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This article addresses the success rates in community colleges around the state of North
Carolina based on different factors like degree attainment and dropout rates based on region and
the diversity of students. The article states that since World War II the community college
system in the United States has provided many small communities with a place to further their
educations and to get training for the labor force. This article states that the three most common
ways that community colleges are assessed are on degree completion, the completed course work
to transfer to a four year school and, direct market outcomes. These three assessments affect the
ratings of the community colleges which in turn require the lowest ranking schools to improve
their rankings so that they do not lose any more funding but this can be difficult with students
who have to balance life and school. The judging students by degree completion does not take
into account the numerous part time students that may take longer than the normal one and a half
times that are measured to get a degree. The articles states that community colleges that cater to
students from weaker high schools or have lower academic abilities typically are more
disadvantaged compared to the schools with students from better high schools. The article states
that the community college system main purpose in this day and age is to help students gain
credits that will transfer to a four year school so that they can continue their education. The
article shows how the community college system has many things going against it and how their
ranks and funding are affected by the performance of the students enrolled at their institution.
The purpose of the article is to address how different aspects affect the way that a community
college performs and how they are ranked compared to one another and how they stack up to
four year schools. The article uses North Carolina's community college as an example of how
different aspects affect their system. The article speaks of how students from underprivileged
high schools with low funding that go to community college tend to rank lower than students
who come from a high school with more money. This means that community colleges that cater
to rural areas are almost guaranteed to be ranked lower than ones that cater to students that come
from larger cities that had access to better facilities during high school. The article also talked
about how the current ranking system does not take into account several factors like part time
students and students that are looking to transfer to a four year school. The fact that these are not
taken into account the leaves many community colleges receiving low ratings which in turn can
affect the funding to the school because of performance. The article talks about the effect that the
community college system has had on the communities that they are in which is also used as a
tool to judge how effective that the school is doing. The article was used to show the differences
in community colleges based on who attends them and where they are located which affects the
ranking of the school.
Clotfelter, Charles T., Helen F. Ladd, Clara G. Muschkin, and Jacob L. Vigdor. "Success in
Community College: Do Institutions Differ?" Research in Higher Education 54, no. 7 (2013):

College access improves for black students but for which ones?

This article largely focuses on the academic achievement gap between black and white
students. The author explains how the African American population is generally lower with their
academic achievement than any other ethnicity. The article explains that many African
American high school graduates are considered to be less prepared for college and are more
likely to take remedial classes while in high school. This gap is also widened with the fact that
African American students are least likely to take Advanced Placement (AP) and/or honors
classes when offered. Statistics from the College Board show that only 30% of African
Americans who are good at math took AP Math, compared to Asian students at 60%. Aside
from the fact that African American students are least likely to take an AP course when offered,
many schools that are predominately black and Hispanic dont even have advanced courses
such as AP and honors offered to them. While the racial gap in standardized test scores, and
the dropout rate for black students still might be significant, these challenges are being looked
at more closely within the black community. Quite recently the U.S. Department of Education
required that colleges must allow students the opportunity to choose two or more races on
forms that asked about their race and ethnicity. Since this change, those who considered
themselves black before, was 30% less-likely to identify themselves the same way now after the
law was passed. Now there is much discussion and concern that those who are considered
multiracial will replace the African American students in enrollment.
The purpose of this article is to address the academic achievement gap of African
American students compared to white or Asian students. The article explains and gives the
readers details on why black students often struggle in schools and are not as likely to get into
universities based on test scores. The purpose of this articles was to inform and educate
readers on the significant subject of race and how that is related to an individual's schooling.
This article also informs us what is being done to diversify college campuses and allow more
African Americans to be admitted into more universities. This article was intended for
professors, students, African Americans, parents, and anyone interested in this topic. Whoever
gets the chance to read the article will be able to get a feel for the statistics and the facts, and
will get to see what is being done in order to change the numbers positively for African
American students. The authors of this article is obviously very knowledgeable about the
subject, and are very in tune with what is being done to create more diverse universities, and to
eliminate a portion of the academic achievement gap. The entire article was very easy to
understand. It included many examples of why African Americans are further away from white
students on the academic achievement spectrum, and also gives a lot of examples and
explanations on what is being done to fix that spectrum. It is split up nicely into small
subheadings to make it easier for the reader to navigate through the article.

Cokley, Kevin, et al. "College Access Improves for Black Students but for Which Ones?." Phi
Delta Kappan, vol. 97, no. 5, 01 Feb. 2016, pp. 43-48. EBSCOhost,


Rhetorical Analysis:
For something to become rhetorical it has to be something already known or assumed.
With in this study Explaining Asian Americans academic advantage over whites some
of the rhetorical problems that occur are culture based. So just with in the title we are
already to assume that the paper is about asian americans and white/ caucasian
americans. We also know that with key works like academic the study is centered
around schooling. furthermore, I am pretty sure that everyone has heard at least
someone say go to an asian kid for help on homework ,particularly, I have always
heard it when someone is talking about math homework. Though this statement is just
someone assuming that an asian american is more intelligent than any other student
but is he or she right to say that? This question is something rhetorical. It is an idea that
we as readers are to assume the author of this study will answer. Especially how the
author used the key word explaining with in the title. Just by including that one key
word the reader is already to expect good valid explanations and reasoning behind his
statements. I as a reader also expect to see examples or real life proof to why asian
americans have an academic advantage over caucasians, seeing how this is a study.
Examples and proof is known element or characteristic of a study, which is why it is
rhetorical. All in all, there are many rhetorical aspect associated with this idea. Whether
they be under the assumption that, culturally, asians particularly tend to strive higher
academically than whites. Many its just the assumed illusion that asians are more
intelligent or maybe it is not an illusion. Maybe asians are smarter than whites, who
knows exactly. But I will say that these questions are all rhetorical aspects to this study.
They are all question that I as a reader assume will be answered in this study.

This study by Amy Hsina and Yu Xie is explaining and giving reasonings to why asian
americans do better overall in academics than white americans. One obvious reason
they stated and said to be true was because asian americans, overall, exert more effort
in the classroom. They also countered this one statement with the fact that it was not
because asian americans had a greater advantage while testing, I am assuming that
was a general consensus on the idea. When they first started the study they were
actually able to narrow the Asian-white academic gap to three possible factors, which
include: socio-demographic characteristics, cognitive ability, and academic effort as
measured by characteristics such as attentiveness and work ethic (Hsin). Which they
tested through different types of surveys. When they finished their study they came to
the conclusion that asian american academically did better than white americans
because they established more effort not because of socio-demographic and test taking
skills. Though this was just the first part of their project. The next part to their study they
examined explanations for their this gap in effort. Which they ended up finding out came
down to two attributes one being cultural differences in beliefs regarding the connection
between effort and achievement and the second being immigration status (Hsin). The
last part of their study they talked about the potential psychological and social costs
associated with Asian-American achievement success (Hsin). Which it came out that
asian actually pay highly , psychologically speaking, for their success academically.
Overall, i believed this to be an interesting and well done study by Amy Hsina and Yu
Xie as it included many variables and explanations.

Confronting the Achievement Gap


This article by David Gardner addresses the problems and solutions for fixing the
achievement gap in the United States. He attempts to reveal the reasons why he believes the
achievement gap will not go away, until something changes. He remarks on the current strategies
used to attempt to help students to accel and break the achievement gap. The main strategy he
discusses is the use of expensive, poorly thought out school wide programs that attempt to fix the
problems in one fell swoop; however, this rarely works and leads to students further resentment
of school programs. Additionally, Gardner talks about the problem of students, teachers, school
systems, and parents all trying to blame each other for the problem, instead of working towards a
solution. He states that these divisions only hurt students and slow the closing of the achievement

In his article, he also addresses, what he has found as a, potential first step to the
problem. This first step can be summarized by his belief that change is gradual and that in order
to help these minority groups become more successful, they must be helped from a younger age.
Therefore, if they are helped they can continue to grow throughout the rest of their years in
school; where they will hopefully continue on to higher education and mend the achievement
gap. His solution to the problem is to implement more interactive, fun, and rewarding activities
and lessons that help to build skills and will hold students to a higher standard. Gardner also
stresses the importance of teachers motivating and showing students that they are capable of
succeeding in school. He feels that when students have a person that believes in them they are
more likely to enjoy school and therefore learn. He overall therefore believes that with time and
encouragement minority students can break the chain and reach equal levels of education and

The author of this article, David Gardner, attempts to reach other educators and school
boards. He intends to share his beliefs with others and to help to close the achievement gap.
Gardner also attempts to inform these groups of the benefits of his ideas and to persuade the
implementation of them into more curriculum. The author chooses to use his long-term
experiences with students of all backgrounds as a testament to his knowledge of the reasons the
achievement gap is continuing. In doing this, he also shows his broadened perspective on the
situation through examples of classroom activities with a variety of students that helped to
illustrate his points. Additionally, he uses historical standing of minorities to show where the gap
began and how it has changed over time. Gardner does this to inform the reader of the presence
of the achievement gap and allows the reader to understand how long standing of a problem it
truly has been. I believe that Gardner sees hope that through his ideas that minority children will
be able to excel and to achieve equal education and opportunities. Therefore, I feel that he has a
person stance on this issue due to his devotion to fixing the problem and raising awareness to it.
He also compares the advantages students who are unaffected by the factors have and how it
leads to greater opportunities. In conclusion, David Gardners use of his writing to inform and
persuade his audience effectively convinces and inspires the audience to look deeper into the
reasons for the achievement gap, before making assumptions.


Gardner, D. (2007). Confronting the Achievement Gap. The Phi Delta Kappan, 88(7), 542-546.
Retrieved from


Intended and Unintended Consequences of Education Technology on Social Inequality


This article addresses the issue of achievement gaps based on to race, socioeconomic
status, and access to education. While addressing these issues, the author incorporates the use of
technology within education. The authors focus on the positive and negative affects that it has on
the achievement gap, depending on the technology that is available to students, how it is used,
and how it is implemented in the classroom. This article gives insight to the importance of these
issues, as each one significantly affects the percentage of students that attend four-year colleges.
Two key aspects mentioned in this article are access to early education and access to
higher education, both of which are dependent upon race and socioeconomic status.When
discussing early education, it is evident that low-income families do not have the same
opportunity to send their children to preschool or other early enrichment programs when
compared to high-income families. This is detrimental to children of low-income families
because studies show that children that attend quality preschools are less likely to dropout, be
retained, or be placed in special education classes. As a consequence of students not receiving a
proper education, the likelihood of them attending college is low. This is due to a number of
factors, but the high costs of college education, and the lack of access to higher level coursework
in middle and high school are major components of the issue.
This article also addresses the fact that technology has a significant impact on the
educational success of students. While technological advances seem great, there is a divide in
availability of these resources and the knowledge to use them properly. The authors found that
even students who do have access to technology, lack the know-how to use them for their
benefit. According to the article, this issue is widening the achievement gap.


The purpose of this article is to address the issues surrounding the achievement gap and
how technology can play a large role in either widening or closing the gap. Along with
technology, the authors discuss the important role that race and socioeconomic status play in
access to education. The article gives insight to the inequalities that exist within education and
why they exist. I believe the purpose of this article is to educate readers on this subject so that
they might take an initiative to change the circumstances and work towards closing the
achievement gap. If it is not to persuade the reader to make a change, it is at least available to
make them aware of the corrupt educational system in the United States. Speaking of readers, the
intended audience of this article could be teachers, professors, future educators, and students, as
these are the people that are tied up in this educational system. They also have an opportunity to
advocate for equal access to education for all students, regardless of race, location, or
socioeconomic status.
The authors of the article are obviously advocating for equal access to education and
equitable use of technology in education, but the manner in which the information is portrayed
adds to the effectiveness of the intended purpose. The article was easy to understand, and the
data presented supports the author's claims. For each statement given, the authors back up their
claims with evidence from prior research studies. I found this evidence to be helpful when
considering the weight of these topics.

Works Cited

Tawfik, Andrew A., et al. "Intended and Unintended Consequences of Educational Technology
on Social Inequality." Techtrends: Linking Research and Practice to Improve Learning,
vol. 60, no. 6, 01 Nov. 2016, pp. 598-605. EBSCOhost,
Asian Students

Article Title Authors Your Favorite Importance to Examples What you think
Claims Info. your issue
about college

Intended and The author As a Same as my -Technology I think this

Unintended claims that the consequence Fav. Info. has positive article is spot
Consequence use of of students not and negative on. The
s of Education technology effects on achievement
Technology can either receiving a achievement gap is a major
On Social widen or help proper gap based on issue in
Inequality close the education, the the availability society, and
achievement likelihood of of technology, the points that
gap ( which is how it is used, the author
them attending
created based and how it it made make
on race and college is low. implemented sense as to
socioeconomic This is due to in the why it exists. I
status) that a number of classroom had never
exists factors, but the looked at the
Also claims -Studies show issue from the
that early high costs of that students point of
access to college with early technology
education education, and access to though. Its an
plays a large the lack of education are interesting, yet
role in the access to less likely to relevant take
likelihood of dropout and
students higher level more likely to The authors
attending a coursework in college theory about
four-year middle and technology
college high school within
education and
are major
the importance
components of of early
the issue. access to
education is
useful because
it sheds insight
on the difficult
problem of the

College The author This gap is also It shows the - Black students I feel that all that
claims that widened with the academic are offered less this article talks
African fact that African achievement honors and AP about is still a
improves for American American gap between classes current problem
black students are students are black and white - Black students in high school
students but often less least likely to students, and receive lower and college, but
prepared for take Advanced what is being test scores I do think that
for which college than Placement (AP) done to reduce - Black students the achievement
white and Asian and/or honors the gap. have a higher gap between
students. They classes when dropout rate black and white
generally have offered. - black students students is
lower test scores Statistics from are more likely getting smaller
and a higher the College to take remedial as time goes on.
dropout rate. Board show that courses in high
With this only 30% of school than Although I agree
information the African other racial with Conkley up
author claims Americans who groups to a point, I do
that white and are good at strongly believe
Asian students math took AP that the
have a Math, compared achievement
significantly to Asian gap between
greater students at 60%. African
academic Aside from the American and
achievement fact that African white students is
than African American shrinking, and
American students are cannot accept
students. least likely to his overall
take an AP research.
course when
offered, many
schools that are
black and
Hispanic dont
even have
courses such as
AP and honors
offered to them

Confronting The author I thought the This article Minority I feel that this
the claims that in author's use of relates to students often story helps to
Achievement order for his past problems in feel as if the show the
Gap minority teaching college that system is perspectives of
students to experiences to minority against them students who
close the provide the students may struggle to
achievement reader with have a harder In order to succeed in the
gap, they must background on time mending close the current school
provide new his experience the achievement system
forms of help with the achievement gap, teachers
and implement achievement gap due to must Additionally, it
new learning gap. I also their understand helps to give
styles to found the experiences in that they might advice to
encourage information on early need to educators on
students and how students education. change the how to
to provide performed Therefore, he ways they confront the
them better and believes teach or problem and to
incentives to were more helping to reinforce their begin to close
attain equal determined to encourage students the
levels of succeed and learning in achievement
education and learn when the younger gap
success. teach students to
attempted prepare them Also, I think
different for their future. that this is a
learning good start to
curriculums closing the gap
and by trying new
encourages ways to solve
his students. the problem
theory of how
to close the
gap is
useful because
it sheds insight
on the difficult
problem of
impression of
the school
system and its
influence on
their everyday

Asians How they It shows had My opinion on

performed claim that it's a gives the topic as a
Explaining better cultural thing examples of whole is that
Asian academically that asian an any student
because they have more achievement can be just as
Americans put more effort effort because gap that occur smart or
into their of their beliefs from smarter than a
schooling. then they say kindergarten asian
advantage that because all the way to american as
of this they college long as they
over whites pay put the work
psychologicall in.

Although I
agree with up
to a point, I
cannot acce
his overall
researth that
__________ .

Success in The author The fact that This is Compared to 4 The article
claims that the community important year schools brings up good
Community way that colleges are because the and points
College: Do community ranked on achievement universities concerning
Institutions colleges rank different gap is not community education
compared to aspects that between colleges serve availability
Differ? one another favor schools universities a more diverse between
and four year that are in and population with locations.
schools is not cities community to balance
accurately compared to colleges but school, family,
shown in the more rural between the and work I agree that
assessments. schools community obligations. education
Some colleges as opportunities
community well. differ from
colleges focus community
more on job college based
training on where you
compared to come from
ones that because my
focus on experience
transfer from being
credits. from a rural
compared to
what is offered
confirms it.

1. Although I agree with the authors up to a point, I cannot accept their overall research that _asian americans
are overall more intelligent than whites or any other race for that matter. It is to my believe that any one
person can be just as smart as any other, regardless of race, if they put the work in.

Although it is evident that the achievement gap exists within education, there are several different
factors that influence it, such as geographical location, socioeconomic status, ethnicity, and access to
early education and technology. David Gardners thoughts about the current education system promotes
the change of early education and its impact on students. He hopes to revise the system and to
encourage other educators to focus more on teaching students that the school system is not against them
rather than giving up on students. Author Andrew Tawfik writes about the ways in which access to early
education and technology influence the academic success of students. He focuses on how these factors
can either widen or help close the achievement gap that exists. Kevin Conkley discusses how current
issue of the academic achievement gap greatly affects African American students on their journey to
higher education due to their lower test scores, higher dropout rates, and less opportunities when it
comes to AP and honors classes. Charles T. Clotfelter states that the issue of the achievement gap in
community college and universities stem from socioeconomic and geographical factors like students that
come from a rural background are at a disadvantage compared to students that come from larger cities
because these schools will have more funding to pay for professors that can teach the courses that will
transfer to a four year school while rural community colleges focus more on vocational training.

Mention names of authors at the beginning

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