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Goal Attainment Scale Worksheet

Student: __M. L______________________________ Todays Date:


Grade: __Kindergarden____ Gender: __x_ Male

__ Female

Educator: _Monika

Target Behaviours: Social Skills


Goal Attainment Scale with Descriptive Criteria:

+2 | most favourable outcome |

Shares toys with peers during playtime, independently (without educator

+1 | more than expected |

Shares toys with peers during playtime, immediately after educators

0 | expected level of success |

Shares toys with peers during playtime with some educators support and
prompts, after taking time to processes instructions (approximately 1

-1 | less than expected |

Refuses to share toys with peers during playtime (after educators
instructions, prompts and 1 minute of processing time)
-2 | most unfavourable outcome |
Grabs toys out of peers hands during playtime and refuses to share

Graph of Progress:

Day 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

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