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ROAD TESTS OF NEW MODELS ‘Tue Moror Crcts, 18 Auaust 1955 247 ec. Adler Twin A High-performance Tweo-stroke Parallel Twin from Germany which Sets a High Standard in Exhaust Silencing the distinction of being the fastest twofifty standard roadster yet tested by The Motor Cycle. What earned cen higher sdmirstion (end is considered more important) Was the quiet and unobtrusive manner in Which the performance could be obtained. Among two-strokes, the Adler sets a very high standard in exhaust silencing. At’ 20 m.p.h. in top gear the machine was so quiet that on one occasion the rider could hhear that the engine of 4 following car was in need of tappet ‘adjustment! At, the deep, mellow drone from the ‘win Eberspicher silencers combined with a faint whine from the helical-gear primary drive to produce a most pleasant sound, When the needle of the magnetic speedometer Hoated steadily past the 40 mark, only the noise of rushing air assailed the ders ars, Achieved during a number of two-way runs through the T% 247 ce. Adler MB2SO two-stroke twin has achioved ‘measured quarter-mile, the mean maximum speed was no less than 72 mph. ‘The highest speed in one direction was 74 mph. At thit speed and at ultra-high engine rpm. in the indirect gear ratios some vibration vas felt through the handle- bar. ‘There was virtually no vibration when the machine was cruised for long periods with the speedometer registering 63 mph, a specd which the engine was ever willing to accept without any'sign of overworking On a run from central London to Birmingham an overall average speed of more than 40 m.p.h. was easily accomplished. The engine never evinced the slightest sign of being driven hard. ‘There was not a truce of oil om the outside of the unit and no gas leakage occurred anywhere in the exhaust ‘system. AC the end of the test, the leftchand ‘exhaust pipe showed the merest trace of discoldration near the ort. Ts ea i i wy at was iss eth es we a i ego eon ad shee ote re ly we lg, Wha i ge Bh sbegg aver pes tee eee es eectonsies menses 2h reer, Meee fio ler rts sh Se wg hb mie Sperentons earns Sard cre ge ee instantly fort ‘From a standing start, 30 m.p.h. could pene loom From gene Sar 0 mk fg already implied, the exhaust note remained absolutely. in~ ‘fensive even ndet conditions of the hordest acceleration, “The model was as useful for Uyeading unobtrusively through city tee dung peak Hours ab was fr gobbling up mus on the open road, ‘Stopping, power more than sulficient for any emergency was available fom the brakes, which measure 74% lyin and are fev in fullewidth, finned fs. "The front brake was smooth and Progressive im action; the rear brake was somewhat fierce and Eilled for delicate use of the pedel. During the test, the knurled finger-screws for cach brake were used only for slackening off the adjustment slighty, ‘Phe Adler's feet performance is enhanced to a considerable dogeee by the efficient front and reat suspensions. Tt was impor sible to faule the barton link front ferk, Possessing 2 long, soft ‘ction, the fork proved sensitive to light road shocks yet dealt setsfactorily with the fost severe impacts shen, ‘badly broken: Up. tarmac surfaces ‘were traversed at igh Speed. Under” those Sonditions “the Tear= Wheel.” suspension, Swhich was also sensi eg seta the satic= id position, "bot. semed igh yet silently, Even 10, the rear springing alford=d avery comforable Fide generally and was considered to. repre Sent neareperfection in the sphere of plunger= type suspension, Both front ngtcae springing aze hydraul- ‘ally’ damped.” The tapper end eaps on the sear pluager units can fe screwed. down by thing to increase. the : preloading of the springs and thus stiffen the action, such as for pilion, work Wl heavy low ape the, seeing. way steady and positive at any’ velocity ef which the machine. was capable, Above 50.m-pih. a satisfying taut quality was notesable- and, 4s far ag the steeting was concerned, the model could be placed fo an inch when bend swinging. A limiting factor, however, ‘was that the ceneresstsnd peg and. both silencers could fatiy asily be grounded, With the machine ridden solo, some im- provement was achieved with the tear springing adjisted to its Brocup setting “The relive positions of the suddle, handlebar and footrest resulted jn. a straightarm fiding posture ‘which enabled the der to exercise full contol. The knee angle was a shade t00 xeure by contempocary British standards, but only (> an fextent that was notcsable to a sider of average stature after a fell doy in the caddie. Handlebar contols were satisfactory as vo layout and operation except thatthe rwistrip throttle contzol had a rather slow tction; foriiermore, undestrble backlash was present even after he cable had been adjusted. ee ara Ta delivery tim, the gear-change rocking pedal and the brake pedal were ‘positioned ‘with their pads lose to. the footrest "This sulted a riding syle in which the ball of ta foot was placed on the reat. However, was easy to oblain a more orthodox ‘Tue Motor Crete, 18 Avcusr 1955 Layout of the leading-tink front fork and brake roraue linbege setting since both the gear pedal and the adjustable stop on the brake-pedal cross-over shaft are mounted on serrations. After adjustments had been carried out, the setting of bot pedals was ideal with the rider’s insteps on the footrests. Upward geie changes are made by lifting the forward end of the pedal with the tor or depressing the rear end with the heel, Downward changes are made by depressing the forward end of the pedal, ‘Neutral is located not between second and bottom ‘gears but below bottom; hence finding neutcal was sieaple in the extreme. A green neutral-indicator light set in the speedometer ial alongside a red ignition-warning: light obviated any possi- bility of the rider mistaking neutral for pttom gear after 3 guick ‘sceesion of downward Clean, silent upward ges could be achieved ifthe pedal was moved with delibera- tion; equally clean downward changes could be effected rapidly 207 provided that engine speed was increased suficiently during Beading, ‘Engine farting cared full maks for eae of accomplishment. For the ast scr of the ‘day funy liberal flooding of the Erburctor tad fall mre of the ot strngle were required, ‘The tit tnvasably burbled to feat the Ae or seson song of ihe Heboaried Yor tbe nder's shoe waved fouliog lefchand footen it was necesay toe the ball of te foot other saratnrory Imerhod wat’ to face fo the. fear of te Tiachine and. operate the peda with the night foot Starting ‘with the power Unie warm Called fr no spec presutions, ‘When farm, the engine would sere down fo\2 moderately stow, uneven, ihonge gue Teiable tekover he engine wes GUS cial tony ave end a tse wh out box io neual was'a whisring noise from the pear? aie Sica and itm of the hedap in eam, wee sufitioat for all mighty dling coyuitemence” Veruca usta of the reflector cin be curied out while the machine is in Be tater me sceael ‘atly tthe bexdlanpy te tase : ae wally im he headlong the ee? ‘iene reyinered fast by 2 mph ae an indicard 30, 3 mph S04 Tia a0 50, Pps at 6, Pmph. at 70 and 9 phe M30, Noa Py eccpeeated Integra lod are fed to the stechng head and tool box. “he sak ofthe combined ealfon sad lghng occa be ‘Bikdrawmn when the switch ie of or in te paring lists pos Ban Dir sctaumcnt ae ¢ trosevel fel ap meorsortey 4 Eevioroye fier, a tyre Pump which needs no adajten aad Guickiy deachable whcels. "The tool kit fe of excellent quality. A'Simiar high standard. is apparent in the compreaensve ftetucton book applied with the machine, ‘Mounted in ed of the twiery bons the hor is screened somewiat by the rider's lett lg, “The etre stand would rae sSther wel eae of the ground but requzed ceria amount of Enack to oper Tnappenaive the Adler is very sigh. ‘The carburetor and the tear chain are enclosed and the mudguards deeply valanced, ‘Phe tec movel was stractvely finished in doe-loe enamel and Ibvily chronigm pled indeed even such items athe tre pump tad Keadamp were plated” Without questony te Adler E't machine to give muck'plewsure to the Sonnoiscur Information Panel SPECIFICATION ENGINE Aller 20 os (42 Aen vingndr swore, erin ma ed By chee ear ith tein that contra TRANSMISSION: Fourgeed gear box in unit with engine, Positive ‘op reckingpeasl control Gear rains botomy 195i c9 1 seca, ote ate, Coan Ta en Renn’ ae 3) mah in top gear, 2580. e IGNITION and LIGHTING: 60/50nac: dynam mounted on, right, hid spd of eanksrote. lgivon eats, corecebreners, condemns Sha volagereeliton:yoit Rowsed in same cantense compartment “agmeser headlamp wh sin Teridoncvarning and. neste PETROIL CAPACITY: |S i 23 salons ‘TYRES: Frere 225 Ibin Frome and ten BRAKES: ircdamacer x In wide fo filth, fond, Uihcaloy SUSPENSION: Laing turin oe fn hapserovpe rear sorta iy dame WHEELBASE: “fin. Ground clearance, én valde SEAT, Sign tee wihsige enone ca eping Unaen heh, bydealcaly does Y sod sais for WEIGHT: 2041 fay equipped snd wih approxi If gllors of PRICE: £17526. With purchase toe (in Grete Britain enh), 210 ROAD TAX: £I 7s 64 « year 104d a quarter. DESCRIPTION: The Motor Cyci, 3 March 1955 MAKERS: Adlorwerka, Fraabfire am Main, Hovaier: Avon” Autos IW5y Uxbridge Roxd, Hamat, London, Wie Tee. Ader Tein PERFORMANCE DATA MEAN MAXIMUM SPEED: Bocom: 28 n.p Second: @o mah Third: raph. Top: 7am HIGHEST ONE-WAY SPEED: 74 moh. (Conditions light three iter winds rider Wghaly cea) MEAN ACCELERATION: 1020mph 2040 mph, 2050 m9 S Tew: awe ae ee Thue wee REE ram rat 6B FUEL CONSUMPTION: Ac 30 man, 98 mpg. At 40 mph Bmp. ACS mp, 10 mpg. BRAKING: From 30 mph. to rst, 3 (surtce, dry, coarse rama). TURNING CIRCLE: [2 MINIMUM NON-SNATCH SPEt WEIGHT PER CG. 128 Ib. mph. in top eer

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