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Field Trip Permission Slip

Dear Parents,

Our class will be going on a field trip to Steam Dream Train Station. The children will get the
chance to board a train and meet the conductor.

Date: May 12th 2017

Time: 9:00am- 12:00pm

Cost: This is a free trip!

Transportation: Little Owl preschool will be paying for our transportation

(Bainbridge Bus Company)

Student Participation: 39 children; 1:6 ratio

Additional Information: All students must wear sneakers and a light coat.

Little Owl Preschool will provide a mid-morning snack and juice.

Please fill out and return the bottom of this page by May 5th 2017

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My child ______________________________, has permission to join our class for a field tip on

May 12th 2017 to Steam Dream Train Station. Transportation provided by Bainbridge Bus Company.

Please check to indicate if you would like to chaperone the trip (1 parent per child)

o Yes, I would like to volunteer to be a chaperone.

o No, I cant come along to this trip

Parent name: ______________________________

Parent Phone number: ___________________________

Parent Signature: _________________________ Date: ____________________

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