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Travel journal e book assessment rubric

Unsatisfactory Satisfactory Outstanding

Students ability to Students do not work For the most part Students work well in
work as part of a well in groups. Work students work well in groups. Tasks are
group is not divided equally. groups. Tasks are divided evenly, and
Students fail to divided, and all group students work
collaborate on tasks. members contribute collaboratively to
to the final product. complete tasks at a
high standard.

How well students Students struggle to Students follow the Students complete
used technology. use the ICT tools instructions on the tasks with the aid of
incorporated in tasks. webquest to use ICT instructions of ICT
Students rely heavily tools, but require tools on the web
on teachers additional clarification quest. Little to no
assistance. from the teacher. assistance is

Ability of students Students were not Students were able to Students were able to
to identify the able to identify the identify distance identify the distance
distance between distance between between Australia between Australia
Australia and Australia and and Africa accurately. and countries
countries in Africa countries in Africa. accurately. Students
used relative
distances (the
distance between
Perth and Sydney) to
describe how far
away countries were.

Students identify Students climate Students climate Students climate

the climate report provides little report provides report provides
characteristics detail about the satisfactory detail extensive knowledge
(temperature, climate about the climate of about the climate of
seasons and characteristics of their their country. The their country. The
rainfall) of the country. The information is information is
country that they information is not accurate. accurate.
have been allocated accurate.
to research.

Students identify Students show poor Students show Students display

the characteristics comprehension and satisfactory excellent
(habitat, what they application of comprehension and comprehension and
eat and information provided application of application of
appearance) of by resources. information provided information provided
different animals by resources. by resources.
found in Africa. Showing a keen eye
for detail.

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