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Daily Journal

September 08, 2016

Pauline Chan
Ward: Neuro Ward and Surgery Ward

In the morning, I was over at the surgery ward first and I established my rapport to the nurse on duty
there, who is Maam Danica. Having known her from my previous duty and having already a good
connection with her, she was more than eager to answer my questions and wanted to assist me even
further as she has been in QA during her time in Nursing here in UERM. I observed the work she did and
observed all the happenings around there. There was no chaos whatsoever and everybody seemed to know
exactly what to do in each and every scenario that it kind of became a routine that I believe no outsider
would be able to grasp almost immediately.
In addition to this, she helped me access the web application for the laboratory results and allowed me to
use it, which then enabled me to deduce things and explore the system even further. I found the system
was actually working and if it was implemented more, it could reduce the laboratory communications
problem if this solution was found viable by the administration. Of course, I was not aware of its history
or how the system works in a deeper sense but I appreciated it and I took note of the details surrounding
After this, I went to Neuro Ward to assist my co-member. I went there because I had established good
rapport with the head nurse and my co-member feels she will talk to me more than she will to them.
However I was not able to interview her just yet as she had to leave for an event. I was however able to
view the Nursing Procedure Manual and the Nursing Orientation Guide. I felt like it bridged the gaps in
information we were missing and we were able to confirm statements that were said. I would like to
explore further though because I feel like the information was not adequate and I could not believe the
manuals would just be like that.
In the end, I felt as if we covered a lot of grounds for the day but there are still more to ask for the next
days to come.

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