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Edward Klutz 10

Green 2

Brit Lit 12

1 February, 2017

Annotated Bibliography

Handler, Joel, MD. The Importance of Accurate Blood Pressure Measurement.

2009. Web. 26 Jan. 2017.

Blood pressure plays a huge role in people's health and life, especially as they grow older. In Joel
Handler's article over the importance of an accurate blood pressure measurement covers how easy it is to
obtain a mis reading when the measurement is not taken appropriately. For example, active listening by
the patient, when the MA is talking during blood pressure measurement, can increase the systolic pressure
by 10 mm hg(Joel Handler). According to Joel, in order to obtain the most accurate blood pressure
measurement is to have it taken in a professional environment where there are no distractions or noise.
Otherwise you will not receive a precise blood pressure measurement, which may be an issue.

Joel Handler and his article over The Importance of Accurate Blood Pressure is a reliable, credible
source for educating oneself over the best way to receive the most accurate blood pressure, and the
importance in doing so. Handler is a credible source due to the fact that he is his own source. Joel Handler
is a MD, and he is also an expert on blood pressure. Joel has experience in the field he writes about,
therefore making him and his article perfect for anyone who has blood pressure problems.

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