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Poi is a sticky paste made by mashing taro (kalo) root, and tastes delicious mixed

with almost any item on the Hawaiian plate. Taro is the low-calorie staple that
ancient Hawaiians ate with most meals; it was considered the life force. Taro
probably arrived in Hawaii between 200 to 500 A.D. along with the earliest
Polynesians that came to the islands. At one time, Hawaiians cultivated more than
300 varieties.

How it's made: By mashing the root of taro with a poi pounder while adding water
until it's the right amount of mushy and gooey. Many say poi tastes best a few days
old, with fermentation giving it a slightly sour taste. If you don't have time to hand-
pound your poi, you can also make it in a mixer.

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