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1280 arrival of early Polynesians

1300-1500 early Polynesians become Maori
1642 - Abel Tasman
1769, 1773, 1777 - James Cook
1772 - Marc-Joseph Marion du Fresne
1788 - New South Wales founded
1807 - Battle of Morenomui
1807-42 - Musket Wars
1809 - Boyd Massacre
1814 - Samuel Marsden
1833 - James Busby appointed British Resident (in the Bay of Islands)
1834 - United Tribes of New Zealand flag
1835 - Declaration of Independence of New Zealand
1837 - New Zealand Company
1840 - Treaty of Waitangi
1841 NZ becomes independent of NSW; Auckland becomes the capital
1845-72 New Zealand Wars
1846, 1852 First and Second Constitution Acts
1861 - Otago Gold Rush
1865 Wellington becomes the capital
1876 - abolition of the provinces
1893 - universal suffrage
1901 NZ rejects federation with Australia, annexation of the Cook Islands and Niue
1905 - the All Blacks
1907 - Dominion of New Zealand
1914-18 WWI and ANZAC
1939-45 WWII (HMNZS Achilles, Crete, El Alamein, Featherston)
1947 - Statute of Westminster Adoption Act, New Zealand Constitution Amendment (Request
and Consent) Act
1950-53 Korean War
1951- ANZUS
1953 - Edmund Hillary and Sherpa Tenzing Norgay climb Mount Everest.
1964-72 Vietnam War
1975 Waitangi Tribunal
1985 - Rainbow Warrior sunk
1986 - The Constitution Act
1987 - Mori Language Act
1993 Mixed-member proportional representation in elections
2003 Supreme Court Act

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