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HWUA MEETING @ JANUARY 11, 2016 REGULAR MEETING ‘Meeting was called to order by President, Ken Larus @ 6:10 @ Hermosa Fire Dept. The minutes for the December 14,2015 meeting were read by the Board. Dean Johnson made changes to minutes. Motion to approve with changes was made by Dean, 2™ by Fred. Motion carried. The Treasurer’s Report was read by Nancy Baker. Nancy stated she will transfer $8000 from checking to reserve account. Motion to approve by Dean. 2 by Fred. Motion carried. The Task Force Committee report was given by Ken Larus. They would suggest that a log-in sheet be kept at the well house for whomever goes in there and the purpose for the visit. Donny said they need to talk to Dick Milner about this too. Shane Barber & Dell Petersen met with Mike Moeller of the Rural Water Systems and he proposed that the first thing that should be done is to check all the hydrants for leaks with a machine that they have. Stated the average of hydrant leaks is about 20%. Leaking found at the base can be fixed oftentimes with just tightening the nut. The Task Force said they would coordinate with the land owners to complete this . The cost of this would be $100/day, no labor charge for Mike to do the testing, Task Force thought maybe it would take about 3 days to do the testing on the North Line, Mike could also get the GPS location of each hydrant to be plotted on a map later if we wanted. Don’t know the cost of that. Betty made a motion to allocate $300 for the testing to be done. Motion failed due to no second. Dean stated that the motion for the Task Force was only for them to compile information for a 6 month feasibility study not for this committee to take over doing stuff. Dean also thinks there are certain people on the Task Force that can’t get along with Donny and they should be removed if they can’t. Need to replace them with someone else. Ken stated they just need to try and get along. OLD BUSINESS: A&B Ranch User Agreement was discussed. Shane thinks they have the 83’ Agreement so was confused why they needed to sign another one. The new one Is a User Agreement for (Owner Retains Lines), so is labeled differently. They will sign it. A & B Ranch submitted a letter and attorney's bill for charges brought against them in September, 2015. The bill is $4806.88. Dean made a motion to deny paying the attorney’s bill. Fred called for discussion. Fred doesn’t feel he was out of line with actions that were taken and doesn’t feel he is personally responsible for the action taken. Ken doesn’t feel the HWUA. should be responsible for someone else’s legal fees. Fred 2 motion. Betty abstained from voting because she was not on the board at the time. Motion carried, Svalstad’s will be sending a letter and a check in regards to their restricter violation next month. Travis Bies is now authorized to sign any paperwork for the tap removal he requested in July as he has purchased the property from the Railroad that has the tap on it. He requested removal of that tap because of unassessed land connected to this pasture. Railroad has also issued a letter delegating Bies Ranch Land LLLP the authority to make all decisions regarding management and changes to water resources affecting the lands retained by Wyoming Dakota Railroad Properties, Inc. and leased to Bies Ranch land LLLP until the Railroad notifies the HVWUA otherwise. Travis also asked that the waterline easement be removed. Donny says it is easiest to disconnect that spur line to the hydrant in the pit across the road. There was a motion in July to keep the easement with the HWUA. Travis mentioned getting meter pits put in for about 6 taps. We will put on next month Agenda. We will put easement subject on next month Agenda. Travis said we need to change their membership to Bies Ranch Land LLLP instead of Travis and Harold having separate memberships. McMahon's hydrant repair bill still needs paid. This leak happened during the time Donny had resigned. Dean stated that only 2 board members ordered that done without the rest of the board knowing. He doesn’t think we should pay it. Nancy said in Emmit’s absence tonight he told her to have the board call him if they have any questions. Travis noted that 2 individual board members decided outside of a board meeting to pursue Brian Barber and the lawyer bill was paid for that. Ken stated we need to pay the bill or they could file a lien against HWUA. Fred said let it be duly noted it is an excessive amount. Fred made a motion to pay it. 2" by Betty. Dean voted Nay. Motion carried. iple 7 has had a leak for quite awhile. Donny said he doesn’t know of a leak or what we are talking about. Ken will call Moritz for the location of the leak and they will get it fixed. NEW BUSINESS: Dean said Donny needs to get the minutes. Donny gave Betty his email Donny’s maintenance records were discussed. That he needs to document every job, hours spent, more explanation and detail, Ken requested that he and the board need a key to the well house. Dean doesn’t want one. Betty said that Ken definitely needs a key because he knows all the electrical in there and more than one person needs a key. Ken stated Donny is the only one with a key and when he is not available no can get in. Donny didn’t want to give a key to Ken, he argued several times that he would meet Ken there when he needed in. Donny resigned. He said he will park all equipment on Missile Base Rd. He left the meeting at this point. ‘Tom Gabel sent a letter to the Board and Donny Carroll stating that he has never drilled any HWUA restricters out for Roger Dikoff, as had been rumored back to him several times. EA MPPROVED Nancy had suggested maybe filling the fuel tank while prices are low. Board tabled it until later time. Tyler Robertson wants to change a hydrant to an underground winter tank with a curb stop this spring sometime. Wondered what he needed to do to get it ok’d. Board said we just need to have maintenance dig up the hydrant and put curb stop in for him. Tom Colgan brought up the issue about the tire tanks with the water inlet in the bottom. When the tank gets low and the water goes off the cow water can then drain back down the line contaminating the drinking water. Some of these kinds of tanks have check valves in the line below but how can we be sure they are working. Tyler said this tank will feed from the top so that shouldn’t be an issue. Ken suggested we work on collecting some information about contractors and have an informal get-together to share what we found in the next week some time. Nancy had the bank information to change signatures on the bank accounts. Everyone signed them Ken has been paying for the phone at the West well house. It has been $18.66/month for 1500 texts. Thinks we can drop that to 500 texts for about $12.00/month. Betty made a motion to reimburse Ken monthly for the phone. 2™ by Fred. Motion passed. THE NEXT MEETING WILL BE FEBRUARY 8, 2016 @ 6:00 @ HERMOSA FIRE DEPT. Betty motioned to adjourn meeting. 2™ by Fred. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned @ 7:50. Betty Dikoff, Secretary ‘Those present: Ken Larus Donny Carroll Tyler Robertson Fred Matthews Tom Colgan Dell Petersen Dean Johnson Travis Bies Shane Barber Nancy Baker

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