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The Hearts Desire

By Anna Baker

Moonlight peered through the canopy of the forest. The sound of our feet was squishing

in the soft moss that carpeted the ground, echoed the pounding of our hearts. We were told that

one would be able to pledge this full moon. My childhood dream was to follow in the footsteps

of my mother and pledge my allegiance as a witch, to The House of Light. Running further into

the darkness, we split up and began our search for the last objects needed for the ceremony.

The rare nightshade was the only item on my list. I looked frantically but came up with

nothing. Panic dripped from my pours. What if I wouldnt be able to pledge? What if I wouldnt

be able to gain power like my mother?

A slithering whisper came from behind. A dark mist seeped out of an old hollowed tree,

taking the shape of a disfigured old creature. Even with the darkness and misshapenness, her

appearance was strikingly beautiful.

She whispered, You need help, do you? You want help, do you?

Who are you? I belted out in fear and curiosity.

She appeared closer and whispered in a lower tone, I can give you what your heart


Our eyes were locked, and the temptation to take her offer left a sweet taste on my lips.

But that sweetness seemed almost too good, and I could not shake that something wasnt right. I

broke free of her gaze and ran away, toward the center of the forest.

Running full force, I collided into another witchling. In a mangled mess of legs and arms,

we crashed to the ground. While unraveling ourselves, our eyes fell on the rare nightshade. As

quick as I could blink, she ran for the nightshade. I pulled all the power I had and cast a spell to
break the bond of gravity. I leapt forward with such speed; it seemed as if the nightshade was

within my grasp. The witchling cast a more advanced spell, reaching the nightshade quicker. I

cannot lose. I will not lose. With desperation and a desire for more power, I yelled out for the


Just say the word, she slithered, And your hearts desire is yours. More power?

Give me power, I proclaimed.

Darkness closed in, and the world began to shake. My body Falls to the ground, a slow

piercing pain climbed my body. I screamed, but no one came. When it stopped, the nightshade

was gone, and the smell of dew ushered the soft light of dawn.

Most people will never stand in the darkness of the forest surrounded by the ancient

woods. They will never hear the music of the night, the orchestra; of beetles, crickets, and owls.

The dampness of the earth will never caress their souls as they stroll through the moonlit

cathedral of nature. But for me, it is my prison. Im cursed by the desires of my heart, to wander

the forest for eternity. A dark mist in time.

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