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Brutality Text-Dependent Questions

What would you do if you thought someone had a weapon and tried to attack you?
According to paragraph 3, what does the article say about how police handle this type of
situation? What does this say about their intentions?
According to the article on paragraphs 4, why are the police AND the public EQUALLY likely
to shoot first in an altercation? How do both sides feel?

What is the authors rebuttals or comebacks to these two counterclaims in paragraphs 4 and
o According to the article, why do cops view citizens as disposable collateral?
o According to the article, how do people feel when they pulled over by a cop? Why do
people feel this way?

Call to action:
According to the author, what can people do to stop police from abusing their power?

Catcalling Text-Dependent Questions
Why might people think its okay to catcall? What did the men interviewed on page 2 say in
their defense?

What is the authors rebuttal or comeback to the counterclaims presented? When does
catcalling become an abuse of power? What happened to the woman on the train on page

Call to action:
According to the article, what can people do to stop catcalling?

President Trumps Travel Ban
What is the main reason for stopping these refugees from coming to the U.S.?

What is the authors rebuttal to the counterclaim presented? According to the article on
page 2, why are the Muslim countries on the travel ban list NOT a threat to the US?

Call to Action:
According to the article, what can people like Basry do to stop the abuse of power by the

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