to, not only change their diets, but their lives too because
I now know its possible.
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you,

Dear Jason,
In January 2011 I had a BP reading of 159/99, and thought it was just the result of a virus
I had - but this was just the beginning of many visits to my Doctor over the following
months. My BP did not improve much after getting over the virus so I eventually gave in,
after many tears and tantrums, and took medication to lower my BP. I was distraught that
I was on this medication at the age of 38, and decided to sort my health out, something
that had challenged me for many years and all my teenage and adult life. Ever since I can
remember I was overweight and as far back as the age of 3 and 4 yrs I recall feeling and
thinking I was overweight, though looking back at photographs now, I wasnt.
I was very fortunate to be surrounded by healthy minded and encouraging friends, a few
who have stuck by my side throughout my healthy journey. Louise encouraged me to
join my local boot camp there was no excuse, the sessions were in the evening after
my work and on my doorstep. The first session was just horrific for this unmotivated,
uninspired couch potato. I cried discreetly during the sessions and sobbed in the shower
when I got home I felt useless, tired and a mess inside and out. One of the trainers,
Zaid, motivated me on one side as I attempted to run (which wasnt far at all back then),
whilst Louise ran on the other side. He told me just keep rocking up and leave the rest
to me, and as long as you keep rocking up, you will get better. And so I kept rocking
up. Around the same time, Louise gifted me my first juicer, and I used it a few times
but wasnt really interested. Another friend started talking about a book his sister had
recommended him to read many years ago, that he had recently picked up - the book
was Slim for Life by Jason Vale. I received this book as a birthday gift from Michael in
May 2011 and was so excited to read it. This book was the turning point I needed and I
became a bore with the book, reading out excerpts to anyone who would listen. Michael
listened and then lent me his 7lbs in 7 Days and my juicing journey had commenced.
I was hooked, and continued to experiment with the juices. I dont recall what my
weightloss was during my first attempt at 7lbs in 7 days but I know that it assisted me to
learn about fruits and vegetables, eat more of them as my diet was severely lacking and
I tasted my first Supergreens, Spirulina and Wheatgrass. I had to also purchase a copy of
the book for myself, as I had to give Michael his book back. I noticed that he was getting
healthier and talked about how juicing assisted him in healthy changes to his diet and
lifestyle with his partner and this was a great motivation for me. Due to an injection for
a Vitamin D deficiency in March 2011, which paralysed my right leg for a few weeks and
which Im still recovering from now, I was unable to keep up the boot camp, and I was
unmotivated and some old habits returned which cancelled out the good I was doing
whilst the times I was juicing. In addition, when I returned to boot camp in the August,
during the warm up of my first session I fell on my right ankle, which was still damaged
as a result of the injection, thankfully it was only torn ligaments and not a break, though
at the time it sounded as if the bone had cracked! At that time I knew I had to heal my
body from the inside to get better, but I lacked the full focus and motivation to keep at
it consistently enough to get the results I so desperately wanted and needed. Luckily by
September 2011, I had managed to do enough exercise and lose about 9kgs by juicing
on and off which resulted in me no longer being on BP medication; this made me realise
I was onto something with the juicing, as at that time, this was the only healthy part of
my diet. If I could reduce my BP to a normal range within 8 months, this meant my body
was healing itself and I could do so much more.
It wasnt until I went to the Juice Mater boot camp Retreat in October 2011 that I was
reborn. Everything fell into place, I was amongst like-minded people being inspired by
the most amazing, positive, supportive, encouraging and energetic people I have ever
met. I learnt the basics of Nordic walking within a few hours of arriving at the retreat,
I attended 90-95% of the boot camp and yoga sessions, and also changed my thought
process and mindset. Juicing finally made absolute sense, and I credit Kate for changing
my life during that week - that week when I drank only 3 juices and 1 soup each day
and did more exercise in one week than I had probably done in the previous year. I lost
4.8kgs during that week alone which was double what Id lost in the previous 9.5 months.
I knew on the 4th day I was onto something good, so when I left the retreat I knew I had
found my 2nd chance at living. I had focus, ambition and for the first time in my life I had
goals I wanted to achieve and I was already on my way.
After leaving the retreat I maintained until the New Year; with some rebooting from my
friend Louise, I achieved my goals over the next few months. Zaid became my personal
trainer, and I trained with a new friend from that boot camp at the weekends with him. I
started walking and jogging at home, and continued juicing. I juiced with Juice Master and
the world in January and April, I was on a roll. By the time I reached my 40th birthday at
the beginning of May 2012, I had reached 78.8kgs. My initial goal was to be 80kgs so I had
achieved more than I had wished for. In all honesty, the 15kgs from January to May were
the easiest. I knew what I was doing, I had complete trust in the juicing and had made
exercise a habit not a horror. I also managed to find the balance between some of the
Dubai social life and my new healthy life, life was good. My 40th birthday gift to myself
was to attend the Juice Master Academy in the UK in June 2012 and this only further
inspired me to do something useful with my newly acquired skills.
After my 40th birthday I took a break and maintained my weight but then the weight
increased by a few kgs; at the back of my head I knew I was returning to the Juice Master
retreat in September 2012, however I did not expect my weigh in on the first Friday to
be 86.2kgs! Thankfully after another great week, back with the people who had changed
my life in 2011, along with Jason Vale and my mum with me, I lost 6kgs in less than the
7 days of juicing. Ive just returned home weighing 80kgs and with 8kgs to reach my
ultimate goal, Im on the biggest mission of my life. During this retreat, I made peace with
the 6-mile mountain hike by jogging a third of the way; additionally I reconnected with
my meditation, yoga skills and fitness levels. I have my exercise and juicing planned for
the month of October and determined to reach my 72kgs by the time 1st November
Through this change in lifestyle and introducing juicing into my daily life, Ive positively
impacted many friends and family lives, to the extent that they have credited me with
changing, improving or inspiring their lives. 18 months ago it would have been laughable
for me to advise others on the health benefits of juicing veg and fruit, now Im a juicy-
nerd and I love it! Additionally, I have given up my career in the corporate HR world and
now working with a wellness company called Bespoke Wellness, a company I can identify
with through my healthy life changes. I gave my hairdresser a juicer for his salon for his
staff and his clients, Ive sourced and sold at cost 8 juicers in my last workplace, and Im
now working on a 6 month roll out of meet-up groups to share the documentaries
that have complimented my juicing life. I also attended the Juice Master Academy in June
2012 and currently studying towards the Natural Juice Therapy qualification, which I aim
to complete by March 2013. Ive inspired myself to travel more and also try skydiving, at
the moment only tandem but Im saving to do my AFF course as a priority for 2013. I
can still recall my weightloss by my sky dives and their locations:
Started Jan 2011 - 110kgs
May 2011, Dubai (39th birthday) - 100kgs
August 2011, Mauritius - 100kgs
December 2011, Sydney - 95kgs
March 2012, Dubai - 85kgs
August 2012, Buenos Aires - 82kgs
Now - 80kgs
Next sky dive - TBC - 72kgs or less
Anything IS possible if I can do this!
Big Juicy Love,

Hi Jason
Just want to drop you note to share my results form the 7 lb in 7 days program... I
weighed my self last Tuesday night and was 19st 11lb (277lbs). This morning, 18st 5lbs.
Yep 1st 5lb. 19lbs. WOW. That took me 6 weeks on my last diet and the food was not
nice. I cannot believe. In 4lbs time I will the lightest I have been in about 15/16 years.
And I am going to keep going down. Now on to phase 2. Having the power green soup
today Is really tasty. Looking forward to fish or chicken on Friday for my birthday :)I am
super grateful Jason and very inspired.
Thank you so much
If you have the 7lbs in 7 Days Super Juice Diet book, or the Turbo Charge Your Life In 14
Days book you will already have a good idea of what to do. However, I wish to go over a few
fundamentals here, which should cover a great many of the questions you may have.
The very essence of what I teach is Freedom From The Diet Trap and freedom is exactly what
is vital for a healthy mind and body. You need to be free to eat and drink what YOU want to
and not what you have been programmed to eat and drink. You need to be completely free
to eat and drink what you feel like when you feel like it. The key, of course, is to change your
mindset so that the so-called foods and drinks, which may have made up a great majority
of your diet before THE WORLDS BIGGEST JUICE DETOX, are no longer as appealing as they
once were. The aim is for us all to want the good stuff the vast majority of the time so that
we are not in a diet mentality but rather a freedom mentality. This means NOTHING is out
of bounds, NOTHING! It means we start to understand that the body can deal with a certain
amount of anything, but its the ratio that counts. When people talk about a balanced diet
and everything in moderation what they usually mean is, lets eat crap most of the time
but every now and then Ill have an apple! We need to change the ratio, the speed we eat
and the amount clearly a great deal of which is covered in this little download. I havent
provided a specific plan as the vast majority of you will do your own thing and freestyle it.
For those who want a set plan with recipes I would advise doing something like the Turbo
Plan, as many of you are.
You will find The Law of Four four simple rules of eating for permanent weight loss. A list
of recommended foods and drinks; foods and drinks to avoid at all costs; the best forms
of exercise and a little section on Keeping Your Dream Alive. I hope you find these little tips
useful and I look forward to seeing you either on the next GLOBAL JUICE DETOX (coming on
April 8th Big Juice Spring Clean details soon) or I may even see you personally at my new
health retreat in Portugal.
Best Juicy Wishes For Now

Jason Vale
The Juice Master
Only Eat When Genuinely Physically Hungry
This is an essential part of a permanent slim and healthy body. We often eat as a response to
the clock or habit, such as on a plane or because its 12 noon. A great question to ask is, If
I didnt know how much food I had eaten today, or what the time was how hungry would
I actually be? Food of any kind will potentially store itself as fat if you eat when the body
doesnt need fuel. The real pleasure in eating is when we end the empty insecure feeling
that is real hunger, so not only do you not gain weight when eating when hungry (when you
also abide by the other rules here) but you get more pleasure from the food you do eat. Now
that you have reached the end of THE WORLDS BIGGEST JUICE DETOX you have cleared
the body of all false hungers and you are now in a position to recognise genuine hungers.
Most people do in fact eat when they think they are genuinely hungry, but that is The Food
Trick. Junk food is designed to create additional hungers. These false hungers only seem
to be satisfied by more junk, which is why often an apple just wont cut it.

Eat Consciously And Eat Slowly no matter

what you are eating!
Be aware of your eating, savor your food and take your time with it. This rule should apply
no matter what you are eating, even if its the odd bit of junk. Apart from eating too much of
the wrong food, nothing and I mean nothing will cause weight gain more than the speed
at which a person eats. Combine the two, i.e. eat too much food at 100 miles an hour, and
its the perfect recipe to pile on the pounds in the fastest way possible. Many times we are
on the next fork full before we have even swallowed the current one and so miss the very
experience we often crave anyway eating. I often hear of people saying how much they
love the experience of chocolate melting on their tongue slowly... SLOWLY! Most people
shovel one chocolate in after the other. The enzymes in your saliva are more powerful than
those in your stomach. By chewing your food thoroughly before swallowing, you not only
make it much easier for your body to digest, but again you get to really enjoy your food. So
if you are going to eat a bit of rubbish, for whatever reason (we are all human and we do not
want to ever play the perfection game, thats not what I am about), eat it slowly. If you are
going to do it enjoy it slowly. This is the one law I often have to talk to myself about, as
at times even I can vacuum food down!

Stop Eating Just Before You Are Full And Use

The 20 Minute Rule
Always finish eating before you are uncomfortably full and leave the table when you are still
slightly hungry. Then wait 20 minutes. If you are still genuinely physically hungry after this
time, eat some more and do the same. However, you will find that if you do wait 20 minutes,
you will not be hungry at all. Give your food a little time for the body to acknowledge its
presence. This principle often doesnt apply when you eat empty foods such as heavy
refined sugar loaded products as they tend to raise sugars levels too high and its only when
the hormone insulin is no longer in the bloodstream that we can feel satisfied. The body
uses insulin to burn off excess sugar in the bloodstream. Insulin, so we are clear, is known
as the fat producing hormone. Now, stopping eating when you still feel a little hungry isnt
always easy to do, but if you can train yourself to do this, it will make a massive difference
long term.

Keep Hydrated!
Often when we are feeling hungry, the body in fact is crying out for water. Keep a bottle of
water near you as often as possible and take regular sips. Fresh juices will keep you hydrated,
but its a good idea to sip water at regular intervals too. There are massive arguments over
what water we should be drinking and all have their merit. Personally I am more than happy
to drink any mineral water.


Freshly Extracted Juices And Freshly Made Smoothies any from either the
Keeping It Simple book or Funky Fresh Juice Book or make your own its
hard to get bored as there are thousands of different combinations.
Remember, freshly extracted juice is in a totally different league to any bottled or carton
juice you find on the shelves, but if you are flying about and cant make your own, hit a
good juice bar or grab something like the Innocent brand of bottled juices. They are always
a better choice than a cola! If you are thirsty though, water is the baby youre looking for.
If you are suffering from a touch of CBA syndrome (cant be arsed!), that check out www. as you can even get your juices delivered to your door.

Fresh Soups
Soups are extraordinarily good. They are easy to make, cheap, loaded with fibre and ex-
tremely filling. I was once a soup novice but they are extremely easy to make. Once again
you can make your own combo, there really arent many rules with soup, or to kick you off
check out Juice Yourself Slim book for some of the best soups I have tasted. Many of you
will have the Turbo book and the Veggie Soup is to die for! Some people who ease off THE
WORLDS BIGGEST JUICE DETOX have juices all day and a nice big soup in the eve.

Super Salads
When I talk salads I mean real salads. A large mix of the finest green leaves (baby spinach,
rocket, watercress etc) some sun blush tomatos, loads of pitted olives, maybe some Feta
cheese thrown in, a nice drizzle of olive oil and balsamic vinegar and something hot on top,
like a piece of fish or if a meat eater some chicken or the like (making sure the chicken is
from an organic source). Its almost impossible to get a salad wrong, you just get a load of
leaves and add whatever you like on top! To add vibrant colour grate some red cabbage and
sprinkle on top even I do that and I normally hate cabbage.

Broccoli, spinach, kale, string beans, beetroot, asparagus (great with some shaved parme-
san!), sprouts, and the list goes on and on and on. Personally, and this comes of a surprise
to many, I am not a vegetable lover. My meals tend to be salads, fish, etc. but cooked
veggies rarely make it on my plate. This is why I got into juicing, if you cant eat it drink it!
Having said that I now do like a bit of broccoli, asparagus etc. but if you see me eating out
dont expect a my plate piled high with the things. Many people LOVE them and happy days,
but veggies are better raw or steamed and eating raw veg is not appealing to me, so I drink
them. One vegetable I love is the humble potato, but it can hardly be given a vegetable
billing. Yes white potatoes, in particular, can be fattening however, sometimes you cannot
beat a nice jacket potato with butter and cracked black pepper. As long as you apply the Law
Of Four and dont make them the majority of your diet then they are fine. Having said that
sweet potatoes are way better and make the best wedges ever!

Fresh Fruits
Especially berries, apples and avocados. Atkins said fruit was bad, he was wrong. Fruits are
loaded with vitamins, vital for our health, survival and energy. Like anything, you can overdo
fruit, but the vast majority of people dont get anywhere near enough. Personally I dont eat
a great deal of fruit but fresh strawberries in season are one of natures finest creations
almost as nice as eating a ripe mango off the bone when in the tropics, not quite but close.

A great way to start the day mix with berries for a super food breakfast.Also great added
to a smoothie! We all love a little variety from time to time and at times we just dont want
a juice breakfast. For me it tends to be Sundays, thats when the oats come out followed
by the poached eggs on wholemeal muffins!

Not all rice is built the same and I would suggest whole brown rice, wild rice or Basmati rice.
Brown rice tends to feel very heavy so I personally go for wild rice. If you are having rice and
want lean protein (chicken or fish) please only have either small amounts of chicken or fish
with 80% rice, or 80% chicken or fish with 20% rice. Clearly eat freely and do what you like,
but especially while easing off THE WORLDS BIGGEST JUICE DETOX, this ratio works nicely.

Meat And Fish

A bit of beef or lamb didnt kill anyone, however, in terms of easier digestion I would stick
to white meats and fish. If you can skip meat altogether and just have fish even better. Have
as much fish as you like, drizzle with lemon and add to veggies or salads. ALWAYS make sure
you know where your animal protein is coming from and how its been reared.
Breads Not all bread is the same.
If we eat empty foods we feel empty. With this in mind when you are having bread make
a rule from this point on of having bread which is as close to the grain as possible. German
rye brands are good, toast them and spread avocado and add some fish and lemon juice.
Wholemeal pitta breads are fab stuffed with salad and olives. Do not eat white bread cock-
roaches only eat it in emergencies! Even brown bread is often white bread that has been
dyed! Look at the label as many types of bread are now loaded with sugar. Be careful with
bread as it can be very moreish and so the lbs can pile on. If you can skip all bread that looks
like a sponge, then youll be onto a winner flat breads all the way.

White cheeses are often better than yellow, and goats cheese is better than cows. Feta is
great on a salad and you often cant beat a mozzarella, beef tomato and avocado starter in
a restaurant.

Guacamole and hummus etc are great dips to have with pitta breads (wholemeal of course)
but hummus can be extremely fattening if thats all you load up on.

All kinds they are extremely good.

Herbal Teas
Start your day with either hot water and lemon or a herbal tea this is a great way to fire
the stomach and get you moving in the morning!

Keep hydrated always carry a water bottle with you. If you do you will drink much more.
Dehydration is a common cause of false cravings and will keep your hunger at bay while
providing zero calories.

Juice Masters Juice-in-a-Bar or Simply Nude bar

Perfect for when you cannot juice and want something more than fruit, or a protein snack.
There are many energy bars out there and some good ones too. I created my own as in the
UK, I just couldnt find one that was good enough.
Soft Drinks
The only reason these can possibly be called soft is due to the fact that your bones are
made softer as a direct result of consuming too many of them. High sugared and caffeine
drinks are extremely acidic and as such the body needs calcium to neutralise that acid. The
body gets this calcium from its own stores within the bones! Also, drinking these types of
drinks are pointless in terms of energy as they ultimately burn your real energy stores
trying to deal with them and so make you tired in the long run.

Refined Fats
Look out for hydrogenated oils and fats. These fats are much worse than saturated fats. They
are used by BIG FOOD simply to extend shelf life as they dont go stale. This is why you find
these fats in cookies, cakes, flapjacks, croissants, pastries and of course some vegetable
margarines. Hydrogenated or trans fats are completely alien to our systems, and encourage
our bodies to store toxic fat residue.

Refined Sugar
Refined sugar is perhaps the nations biggest killer. I describe it as the cocaine of the food
world and for good reason. It is hard to avoid 100% as refined sugar is in so many things
even some wholemeal breads! Diabetes is on the increase and there is no question refined
sugar is one of the biggest causes. It is also a pointless food because it is empty. BIG
FOOD add refined sugars for two reasons
1) Its a cheap filler, makes it taste sweet and is a great preservative.
2) It creates a false hunger leaving you wanting more of the same soon after. Its the
perfect drug loop they want in order to sell more and more. The emptier they can make
you feel the more you will try to fill the gap with more of the same. One of the worst refined
sugars of all is high fructose corn syrup avoid it at all costs!

Mystery Food
By law whenever you buy food in a packet it must have a list of ingredients. However, when
you buy food from a burger cart the law no longer applies which is odd. With this in mind,
if you dont know what is in your food dont go near it!

Misleading Labels
Dont buy into glossy advertising or labels. Two of the most misleading labels are, SUGAR
FREE and FAT FREE. All you need to know is that 99% of the time:
What you are really looking for on the label is of course the label itself. Fruits, vegetables,
whole grains, nuts, seeds and lean proteins rarely require a label. I strongly believe that a NO
LABEL DIET would be the healthiest of them all.

Eating Just Before You Sleep

Never a good idea, as when you sleep your metabolism slows considerably and all that
energy has to go somewhere usually in fat cells. This type of eating also causes a food
hangover and we find it difficult to get ourselves going in the morning. This is why we often
need a sugar or caffeine pick-me-up. It also prevents a genuine hunger in the morning.

Not Moving
Movement is life. If we dont move at all, that is of course death! To feel alive we MUST
move, and when I say move, I dont mean work out our fingers on the remote control. Walk,
skip, jump on a trampoline, do yoga, ANYTHING, but move daily! It cleans your lymph
system, makes you feel mentally sharper and supplies the body with what it requires, a
good dose of oxygen. Studies have shown that not only do people burn more calories after
exercising but they also often eat less due to the body getting what it needs when we work
out water (as we tend to drink before and after exercise) and oxygen.


This element is obvious and I dont want to teach you to suck eggs (as the saying goes),
however my recommendations for exercise are...

Walk Your Way To Health

Walking is extremely underrated. Find a park/beach/wood and have a 20 - 40 minute walk
every morning. Walk as often as you can and put some tunes on your MP3 to help stimulate

Yoga has perhaps far too many benefits to list here. It is as equally good for the mind as well
as the body and dont underestimate how it can condition your body.

On Your Bike
If at the gym, jump on the bike. It has no pressure on your joints and is a great cardio
workout. Take your music and a few magazines to read at the same time, youll have done an
hour before you know it. These days you can also add TV shows etc on your iPod whatever
works for you.

Well documented and probably the best exercise on earth. It works every muscle in the body
without jarring the joints. Simply the best!
If you have ever been on an indoor rowing machine you will know just how tough it can be.
If you are a calorie head, its worth knowing that indoor rowing burns calories like nothing
else. Running on average burns about 600 - 700 calories in an hour, rowing = about 1000
calories! Im not a calorie person, but for those who are it might be worth knowing.

Resistance Training
There are so many studies on this, that its about as conclusive as it gets. When you do
weights, you tone and build muscle and burn fat even hours after you have finished. If you
are a woman, please dont be afraid of getting too much muscle and looking like a weight
lifting girl (not a good look) as when you do small reps you will tone rather than build. If
you do acquire more muscle it is worth knowing that muscle is 5 times as heavy as fat but
takes up much less room. So you may even remain the same weight, but look and feel much

NASA once described mini trampolining or rebounding as The Most Efficient And Effective
Exercise Yet Devised By Man and I can only agree with them. I LOVE jumping on my
rebounder and it works every single muscle of the body. The benefits are clearly not just
physical, but as its so much fun, the mind is stimulated too.

Run Forest Run!

If you have a pair of trainers one thing most of us can always do is run. Put some great music
on your iPod and off you go. You feel so free when you run and once you get the bug, it rarely

Remember The Hardest Part About Doing Exercise Is...

Getting dressed! Once you have put your kit on, if the body has some reference, you will
be 90% of the way there. There is something about putting a pair of exercise shorts on (or
whatever for you) which sends a signal to the brain that its time to move. I know this sounds
nuts, but try it. If you are not in the mood, get your kit on and you will be much more likely
to think, oh go on then.
The 80/20 Way Of Life
The list of recommended foods and drinks in this small handout are quite extensive. There
is plenty of genuine choice and you will be feeding your body exactly what it needs for
optimum health. From the list, fruits, vegetables, salads, soups, fresh juices, fish and rice
should ideally make up the vast majority of what you consume at least 80% of the time.
I am aware that sometimes we all want something else, for whatever reason. With this in
mind I recommend you eat from the above list at least 80% of the time and allow yourself
some flexibility to perhaps have cake, coffee etc the remaining 20% of the time if you so
choose. Always apply The Law of Four but and this way you wont feel like you have failed
if you have a little of whatever. Clearly the ideal is to simply skip all the junkie type foods,
you will feel much better if you do. I have only added it here so you dont think life has come
to an end or you have failed if you nibble a bit of cake. The body can take a little of anything,
you only have to ask yourself can the mind? Read Airport Day in the Turbo Charge book to
get a fuller understanding.
I was a strict vegan for three years and I found it often restricted my life. I also found that I
was so strict on food that I it was damaging my health. When my body was genuinely hungry
but no food of my choosing was available I wouldnt eat. This is not what your body wants.
Now I am free, totally free to eat and drink what I want, when I want. I just want juices,
salads, fish, wholemeal pittas and the like most of the time, but that doesnt mean I dont
join people now and then with a cake they have made or the like. I really do not want anyone
to become a juicearian nor a pain to themselves and everyone around them when it comes
to food I was that person so I know! I wasnt giving the body enough credit. The body will
deal with just about anything in small amounts, and thats the key right there. Its what you
do most of the time that determines your health. So be FREE and let common sense prevail.

I havent included this as its completely down to the individual. I personally dont drink and
if you have read Kick The Drink Easily you will know my thoughts. However, I am aware that
not everyone who drinks is addicted. Some have a couple of glasses a wine a week with a
meal and they are cool. These people are rare, but MOST people are addicted. It is worth
at least seeing how you can grow and enjoy your life without this stuff, sobriety is the new
black I think. Alcohol is also extremely fattening, that was a quick FYI for anyone worried
about weight gain.
make your life
keep the dream
enjoy your
juicy journey
the myself and
juice master team

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