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You like horses? Don likes horses. Right, Don?

In France we hit the beach right after DDay, right?
and fought through all those fucking
hedgerows. A fucking pain in the ass, right?
We finally broke out into
open country. And bypassed all these
Kraut divisions. We linked up with the
Canadians and British and trapped an
entire Kraut Army pulling back to
Germany. We fucked them up. With planes
and artillery. Dead Krauts and horses
and busted up tanks and cars for miles.
Miles. Your eyes see it but your head
can't make no sense of it. We go in
there. And for three whole days we shot
wounded horses. All day long. Sun up to
sundown. Just shooting horses. And those were Hot
summer days. Ain't smelled nothing like
it. You know how you kill a horse? You pad on her forhead, and
then she becomes your friend and goes like this, and then you
shoot her, right to the spine. The sound of it. Those screaming
horses. Black clouds of flies
buzzing around. Like being in a giant bee hive. But you werent
Good Will Hunting


Say Im working at NSA. Somebody puts a code on my desk, somethin no one can
break. So I take a shot at it and maybe I break it. And I go home real happy with
my self cause I did my job right. But maybe that code was the secret location of
some rebel army base in North Africa or the Middle East. Once they have that
location, they bomb the village where the rebels were hiding and fifteen hundred
people I never had a problem with get killed.

Now the polticians are sayin send in the Marines to secure the area cause they
dont give a shit. It wont be their kid over there getting shot. Just like it wasnt
them when their number got pulled cause they were pullin a tour in the National
Guard. Itll be some guy from Southie takin shrapnel in the ass. And when he
comes home he finds the plant he used to work at just got exported to the
country he got back from. And the guy who put the shrapnel in his ass got his old
job cause hell work for fifteen cents a day and no bathroom breaks. Meanwhile,
my buddy from Southie realizes the only reason he was over there was so we
could install a government that would sell us oil at a good price. And of course,
the oil companies use the skirmish to scare up oil prices so they could turn a quick
buck. A cute little ancillary benefit for them but it aint helping my buddy at two-
fifty a gallon. And naturally theyre taking their sweet time bringin the oil back,
and maybe even took the liberty of hiring an alcoholic skipper who likes to drink
martinis and play slalom with icebergs, and it aint too long til he hits one, spills
the oil and kills all the sea life in the North Atlantic. So my buddys out of work
and he cant afford to drive, so hes got to walk to the job interviews, which sucks
cause the shrapnel in his ass is givin him chronic hemorrhoids. And meanwhile
hes starvin cause every time he tries to get a bite to eat the only blue plate
special theyre servin is North Atlantic scrud with Quaker State.
So what do I think? Im holding out for somethin better. I figure Ill eliminate the
middleman. Why not just shoot my buddy, take his job and give it to his sworn
enemy, hike up gas prices, bomb a village, club a baby seal, hit the hash pipe and
join the National Guard? Christ, I could be elected president.


This shit makes me wonder if this lawyer has any idea as to the kind of grades you need out of college to
be accepted at any medical school. I don't feel you have the vaguest clue as to the amount of talent you
need to be a part of a surgical team. I am board certified in cardiotherasic medicine and trauma surgery.
I have been awarded seven different citations from medical boards in New England. And I am never ever
sick at sea. So I ask you when someone goes into that chappel and they fall onto they knees and pray to
god that their wife doesn't miss carry or that their daughter doesn't bleed to death or that their mother
doesn't suffer from acute post operative shock. Who do you think they're praying to? Now, go ahead
and read your bible, Dennis, and go to your church, your very likely to win your raffle, now, if you want
to find god you should have been in operating room two on november 17th. And he doesn't like to be
second guessed. You ask me if I have a god complex? Let me tell you something, I am god. And this side
show is over.

Hey, no problem, it's probably just
another kidnapping featuring Jeffrey's
shrink, pardon me, make that ex-shrink.
(indicating Jeffrey to the others)
This is your leader, a certifiable lunatic
who told his former psychiatrist all his
plans for God knows what whacko irresponsible
schemes, and now who knows what she's
painted out there on our wall?

(moves to Fale, jabs him with a finger)
You think I told her about the Army of
the 12 Monkeys? Impossible! Know why,
you pathetically ineffectual and
pusillanimous "pretend-friend-to-
animals"?! I'll tell you why: because
when I had anything to do with her six
years ago, there was no such thing -- I
hadn't even thought of it yet!

Then how come she knows what's going on?

JEFFREY abruptly switches from rage to good humor, adopting a

supercilious smile and a patronizing tone.

Here's my theory on that. While I was
institutionalized, my brain was studied
exhaustively in the guise of mental health.
I was interrogated, x-rayed, studied
thoroughly. Then, everything about me
was entered into a computer where they
created a model of my mind.

They all stare, mesmerized, at the strutting JEFFREY. Is he

serious? Is he crazy? Doesn't matter -- he's charismatic.

JEFFREY (cont.)
Then, using the computer model, they
generated every thought I could possibly
have in the next, say ten years, which
they then filtered through a probability
matrix to determine everything I was
going to do in that period. So you
see, she knew I was going to lead the
Army of the Twelve Monkeys into the
pages of history before it ever even
occurred to me. She knows everything
I'm ever going to do before I know it
myself. How about that?

JEFFREY smiles smugly into FALE'S flabbergasted face.

Now I have to get going -- do my part.
You guys check all this stuff out and
load up the van. Make sure you have
everything. I'm outta here.

JEFFREY exits. The others stare at the door.

He's seriously crazy -- you know that.

Hey, are you awake?


No? hm. I just wanna, I just wanna make sure everything was okay.


Then everythings cool.

Everything is good, yeah.

Because, you know, i know that we didnt use a condom last night, so I didnt, I wanna make sure, you

You felt amazing. I need more sleepy time

Yeah. Well just remember to take your contraception thing. Contraceptive. The pill thing you take.

What pill

You know the pill, the one in the little round thing, the one a day pill that thing.

Im not on any pills.

Youre not on the pill.

Oh, you mean the pill.

Yeah. THE pill.

Im not on that.

Are you serious?

Yeah, Im catholic.

Youre what.

The religion with the pope.

Wooh, hold on, wait a minute, let me get this straight. Okay, we had unprotected sex last night. I came
inside of you. and you are not on the pill. Are you kidding?

Theres nothing to worry about. I know my body Im not ovulating.

How do you know your body. Does it come with any instruction manual.
No you smartass. Im in touch with myself and I know Im not ovulating.

Okay, you just had your period.


Great. How many days ago. Please. Please. Im sorry. Just to kind of put my mind at rest.

Okay, alright. What was the question.

How many days ago did you have your period.

Ah, what is today. Seven. Eleven days.

Eleven days since the start of your last period?

Since the end. I think.

Okay. Ahm. Okay. Thats not a big deal. We are just gonna have to go to the pharmacy and get the
morning after pill.

Baby. Theres nothing to worry about. Im not pregnant. Now come back to sleep.

I just really thing we should get the morning after pill.

Im not taking any pill.

I cant, sorry, I cant believe this. You held me inside of you.

You should have put on a condom.

I was asleep and aroused and I woke up and you mounted me.

Oh, Im so sorry you got laid last night.

What! You lied to me.

How did I lie to you.

The act of holding me inside of you was an act of lying. It implied that you were protected and I didnt
need to use, you know, any kind of, pulling out method.

Baby I didnt want you to pull out.

But youre not on the pill. Why would you want me to come inside of you.

Because I wanted us to feel close.

We are going to the pharmacy.

Im not killing a life with some abortion pill. Thats against my beliefs.

Okay, okay, yeah, so what are you saying. You are saying that if you were pregnant, you would

Of course I would have the baby. Wouldnt you?

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