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Farmers of the Moor Player Aid


1) Distribute Moor and Forest cards to each player and they set up their player board
2) Special Actions Cards are placed out based on number of players
3) Place out new Major improvements (new ones go under old ones from base game read
upper left of new cards)
4) Distribute Cards
a. At Level 1 NO cards are distributed
b. At Level 2 each player receives 7 minor improvements from FotM expansion
c. At Level 3 each player receives 7 Occupation cards from base game, three minor
improvements from base game, and four minor improvements from FotM expansion.
5) All other aspects are set up as regular game of Agricola.

What is different?

1) Person vs. Special action

a. A person action involves using a family member as normal for actions on the board
b. A special action involves using one of the special actions cards
i. You CANNOT take a special action if all of your family members have taken
their action
ii. If a special action is first used the player takes the card, performs ONE of the
actions, and then places it face UP in front of them.
iii. If it is used a SECOND time another player pays 2 food, then takes the special
action card and performs ONE of the actions and then places it face DOWN in
front of them.
iv. A face down special action card cannot be used until the next round when all
cards are then placed face up by the board
2) Fuel
a. During each harvest you must now pay 1 fuel per ROOM of the house (family
members do not matter)
i. Clay homes require 1 less total fuel
ii. Stone homes require 2 less total fuel
b. For every fuel you are short one of your family members has a bed placed on them
and they cannot be used on the next turn. They go to the infirmary instead.
c. Wood can be used in place of fuel just like grain can be used in place of food.
d. You may choose to NOT heat all rooms even if you have enough to do so.
e. At the end of the last harvest sick family members only count as 1 point instead of
3) The infirmary action space has NO limit to the number of family members on it.
4) Use new score pad.

Special Variant: Acquired Major improvements with the cooking symbol first receive a not yet is
use marker and it cannot be used until a fuel is paid to the supply. Upgraded improvements
that were already ready for use come in ready to use.
Special Actions:

1) Cut Peat Remove one moor tile from your board and receive 3 fuel from supply
2) Slash and Burn Remove one forest tile and replace with a field tile from supply
a. This MUST follow normal Agricola rules so this cannot be done if it would leave an
orphaned field away from other existing fields.
3) Fell Trees Remove one forest tile and receive 2 wood from supply
4) Horse Coper Take one horse from the supply
a. Horses follow same rules as other animals as far as placement
b. Horses can only be converted to food with Slaughterhouse or Cookhouse major
i. As with other animals if they CAN be converted to food you may do so at ANY
5) Hiring Fair Receive one food from the supply.
a. In a 3 player game receive 2 food.
6) Black Market Pay 1 fuel to play one minor improvement (meeting the improvements
requirements as usual)
a. Only used in complexity 2 or 3 games.
7) Clandestine Work Pay 1 fuel and 1 food to be allowed to play 1 minor OR major
improvement (meeting the improvements requirements as usual)


1) Improvements
a. Have X major (or minor) = have at LEAST X major (or minor)
b. Have X improvements = have at least X improvements played to table
i. Travel cards do NOT count
c. Have at most x improvements means have no more than x played to table
i. Travel cards do NOT count
2) Tiles
a. Only TOP tile counts
b. Still have forest tiles = at least one forest left on your farm
c. Have x forest tiles = have at least x forest tiles left on your farm
d. Have max X forest = have no more than X forest tiles (covered forest tiles do NOT
e. Have exactly X forest tiles means exactly what it says (covered forest tiles do NOT
3) Animal Husbandry
a. Have 1 horse = have at LEAST one horse and includes any wooden horse in play
i. Card horses do NOT count
4) Round Number
a. Not after round x = cannot be played after round x but can be played before or
DURING round x
b. Not before round x = cannot be played before round x but may be played during or
after round x
5) Building your home
a. Have 3 rooms = have at LEAST 3 rooms.
i. Peat hut is NOT counted as a room.
b. Have renovated to clay/stone = have at least renovated to the required level or
c. Still live in a wooden hut = player has not yet renovated.

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