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From: Douglas Grandt answerthecall@icloud.

Subject: How to make CO2 emissions 'GoDown'
Date: April 10, 2017 at 1:21 PM
To: Darren W. Woods
Cc: William (Bill) M. Colton, Suzanne M. McCarron,
Max Schulz

Dear Darren,
In your February 23, 2017 blog on ExxonMobil Perspectives, you stated:
At ExxonMobil, were encouraged that the pledges made at last years Paris Accord create
an effective framework for all countries to address rising emissions; in fact, our company
forecasts carbon reductions consistent with the results of the Paris accord commitments.
Governments can help by enacting forward-looking policies.
This is a exciting time to be part of the worlds largest publicly traded energy company. The
responsibilities and challenges are significant and so are the possibilities. I am convinced
that by taking advantage of human ingenuity, embracing free markets and enacting sound
government policies, we can meet the world;s energy needs and meet all of our shared
aspirations in an environmentally and socially responsible way. ExxonMobil is committed to
achieving these goals.

ExxonMobil must initiate moral and responsible global energy and climate
leadership, given the urgency to avert impending disasterwe have run out
of time! Don't expect Congress to deliver effective and timely policies, ever.

Sincerely yours,
Doug Grandt

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