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There was a woman who lived next door to her neighbor woman who
always did her laundry and pu on the line nearby the womans window
after each laundry day the other woman would laugh and scorn at the
clothes put on the line and say cant she se that her clothes are dirty this
continued for several years until one day she decided to go out of the
house to tell her that why do u always wash your clothes but they never
come out clean ,she went to the laundry woman and told her but in reply
the laundry woman said consider washing your window she then
discovered that it was not that the clothes were dirty but her window was
dirty so she looked at clean clothes through a dirty window .

There are people in our communities who look at certain peoples lives
through a dirty window and conclude to laugh and mock at other peoples
lives without careful observation,today lets wash our windows as the
children of God there is no person on earth greater than the other nor is
there any special class the bible says in 1 peter 2;8-9 that we are a
peculiar people God generation point to you is god loves us all the
same the poor ,the inexperienced ,those who are slow ,those who do not
know what they should do God loved us all

for one to be qualified to gossip around he/she must have perfect life
whereas the bible says no one is perfect no not one Romans 3;10 if you
can have anything bad to say about someone anyone will also have
something bad to say about you .If you think you have a gossip disease I
want to advise you to gossip on HOW much God loves us ,how much care
God has for our families and our livelihood ,there is a valuable gossip of
salvation Paul says I am not ashamed of the gospel for it is the power of
GOD unto salvation ROM 1;16. All Christians in this building we have a
mandate to preach the GOSPEL of JESUS Christ no matter who you are
what you do or how you work lets talk about how much GOD sacrificed his
only begotten son for us sinners to be reconciled to the father .read Mat
28;18-19 it says go yee ,its not our choice to go or not this is a command
God wants us to go and make disciples of all nations beginning from
Jerusalem ,your family ,Judea ,your neighbors ,Samaria your neighboring
country and to the end of the world .its our mandate as Christians to
show people the real DEAL Jesus CHRIST OF Nazareth John 14;1-6

oh GOD we thank you for the mandate give us courage and the zeal to
preach your word without fear help us to change and touch lives in our
day and age ,from our families ,community nations and the entire universe
in the Name of JESUS father we thank you AMEN

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