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5 LORD, IN THE MORNING ISAAC WATTS AARON WILLIAMS * 1, Lord in the morn - ing Thou shalt hear My voice as - 4. The men that love and fear Thy name Shall see their cend- ing high; To Thee will I di-rect’ my pray’r, To hopes ful - filleds—— The might y God will com- pass them With — Finesse renor soto Thee lift up mine eye. 2 Up to the hills where Christ is fa- vor as a shield. 3. 0 may ‘Thy Spir- it guide my gone To plead for all His saints feet In ways of right cous - ness — Pre-sent = ing at His — Make ev = ?ry path of D.C, al Fine Fa - ther’s throne Our songs and our com ~ du - ty straight And plain be - fore my Ar. Copyright 1958 by Wayne Hooper

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