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Focus on reading 1 Stop the smog! SRILIS PRACTICE 1 Look at these thre subheadings, What kindof information would you expect > Predcion incacht 2. Where plltion comes from 3. How iaffets your body 2 Choose THREE words or phrases from this Ist that you might expect to find under each subheading above. ‘arcizcure asthma atiack —upperaimosphere geting doctors gases scology industrial proceses lungs motor vehides ozone sports thunder trafic furnes, > Seaning 3 Now read the text quickly to find the answers o these questions. 1 What damage does acid ean cause? 2 Ozone has bth good and bad effects: What are they? 13 What aze the three main sources of air pollution? 44 What are the main illnesses that ar pollution causes or makes worse? 5 How many cars wil there Be in the world in 20 yeas time? 4 Incompletion tasks, you either choose words from alist asia Questions 1-4 > Semance comgleson ‘else, or search the tet to ind the answer (Questions 5-7 opposite) First, underline key word in the questions. This wil help you to lest the information quickly. > Rend the fret secon of ‘Questions 1-4 Bete we see “ample each sentence I-A with the best ending, AT below, aa3= Complete each 1-4 with he best ending Carbon manoxide level reat their highest during {gas which s commonly present at pero ling stations ‘Ozone is most ikely to be produced ding can exist both solid ad gaseous form, ‘eid ain benzene ‘arom monoxide hydrocarbons rotor vehicles ener none layer sos rush bus swarm weather STOP THE SMOG! WHAT'S INTHE AIR? Carbon monoride educes te amount Ozone sa gas produced raul the s Songen tnt canbe cared by be upper omosthee An lye fone Salar oxide conciues.o acd Toca dumpacrtocs Weere Sua bat tom te Se Se cris enn ain wc inndadecon | danoggon X gud ne (auses serous eran ol _ydrocarbons we released when felis therman enemy or people wth Pe ar renga ie 2H° nek compeey burned They cn be breathing probes is tented by the Treenrene eon rants giesar sols ‘fect of nig on sop, veacon eens Woltile Organi compounds (YO) hc cn sn ihn eth des (tcgen nie «eH UTNostog Gewene’” condone ae caimand want eee Be Som pata tans when cae one filing up WHERE POLLUTION COMES FROM Motor vehicies are he faest going source ofa pllon toy purping cut a ‘ove ure of beak hresteringpolutants Tic umes ae ley resporsble for ‘he ecreasng numberof smog Which polite ou tous, cles and wae ares. Industry & ft of poluans a fleoed io the atmosphere by indus processes For example when cols burt poner stato o generate eect, sulphur dloxide and nreus oxides are podced: These are the two oj gases hich cause sed an, ‘Waste disposal When rsh burned the smoke and gues produced often cata pola uth 25 dis hich ae a vet to human heath and the HOW IT AFFECTS YOUR BODY gh concentrations of czone and the cecal leased by moor veces can iad to serous heh problems inliing tation af the kings and &resaced resstance fo fection, They ao agave boats and may even case cance. Many polars con tigger an asta atack Dang level of peak poten doctors 22ioe alee o say coos and avd ever, GRIM FACTS + Cas produce 15 percent of + ts esate thatthe number of wold prenfoue gases ‘arson the wer rade vl f= to + Garonne is ng n even) bill the net 20 yes. curt Thee tena move cas + The numberof dren adie to than ats inthe USA hep wth asthma in the UK hes snore than doubled sn 0. ga ohn, palin es hich ke namie Ts > Sumer compton Questions $7. Complete she sentences below, Choose NO MORE-THAN TWO WORDS bre from the tet for each anever of the text Whee plan ‘One of the main sources fair pollution mentioned inthe texts industry =e Bletiity generation sa typial example, as coal-buming power tations release gases which tse § Burning rubbish ‘nother source of pollatnts ike 6 which ea be harmful to health nd the envionment. However, he cia of piltion which is inereasing most api today 7 Questions 8-12 ‘Do the following statements agree withthe information given inthe passage? Write ' Pollution can make people less resistant to infection, 9 Medical advice far people with asthma iso est during periods of high pollution, 10 Cars produce the majority of worldwide greenhouse gases. 11 The USA has more cars than any other country inthe world. 12. Fewer children are mite to hospital with asthma now than in 1980. Focus on grammar 1 Cause and effect Saat 1 Underline the expresions that describe cause and effect in the falowing sentences fom the text Sulphur dioxide contributes to acid ain, which contaminates rivers, teams and lakes. [iteous oxides cause acid rain and smog. ‘Trafic fumes are largely responsible for the increasing number of smogs hich pollute our towns... High concentrations of arone and the chemicals released by motor vehicles can lead to serious heath problems. ‘Many pollutants can trigger an asthma attack. 2 Which expressions suggest that: 1 this one of several factors (not the only one)? 2 this makes something happen very quickly? 23 theeffet may happen afer sometime (not immediately)? 2) Wete the answers to questions 1-3 in Exercise 2 nthe box blow cause asa roll of heresponsblefor ‘xused by account for 1b) Complete sentences 1-5 1 Research sugests that jas 17 percent ofall Vehicles nn 0 per cant oF more of the polation from road vehicles th a suitable expression of cause and eect. 2 Cathon dioxide is one ofthe man factors which. » lobal warming. 3 not disposed of propel, Wise Ol reve 408 polation, 44 The whole provinces suring drought wenn the constant high temperatures this summer 5. Global warming over the last 0 years hs onsen 8 amie change inthe Aatic Ocean salt balance. Unit 9 Key Lead-in (p. 94) 1 Suggested answers A air pollution/exhaust fumes B waste disposal € flooding/limate change/global warming Focus on speaking 1 (p. 94) 1D 2. B The cooker uses approximately 10 per cent more power than a freezer and 400 per cent more power than the washing machine or TY. 3C 4B 5C 6C 7A 8A 9C A Focus on reading 1 (p. 96) 4 Suggested answers ‘+ Information about the gases such as oxygen or nittogen that make up the air, and also about substances which contribute to air pollution, such as exhaust fumes, ‘+ Information about sources of pollution, such as, cars and lorries, factories, et + Information about the health problems caused by breathing polluted air. 2 Suggested answers I upper atmosphere, gases, ozone 2 motor vehicles, traffic fumes industrial processes 3. asthma attack, lungs, doctors 3 Example answers 1 It contaminates rivers, streams and lakes, damages buildings and is a danger to wildlife. It also makes breathing problems worse. 2 Ozone forms a layer in the upper atmosphere which helps to protect the earth from the sun's rays. However, it has a bad effect on people with breathing problems at ground level 3. Motor vehicles, industry and waste disposal (burning rubbish) 4 Bronchitis, cancer, asthma 5 LS billion 1 1H 2B 31 4D Sacidrain 6 dioxins 7 motor vehicles/traflic fumes 8 T ... reducing resistance to infection 9 T Doctors advise sufferers to ... avoid exercise 10 F They only produce 15% of worldwide greenhouse gases 1G 12 F The number ... has more than doubled. Focus on grammar 1 (p. 98) 11 contributes to 2 cause 3 are (largely) responsible for... 4 leadto 5 trigger 21 contributes to 2 trigger 3 lead to 3b 1 are responsible forlcause 2 contribute to 3 causes 4 caused bylas a result of 5 led to

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