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How well do you know yourself?

Do all of these steps in ORDER in your GoogleDocs (save in Classroom).

We start on Monday, the complete assignment is due on Tuesday.

STEP 1 (Monday in class)

A. Open this file in Google Classroom

B. Answer the following questions in one paragraph thoroughly on
this form
prior to the skills test:

What is your personal capital? What are your strengths, skills, passion,
purpose? What evidence you have that these things exist? My
strengths are that I can be a hard worker depending on what needs to
be done. My passion in life would be photography. I am not too sure
what my purpose.

What is your intellectual capital? What is your expertise in one or two

subjects or skills? (These do not have to be exclusively academic
subjects) What evidence do you have that you are an expert in these
fields? I am not sure what my intellectual capital is. My expertise in two
subjects would be car mechanics, and photography. My evidence for
these would be that I have done these for a majority of my life.

Where do you see yourself in September of next year?

In September of next year, I see myself attending college, and
hopefully working part time outside of school.

STEP 2 (Monday in class):

a. Go to the following site and take the strengths assessment:
STEP 3 (Tuesday in Class):

List your top 5 strengths with a brief summary of what each strength

1. Visionary: I look for roles where I will be pushed to see the future as
vividly as possible.
2. Self Motivation: I seek a role where persistence is required for
3. Innovation: I actively seek out positions where I will be valued and
4. Adaptability: I find planning work very boring, I like to find ways to
minimize this chore while still achieving success.
5. Purpose: I only attend meetings where I am needed and fully

List your top weakness with a brief summary of that weakness:

1. Curiosity: I sometimes take on roles that require me to stay current

in a fast moving field.

STEP 4 (Tuesday in class):

In narrative form, thoroughly describe what you discovered about

yourself from this strength assessment. Did you know your strengths
and weakness or did you discover something new? What was it and
how are you going to apply it? This portion is due in a separate
document to by Wednesday, February 15th.

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