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** Changelog for Version 3.1.1.

* Fixed bug where the gadget would scale hugely when the language was set
to Greek
* Removed many System.Debug.outputStrings - stops the Spam in DebugView
** Changelog for Version
* Decreased CPU usage when not displaying seconds
* Removed gap between edge and number when the date number is < 10
** Changelog for Version /
* Added option to display seconds
* Added 2 more languages
* Polish
* Portuguese
* Added support for altering the Glow Spread (0%, 20%, 40%, 60%, 80%, 100%
* Added support for changing the Glow Opacity (0%, 5%, 10%, 20%, 40%, 60%,
80%, 90%, 100%)
* Added ability to change Font
* Added font detection to check for Rockwell
* Re-arranged the settings panel to make better use of space
** Changelog for Version
* Added Support for timezones other than your current computer time
* Added Multiple Lanaguage support
* English -Checked
* German -Checked
* Danish -Checked
* Finnish -Checked
* French -Checked
* Hungarian -Checked
* Italian -Checked
* Dutch -Checked
* Norwegian -Checked
* Swedish -Checked
* Spanish -Checked
* Added support for scaling the gadget (20%, 40%, 60%, 80%, 100%, 120%, 14
0%, 160%, 180%)
* Added a proper Dragging icon for when you drag the gadget onto your desk
* Added a better gadget gallery Icon
* Fixed Drop Down menus being re-arranged to show your preference at the t
op, using default values now.
* Fixed the Settings panel being too small on some screens

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