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Lexi Jackson

123 Hollow Dr.

Paris, France 10011

4th September 1495

00120 Piazza San Pietro
del Vaticano, Vatican City

Dr. Mr.Pope,
I am very enraged toward the Catholic Church. The Church is giving away jobs to any one of their
acquaintances. I also find it quite absurd that we are charged taxes to be a part of the Church. Lasly, we
buy indulgences as to find a way for our sins to be forgiven.
The Church should give jobs to those who are qualified and deserve them, not just anyone. We also
should not be charged to be able to worship our God and participate in services. Lastly, I dont think that
money is our way to heaven, we must follow the bible and its teachings.
In order for you to stop the Reformation, you should stop charging taxes and selling indulgences. You
should also let others read the bible so we dont have to rely on the clergy, who may not tell us the whole
truth. I also think you should allow divorces so that people truly unhappy with their marriage have choices.
Thank you for your attention,


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