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4/6/2017 kmeans_cluster

K-means clustering fucntion
Distance function

K-means clustering fucntion

function [c,centroids,dists2centroids] = kmeans_cluster(X,k,distFun)

% Cutoff criteria
epsilon = 1e-7; % Some small value

% Initialize cutoff values

maxEpsilon = 100; % Set to some large value initially

% Get intiial centroids by randomly sampling input matrix

% Assumes clustering dimension is by rows
rand_vals = randperm(size(X,1));
order = sort(rand_vals(1:k)); % organize (for numerical reasons)
centroids = X(order,:);

loop_count = 0;

% Begin loop and continue until cutoffs met

while maxEpsilon > epsilon && loop_count < 100

loop_count = loop_count + 1;

distances = zeros(length(X),k);
for i = 1:length(X)
for j = 1:k
distances(i,j) = distFun(X(i,:),centroids(j,:));

% Get membership of observations to clusters based on distance

[~,I] = min(distances');

% Re-calculate centroids based on current assignments

new_centroids = zeros(size(centroids));
for i = 1:k; new_centroids(i,:) = mean(X(I==i,:)); end;

% Compute change in centroids

% update epsilon cutoff value
maxEpsilon = sum(sum(abs(new_centroids - centroids)));

% Update centroids to new ones

centroids = new_centroids;


% Assign final membership, centroids, and distances to centroids

c = I;
dists2centroids = min(distances,[],2);


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4/6/2017 kmeans_cluster

Not enough input arguments.

Error in kmeans_cluster (line 11)

rand_vals = randperm(size(X,1));

Distance function

function fun = distance(dist)

switch dist
case 'Euclidean'
fun = @(x,y) sqrt(sum((x-y).^2));
case 'cityblock'
fun = @(x,y) sum(abs(x-y));

Published with MA TLAB R2016b

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