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Chester C.

Uytiepo March 9, 2017

BS PSY 3-A Prof. Carmela
Personal Insight: Others Perception Towards me
Self-mastery is one of the key features of an individual who is highly individuated
and actualized in lifes struggle of becoming a success. One aspect of self-mastery is
the ability to identify ones capabilities, skills, and talents for it is fundamental to know
how to improve these towards greatness. We all have our own strengths that we rely on
and use in our advantage to improve aspects in our life and weaknesses that we need
to assess so as to know how can we compensate and improve it.
I had already experienced many trials and triumphs that molded me as the
person I am now. I know my strengths and my own weaknesses but I believe that my
self-mastery is only beginning and I only know so little of my own integral self. Our
course on Human Resource Development required us to deepen our knowledge about
ourselves through asking those people who are close to us about how they perceive us
and help us identify our strengths and weaknesses. For me, my siblings, my parents,
and my close friends are the reliable sources of helping me in these matters. All of them
have different frame of thought that they identified my strengths and weaknesses from
different point of views. My parents see my strengths of being a creative child who is
intelligent and loving. They see that I really have a bright future ahead of me and that I
can achieve whatever goals I want to achieve if only I focus in doing so. According to
them, my weaknesses that I need to improve are my self-discipline especially on
becoming late and lazy on my study habits. They believe that I need to do my best falter
not on the simple things that I do every day especially on helping in the household
chores. My siblings see that I am a loving brother who is willing to help them at every
instance but they also see me as being demanding at times and too sluggish at my
movements. My friends see that I am a reliable friend whom they can talk to and share
their secrets and experiences without the fear of being judged. They told me that I am
friendly, appreciative, caring and an intelligent friend. The only thing that they see that I
should improve upon is my habit of cramming.
In general, most of their perceptions are mixed and tackles some specific area of
my life but I have learned that our close relatives and friends whom we share our days
and life with are the ones whom we should run into and ask for help and suggestions as
they care for us and they know what to say. Even though some truths are ugly and hard
to accept, they are meant to help us grow so as not to dwell on stagnation of becoming
oblivious of our own self understanding and self-mastery.

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