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Jesus Gaeta


British Lit

15 February 2017

My Heroic Journey: Magical Weapons

According to the test I took my top 5 strengths are Innovation , Adaptability , Teamwork ,

Salesmanship , And Leadership. And my bottom weakness is Focus. I agree with some of

these traits but not all I agree with innovation because I enjoy change and I am constantly

looking for ways to better myself. This trait can help me in the future because I won't

ever be satisfied and i'll always be thriving for more and always be looking to accomplish

new things. I also agree with Adaptability , I agree with this one a lot in particular

because I can fit in anywhere , I feel like if I get put in any situation I can make the best

of it and make it worth my while a good example of this is when i was in elementary

school I talked a lot with the people around me and the teacher did not like that so she

moved me away from my friends and sat me with strangers but I quickly became friends

with them and talked. I feel like this trait will help me a lot in the future because if I get

put in a uncomfortable situation I will always find a way to make it tolerable for myself

and I will be able to work better. I don't really agree with teamwork because some people

don't do anything and then i'm the one who ends up doing all the work in the group. I

don't really know about salesmanship because i've never actually sold anything but I feel

like I could be good at it. I kinda agree with leadership because I like Getting people to

accomplish things they thought they would never be able to do. And because I like being

in control of the situation. I feel like this would help me in the future because if I ever get

put in a situation where I needed to lead people I would do a pretty good job. And i would

be a great boss. I mostly agree with Focus being my number 1 fault because It's really

hard to focus on one thing most of the time.

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