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Policy Analysis Paper Reflection

This assignment allowed me to research a social issue that has been an ongoing problem

that many have been blind to. The policy was on the topic of police brutality. It was extremely

difficult to find a policy that is already in the works dealing with this social problem, but I was

lucky enough to find one. I thought it was really important that I take the opportunity to write on

this topic and be able to inform others who may want to help end police brutality. Campaign

Zero is an organization that originally started with three completely different people who came

up with new laws and regulations within every aspect of policing and how they can improve their

performance while in a hostile and/or non-hostile environment. They suggested that law

enforcement officials take competency, among other, training courses quarterly. I really felt as if

I was helping the situation by writing about it and being able to inform those who were not aware

of this campaign and all they have done. This course taught me the importance and skill of

advocating for someone, a population, or a cause in order to bring about justice to those being


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