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Volunteer Experience Reflection

I volunteered at the Pembroke Housing Authority. Before entering into the practice 1

course, I was previously volunteering there to learn more about the community and to also get

some experience working with children; which was my career path during that time. I learned a

lot from the students, my supervisor, and from their culture as a whole. I worked with all age

groups, from kindergarten up to high school. I enjoyed working with the middle and high

schoolers the best. I was able to work on my confidentiality skills, advocacy skills, and all nine

competencies by working with them three times out of the week on their homework assignments

and other educational events they held at the facility. Overall, I would say that my experience

was definitely an educational one and I was able to utilize many of my practice skills I learned in

the social work practice 1 course while volunteering at the Pembroke Housing Authority. For

example, the intake process, though I did not have specific questions to ask them, I had to build

report with each child I came in contact with and build that trust between us both. I continued

volunteering there because of the experience I could gain and the cultural differences between

the majority of the students that attended and myself.

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