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Supply List

Grade 1 Room 3

~ a backpack (labeled with your name)

~ a snack and a drink everyday in a labeled lunchbox
~ several sharpened pencils
~ a pencil/crayon box (approx. 8x5x2 in size)
~ 6 large glue sticks
~ 1 bottle of Elmers type glue
~ 1 box of 24 crayons
~ colored pencils
~ Fiskar type scissors (labeled with a permanent
~ washable markers (thick AND skinny)
~ 2 highlighters
~ 2 clean socks (to be used as white board erasers)
~ a family size box of tissues (to share with the
~ a clipboard
~ a package of baby wipes (to use to clean the
~ a pencil sharpener (a small plastic one to keep in
your desk)
~ headphones (labeled with your name)
~ a whiteboard marker

** Please send in a paint smock (old adult size t-shirt,

button down shirt, etc.) for art class

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