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May Newsletter


Dear Parents,
payments are
due on the
first of the
month, we
Welcome to the month of May! May 8th
appreciate This month our theme is By
timely Land, Air, and Sea. We will be
learning all about different Taylor-
Pick up is at
5:00pm.Late forms of transportation May 19th
pick up will throughout the month. We are
result in a
late fee asking parents to collect toilet
charge. We
appreciate paper rolls for an upcoming Emerson
your project. All of us at Little Owl
Preschool look forward to
May 24th
As the
weather another fun filled month!
warmer we
ask that
parents begin
to bring in a
set of extra
clothes for
your child.

Field Trip
On May 12th we will be taking a trip to the train
station. The children will board a real train and meet
the conductor.
Community Helpers
This month we will be collecting non-perishable food items to
donate to the local homeless shelter. All donations can be
dropped off in the box to the left of our entrance door.
We appreciate all donations.

Staff News!
Ms. Wright received her Masters degree in Early
Childhood Education! Congrats to Ms. Wright on
this amazing accomplishment.

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