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Leb s42t PINS Jee) ELED 3223 READ 3226 School kxperiences Attendance Log ELED 3226 seneter Spring ZOlt Directions: Candidates should use this log to document time spent in clinical placements. Every visit should be logged. You may need a diferet fom for ea couse; ak your oore factor. Mule copies of the form nay be sed olga a At the end of the semester: 1) upload your School Experiences Log in your Field Experiences portfolio Taskstream, For directions on how 1o access the Feld Experiences porli, goto hp leducaionace-adofe and lick (on the “Early Clinical Experiences” tab. Then click the “Taskstream Field Experiences Portfolio” link for directions. 2) Follow any additional directions from your course instructor about submitting the form for course requirements. Cuditar Nene Brianos Owert 800%: 300855 THO Shoo Nathaniel Alexander Elementary | SeolPste CMS Teacher Name: Morgan Huggins Teacher email: norganv-huggins Qems.K17).ne.Us “Teacher Name: “Teacher email Date ‘Time Involved Purpose/Activity(ies) ‘Teacher Signature §2-O1-IF_$:00- 2:00 Observation Pin 02-68-It %:00-2:00 Observation sum : §2-15- |} 8:00-2:00 Obse: / 2-22-17 _%:00-2:00 __ observation _ -2t-IF_12:00- 2.00 Teach math acknowledge that this form accurately reports-gyy clinical experiences for this course/semester. Candidate signatare! vat: QY-O5=[ 22

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