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The journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step.

Madam Principal,
vice principal, academic staff, ancillary staff, students a special greetings to
you all. I am Nicholas hazel, your head boy for the year 2014-2015. With my
hard work, dedication and your cooperation we can achieve great things. I
was at ease knowing that I wasn't alone in this quest. Behind me is a team of
unique prefects who are dedicated in carrying out their roles with their
utmost passion. As the great Marcus Mosiah Garvey Said and I quote
without confidence you are twice defeated in the race of life" end quote I
have confidence that this batch of students will help to raise the standard of
this noble institution. As our theme for the year 2014-2015 says getting it
right and striving for excellence". We will get it right and we must get it right
to strive for excellence. It's time to work work and work. Madam Principal and
vice principal, teachers, ancillary workers and students, It was pleasure
working with you. After analyzing this institution the prefect body has a
number of initiatives and these will soon be apparent. I hope they work well
to enhance the school for future years. Challenges come with great
experience and responsibility and I am committed to not only instill rules and
regulations but to follow them. Academia is, of course, the core objective
for any school and Garvey Maceo has an outstanding reputation in this field
but, perhaps even more importantly for me, this is achieved despite instilling
a belief that learning is fun. As a very popular saying states that Work
without play makes jack a dull boy I am encouraging you to be more involved
in extracurricular activities, let us embrace our motto which states,
excellence in study, work and play and try to rise above all our challenges
with our motto as our guide. Please be reminded that respect goes both
ways and should be earned, so I am imploring the students to show respect
in order to receive it. This year will be very challenging but we shall
overcome these challenges through unity because we are over comers. As an
institution, one of our major challenges is students wearing incorrect
uniform. As the head of the student body, incorrect uniforms will not be
tolerated. All students MUST be dressed in their correct uniform at all times
or face the penalty. I am not expecting perfection, neither am I trying to
work a miracle because Rome was not built in one day. Let us start adhering
to the school rules, attend our classes and be more disciplined. Let us try to
achieve all that we can now because without EDUCATION we will not be able
to successfully compete and achieve in this challenging race of life. This
noble institution has produced many successful individuals such as Matondo
Mukulu Jamaica's deputy public defender, I - octain and tyquando Tracy. Last
but not least I would like to express gratitude towards the prefect committee
and student body for seeing me fit for this position, If it was not for your
valued and continuous support I would not have been so privileged with such
a position. It was a privilege to serve as your head boy for the academic
year. As I close I leave you with these great lines Some were born great,
some achieve greatness and some have greatness thrust upon them we are
a great and noble institution and we are destined for greatness. Let us show

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