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1) Biology Teacher
2) Science writer
3) Ecologist
4) Hydrologist
5) Conservation biologist
6) Climatologist
7) Population biologist
8) Phytochemist
9) Pharmaceutical QC technician
10) Medical geneticist
11) Genealogist
12) Microbiologist
13) Forensic scientist
14) Evolutionary biochemist
15) Biometrician
16) Wildlife biologist
17) Food scientist
18) Virologist
19) Algologist
20) Mycologist
21) Tissue culture technician
22) Plant breeder
23) Entomologist
24) Marine biologist
25) Veterinarian
26) Paleontologist
27) Animal behaviorist
28) Physical therapist
29) EEG technologist
30) Registered dietician
31) Ultrasound technician
32) Epidemiologist
33) Nanotechnologist
34) Toxicologist
35) Cell biologist
36) Pharmaceuticals
37) Phlebotomist
38) Bioinformatics
39) Computational biology
40) Physician assistant
41) Optometrist
42) Speech therapist
43) Perfusionist
44) Medical and health services manager
45) Medical coding
46) Kinesiologist
47) Nurse
48) Medical psychologist
49) Food, dairy & brewery production and quality control
50) Occupational therapist

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