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Lesson #9 Monday October 20, 2014

Title of Lesson: Soccer Stations

Grade: 7

Main Curricular Area: Physical Education

Timing: 40 minutes

Set-up: Prior to activity, soccer station will be announced and materials will be setup.

Materials: Soccer Balls, Hacky Sacks, Bowling Pins, Cones

Lesson Procedure:

1) Introduction (1 minute)

- Stations will be announced and demonstrated. Any questions or concerns from the students will
be answered.

2) Soccer Stations (4 minutes x 7 stations = 28 minutes)

() Stations
* Station 1: Jiggles (Kick-ups)
- In this station, students are to do as many kick-ups as they can (individually). After doing as
much as they can, they are to record their results.

* Station 2: Bowling Pin Target (Accuracy)

- In this station, 6 bowling pins will be lined up on the goalie line. For every round with their
partner, they are to record their results on how many pins were knocked down.
(ex. Round 1: 3 pins, Round 2: 1 pin, Round 3: 5 pins, Round 4: no pins)

* Station 3: Header Station

- In this station, students are to do as many headers as they can (similar to kick-ups but only with
the head). They are to record their results.

* Station 4: Hacky Sacks

- In this station, students are doing as many kick-ups with the hacky sacks. After doing as much
as they can, they are to record their results.

* Station 5: Obstacle Course

- In this station, cones will be set up in the center of the gym. Student 1 will dribble the ball
between the cones while student 2 will keep a time. Students are to record their results.

* Station 6: Goaltending/Penalty
- In this station, Student 1 will goaltend and student 2 will do a penalty kick. (if there is 3 or 4 in
a group, they will need to all take turns in net). They will need to record their results in the end.
* Station 7: Resting
- Students can rest on the bench.

4) Closure (1 minute)

Students will be asked to return all equipment and line up at the door.

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