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Instructional Lesson

Classroom: Observer: Holly Schuur

Grade: 3rd Date: 3/15/17
Curriculum Area: Writing/Reading Time: 1:35

What I notice Thoughts, Questions, Connections to

Methods Classes
-Majority of students on task working in -Why doesnt the teacher try to be more
groups firm with the students who are off task?
-Group of boys laying on the floor being -If the teacher could redirect the
unproductive. students, would the outcome of the
-Group of girls collaboratively planning assignment be different?
their movie assignment -It almost seemed like busy work
-Teacher glancing up from her desk because the teacher did not try to help
every once in a while and subtly tries to the students understand the
redirect students a few times and then assignment and instead had them
gives up. move on.
-Teacher cannot get students to grasp -Some students were never on task to
the purpose of the assignment so has begin with which made me wonder if
them switch activities. they knew the boundaries of the
classroom and that they would not get
in trouble for it.

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