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Exercise 4.

What Im passionate about changing in the world:

I am extremely passionate about saving the environment, which is a very pressing and
immediate concern for all of us.

What I think can help improve or change the issues or problems I care most about:

I think I can help educate the public about how dire the environmental situation really is
and we can immediately start working to fix it.

What I am doing through my giving to support improvements or change:

I am giving my time to build a career based around building a sustainable future for
generations to come.

The time period for my actions ahead:

My actions will last my whole lifetime and creating a sustainable future will be
something we need to do for generations to come. Protecting the environment is an
ongoing mission that will never truly end.

Second draft:

My mission is to protect the environment, and develop sustainable ways for us all to

Final draft:

My mission in life is to design sustainable communities, and fight for environmental

protection and reform, and to educate the general public about what they can do to

Exercise 4.2

1. Your mission or elements of it:

My mission is to save the environment by being an environmental and sustainability


2. Organizations you know now might be a fit for your mission:

The Nature Conservancy, World Wide Fund for Nature, National Wildlife Federation.

3. Other sources of information:

Internet research on different organizations and stay updated on new philanthropy

4. Your next steps:

Continue to research and expand my knowledge on environmental causes and

promote education about these causes to others as well.

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