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I chose to include an artifact on Technology Walk-Throughs as they have many positive

benefits. Creating it was a process as I walked up the SAMR process myself having to go from
pen and paper to Google Form formatting in order to better track classroom data. Having
synthesized my topics down to a more user-friendly format I feel an administrator could easily
and quickly utilize this format from a Chromebook or laptop.

Why are technology walk throughs important? According to Gary Hopkins in his article
entitled Walk-Throughs are on the Move this MBWA approach or management by walking
around is a great tool to connect staff with administrators. The following are some things to
think about during a walk through as it relates to 21st century learning. First, analysis and
synthesis are important elements within a classroom of learning (National Education Technology
Standards for Students, International Society for Technology Education; Dr. Kathleen Melton
power point entitled Effectively Observing the use of Technology in the Classroom). A modified
Blooms Taxonomy should be included to help the teacher reflect on what level of learning is
taking place. Furthermore, a rubric identifying where one is one the SAMR spectrum is
beneficial (Melton).

Next, although trust and anxiety can be an issue as a result of walk-throughs (Jane L.
David; What Research Says About/ Classroom Walk-Throughs) using H.E.A.T (Moersch) can
help evaluators, observers, and teachers themselves gauge how 21st century learning is taking
place. H.E.A.T. measures higher order thinking, engagement of learners, connections to the real
world, as well as the technology piece throughout it all. Making sure that ample time and
consideration of all these points is taken into place is crucial toward accurate feedback as always.

Finally, according to Edutopias article entitled What is Successful Technology

Integration? effective integration means a few things will be present: access to information, data
is collected/ recorded and collaborated on, multimedia expressions, authentic assessment, and
being able to publish and present student learning. These make for a 21st century technology and
should be included in a walk-through form as well.

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