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Renegade Chapter

Major Mutation
Blood Angels
Chaos Undivided- Non fanatical
Death to the false emperor
Desire to desecrate Imperial holy sites
No rest for the wicked - constant desire for blood
Loud and proud - desire to announce their presence
Hero- Sorcerer Lord
Deed- ravaged many Imperial planets
Warp twisted agri world
Bloody rain
special armour - old blood angels looking stuf
Slightly over strength- swollen by fallen sons of sanguinius
Served by mortal chaos thralls
Despises the ecclisarchy

The Ravening
Current: Mortuorum, within the eye of terror
Founding Chapter: Blood Angels (allegedly)
Date of Founding: REDACTED
Alignment: Chaos Undivided
Strength: Several hundred
Rapid attacks from orbit or hidden positions focusing on closing to melee.
Particular hatred for the ecclesiarchy and Imperial religious buildings.

The chaos renegades known as the Ravening began their days as the space marine chapter the
Blades of Sanguinius. The Blades of Sanguinius were a chapter with a history of gallantry and
nobility that stretched back from M.33 at the earliest recorded date. The chapter had garnered a
reputation for nobility and sacrifice that was represented all that was great in the memory of their
gene father and parent Legion. All that changed in M37 when the Blades of Sanguinius attacked
an Iron Warriors fortress world on the edge of the Maelstrom The chapter deployed in full force
against the defences and after three assaults that had consumed much of the chapters strength,
according to some records up to 400 battle brothers, the remaining marines began to succumb,
one by one at first and then like a flood, to the black rage. Within days the entire chapter had fallen
to the black rage. The Iron warriors could not withstand the assault of hundreds of crazed battle
brothers hurling themselves at the defences. Bastions, redoubts and trench lines that days before
had resisted the sternest of assaults fell in minutes to the maddened astartes. As the last guns fell
silent the battle brothers of the Blades of Sanguinius collapsed into uncontrollable fits and then the
silence of a death like state. All save one. The right hand of the chapter master and since his death
de facto leader of the chapter, the Chief Librarian Eleore Schwarzenberg. Schwarzenberg had not
escaped the black rage, but he had escaped the fits and coma that had followed. But his once
lustrous hair and features that made him look like an ancient terran marble statue, had transformed
into a grim visage of the grave. All he would tell the chapter serfs who came to evacuate the
catatonic marines was "I have seen the truth"
The marines were returned to their fortress monastery and one by one awoke with the same
deathly pallor of Schwarzenberg. None could shake the recurring visions that they endured, and
none could forget the terrible meaning of what they had seen.
What was worse, was the intensity of the pull of the red thirst on the battle brothers of the chapter.
The intake of aspirants to the chapter grew far above normal levels, with substandard recruits
serving as a bloody sacrifice to satiate the thirst. This only grew when the chapter realised that they
could forestall the visions left as a harrowing reminder of the black rage. Although they could not
forget the meaning of their message.
It was during one of the increasingly grand and decadent blood feasts that a cardinal from the
ecclesiarchy arrived, bearing thanks to the chapter for their actions against the Iron Warriors. What
he saw horrified him, but before he could flee, he was confronted by Schwarzenberg, who spoke to
the priest
"Service to the Emperor brought us to this dark place little man. Remember that. Now go we have
no need of your tawdry baubles here"
The cardinal fled and gathered an army of Fraetris militia that he illegally formed, some sisters of
the newly formed adeptus sororitas and several Imperial navy squadrons.
The ecclesiarchy's wrath descended onto the Blades of Sanguinius determined to purge its heresy.
Coming as the attack did after the end of the reign of blood, the Cardinal had breached all decrees
disarming the men of the church, committing a far greater treason than the Blades of Sanguinius.
The Blades in their weakened state fought bravely but could do no more than rearguard action and
were forced to flee into the Eye of Terror.
Several hundred years passed before reports of Shrine worlds and cathedrals being burned by
traitor astartes wearing the black and red armour the Blades of Sangunius had adopted in
recognition of the entire chapter falling to the black rage.
It was the Blades of Sanguinius returned, restyled as the ravening.
Centuries of corruptionin the eye of of Terror had warped the beautiful baroque plate of the chapter
into a dark mirror of itself. Winged angelic jump packs had been replaced with great demonic bat
wings, the deathly visages of the marines exagerrated into contorted faces of true horror.

In the Eye of Terror:

The battered remnants of the Blades of Sanguinius and their fleet had withdrawn into the far fringes
of the Eye of Terror seeking to avenge themselves on the Iron warriors home world, however the
toying powers of the warp manipulated the Blades of Sanguinius for their own amusement. The
chapter roamed for years, living as scavengers and pirates until, drawn by a vision from
Schwarzenberg, they made planet fall on the far side of the Eye of Terror from the Cadian gate on
a seemingly normal twilight world. There they found barren plains haunted by screaming voices on
the wind contorted trees with a crimson sap and, knots curled into pained faces and jagged rocks
arranged in foul patterns that would drive a mortal man mad, and many other foul things. There
they also found a human population, twisted and degenerated by the warp, but psychicly sensitive.
Deep in the polar mountain ranges the Blades of Sanguinius found strange alien temples to the
dark gods, and through the ancient statues and carvings found within Schwarzenberg found he
could control the feeble minds of the world's population. The chapter resolved to make the profane
temple its new fortress monastery, dispatching fast ships to capture imperial citizens to satiate the
red thirst. After a time, that on a benighted world in the eye of terror could not be determined, the
chapter readied and resupplied was reborn as The Ravening. Schwarzenberg now the undisputed
master of The Ravening decreed that the chapter would go forth and avenge itself on the Imperium
and its church that had so cruelly and falsely cast it aside and to seek revenge for the content of
the dark visions from which it sufered. Schwarzenberg could no longer lead the chapter in person,
he ruled the warbands new home world of Mortuorum, from the inner sanctum of the temple,
controlling the minds of the thrall population into servitude of The Ravening, wether that be in
factories, mines or orbital shipyards. Or indeed on the battlefield as auxilia. Instead The Ravening
would be led into battle by their former First Captain Willem Byran, a dark mirror of the nobility of
the sons of Sanguinius.

Combat doctrine:
On the battlefield The Ravening will either strike from concealed positions or rapidly from orbit,
seeking to get into close combat, desperate to slake the ever consuming madness of the Red
Thirst. Often they will attack targets of seemingly little military value, such as convents, abbeys,
cathedrals and other holy sites. Their goal is to bring down the idols of the false Emperor, avenge
the ghosts of their visions and the betrayal the Imperial church visited on their chapter. While they
will attack from concealed positions or from orbit, they seek to announce their presence with a rain
of falling blood conjured by the warbands fallen Librarians, dark prayers and sermons broadcast
on vox networks and the howling of the warp communed into the minds of pyskers, all
accompanied by the dark clarion call of demonic trumpets. Once heralded they will close to combat
and use the skill as swordsmen once taught by the chapter to devastating efect.

These tactics should have bled the chapter dry over the millennia but there are others amongst the
successors of the Blood Angels that have survived the black rage and can no longer serve the
Imperium once they recover from what they have seen. They are drawn inexplicably to Mortuorum
and the dark fortress monastery in the mountains. Here they are welcomed with open by solemn
arms and inducted into the dark ways of The Ravening. Since the emergence of The Ravening in
early M38 these newer recruits have made up a progressively larger part of the war band.

The war band also makes use of the thrall population of Mortuorum to provide numerical
advantages in larger attacks. Especially when The Ravening has an opportunity to seek revenge
on the Iron Warriors whom they blame for casting them into darkness and causing the losses that
led the chapter to their madness and dark revelation.

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