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I [- C 12 W 2005

O L-
O ju o
O n j
O vA Jho
O uh- N--j
N Nx- ...

#o #oN L #\!
O O p--L!
v L!
v-d pL!
\ xJ-c -!
] p Tx
j ]!
O u--]- O [p--]
-[-v-A V N# V Spoken English Conversational English
jL p Tx
E .
# Career - Nu-n--]-J ---i
u C-hC.
Sentence-1 verb is, Sentence-2
Communications Skills u-i Spoken English. verb 'do speak', Sentence-3, 4 'is'.
Spoken English Sentence Subject,
# ux, qx v--E Ey- Interviews, group Verb Jh-[ -. E
I discussions, presentations, self sketches N C-- Jhh N--Fo .
Kavita : How did you do in yesterday's
Spoken English O] d -. a) Andhra Pradesh is the biggest state in
South India
(Eo K- ?) (-- --E u (x Tx x-[) b) The Eenadu was published first from

! L- 3. Where is Ramesh?
Suji : Well, I think. How did you do ?
( -----o. y ho. h-] --o) ( \[?) [ Sentences N-Eo pN.
Statements o-.
?) Suneetha : I wish I had appeared for CAT 4. How beautiful the Taj is!
c) Is AP the biggest state in South India?
too. It's too late now. I think I'll (-- ] C)
Kavita: Not bad. I could have done better. d) Was the Eenadu first published from
(y-]. h [- do MCA. I am preparing for the j Sentences vAD
a) entrance tests of all MCA
courses. I may also take PG
N-Eo J#
-C. ] (c), (d) Questions . (a), (b) (c),
Suji: What group are going to study in entrance tests and do MSc Sentence (d) l.
Inter? Computers or Electronics. 'Vijayawada', English (a), (b) Statements,
(- v B---o?)
( -C. 'They', C (c), (d) Questions v-
Kavita : MPC. What about you ? p[ -E ? 'Ramesh', C u-E-t (sentence structure) C.
(. y...!) h. > v K- 'Taj' J# -- (sentence structure ],
Suji : Not sure yet, though dad wants me -E C. tq o. Sentence M. SURESAN y J.)
to do MPC. u-q -Z-Eq F p N-Eo E Statement : AP is the
( N --]. o h) 'Subject' . d ] Sentence
Structure ) Subject + Verb
Subject Vijayawada, u Subject

Kavita : Which college? ( @?) ---Fo -E- ...! biggest state in south India.

Question : Is AP the biggest

Suji : No idea as yet. What's going to be Spoken English Grammar -- Verb + Subject
your college? [ -. Grammar L- state in South India!
(N --]... y!) v English x[[ h-]--- x 1 Statement Subject ], Verb y
Kavita : Same here. Not decided yet.
[ -. --i F grammar -
hC.Question DE uA-- verb
( . --].) --L. ]...
They, u Subject Ramesh, ] subject y h-o. C English
VOCABULARY u Subject The Taj.
II vA Sentence 'Subject'
v--i .
Vocabulary --Fo. Statement : The Eenadu was published first
Spoken English
J# p -]E -E
Supriya : Hi, Suneetha, What a relief! The
---i - structure : Subject + Verb
u j-C @N--E, F -, - . j 1st sentence'.... is on the
final degree exams are over. But banks of the Krishna' Sentence subject from Vizag.
What next for you?
o -, ---, --
N--[ J# C. Question : Was the Eenadu published first
(tu! K--j-- F. -C-#j . C Tx-
y h) ]l-]l h. F #o-#o 'She sings well' structure : Verb + Subject ( Verb)

from Vizag?
Suneetha : Not yet decided. What are your
N-- Tx , [ L-]. Sentence 'She' Subject. 'Sings well'
Listening. - x English C Subject She J# p . 'sings C Statements quesitons Ja
plans? n ---[. DE daily life - practice
( --]. F - well' 'sings' sentence ]. (She .
- , Pronunciation
?) well - n ]. Sentence ]). Statements Questions
---L. 'She sings well' - sentence Subject a) (Yes), They are students -----?
Supriya : Well, You know I've taken the u J-Q-L-. 'She' y 'Sings' Sentence b) (Yes), Rani is the leader -----?
CAT for joining in IIM. Waiting for 1. Vijayawada is on the banks of the Krishna u. 'VERB' . c) (No), I am not happy -----?
the results. If I make it, I'll join
(N--[ 'g [f C) Subject, Verb --[ -u. d) (Yes), He was here last night -----?
one of the IIMs. Hope I shall be
2. They do not speak English d-] #a Sentences Verbs e) (No), She is not hungry ? -----?
I [- 14 W 2005

W x x j E#, h
p [. No, j]E N x
Th. d E ## x[. F x
xp[ ]ui # . L
d E d d.

English pronunciation confusion
[ y l-
- [[.
: Car c-, centre c-

l-E [ y - [[.
R x! 3. They are happy 5. -- W 10 # 4
: centre - c \[ , sentry - s \[ VERBS 4. Are you happy?
). Kranthi: Was anything special in the sun-
5. Why are you here?
6. They are our relatives 6. O W -@ p-[-?
day Eenadu?
-L? (C- -[ j vu- ?) am, is, are p[ (now) vh --
(present) [-Eo L--h. ]
English x \ -. 7. @ 10 # 4 ?
Karuna: Yes. There was the first lesson in
am, is, are regular [-Eo L-----
#---x l \. Pen - ; Spoken English.
(. p Tx ] C.) E --T-h. j \j v
Book- , Watch - ; Phone - ; Take p- [-Eo am, is, are
- . x #J x x
Kranthi: Was anything important in it?
(] i vu- ?) . C sentences practice Answers:
L- -C. o, \, <, , . 2. When is your father at office?
. English x--p[ x Karuna: Yes. Very important point was
O x--p[? (vA W C regular)
3. His pen is always in his pocket.
# x L-- ]. there- the difference between the
statement structure and question
4. When are your classes (every day)?
When are your classes every day? 5. Our classes are from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
C u! (. u-i N... \[ 'are' ] [-o? C vA 6. When are you at college (every day)?

Tx x #J 'r' . -- d- Za- a Za- W v pE N d. 7. We are at college from 10 to 4 (every

(d), car (), for (), paper p.) Sx [. day)?

1st show p[? 6, 7ux every
(). Kranthi: Is it so important?
1st show p[ j C ? day - ]. (are
# 'r' o Eo -- C- (C u?)
regular [[. d is [[ u--
h.\['r' silent. ]u Karuna: Very. The statement has the sub-
d. [[.)
a, e, i, o, u E y 'r' #a ject first, and the verb next. The
C silent. Eo . E y a, e, i, o, question has verb first and the
u, j h p. subject next.
(... d-x ] bd y -u-i -- M. SURESAN
: form (); Card (); Fur (); sir s . F a- ] s u, -C-#
(), her (); information (--- y bd .) --
-). x 2
1. Cold. 2. ]_ Cough (). 3.
- ! ] vA-Fo
vo. --Fo d-x. t Sneeze (o size #J
When is the first show?
l -L.) 4. <][ blow the nose.
O !
u -E-... O-p-[- College (vA V)
O-- I am here- verb: 'am'
5. \ running nose. 6. p ache
Conversation - You are in class- verb: 'are'
C 'regular' d, (), ] pain, suffering;
--i Eo My pen is in my pocket- When are you at college (every day)? p: [--p, -p,
--. ] verb: 'is' \[ every day -- --]. [p O y 'ache'
parts of the human
]- 'are' regular [[ d. [.pain [.
body- K
sentences o Verbs stomach ache- stomach pain ].
Tx 'am', 'is', 'are. O n -v x
l. [[ E -C-#- [ ? head ache, back ache etc.
head, face,
N. C vo, 'I am at home in the evenings'.
y (fever) ax, #a-x 'feel'
eyes, ears, neck,
Statements English prac- Evenings vA evening- regular.
'feeling feverish'.
shoulder, hand,
legs, fingers
tice . d regular states of being (v p- ]] itch () scratch (v\),
l ]J 1. (p[) O \[ [[) p--E am, is, are [[ p sore throat; ] -[
d. C English p. prac- groan; -L-[ yawn, swelling,
. thumb (- o?
-), forefinger tice . C-- inflammation. Fo practice
(-[-), middle
English: Where are you?
1. j p[ O-]---J-\[? x--p[ [.
2. (p[) x --p C.
(]u), (Regular ?)
ring finger (
I have a head ache.
Answer: Why are you here at this time t .
), little finger every day?
(#- ). toe 3. (p[) x - 2. O o- - p-[-?
My mother has a cold.

(L-), big toe o. -N JEopractice .

(L --), nail (), waist ([), --
wrist (-d), arm (-d #
3. p[ C. Tx Consonant ending l \-
), forearm (-d # 4. (p[) O -- o?
(elbow) ), back arm (elbow #
-- o . x # l
-- \. # x x-- -L.
), buttocks (-]), Knee (). 4. W O -- p[?
Knee # ] L ] 5. (p[) O \[ ]--o? : book, , \ ].
-- , o ]. Tub - , s ].
shin, L-- calf (), L -E
-- Hotel- ( \). mag-
]u joint () ankle, ] [Sole,
-L fist, - Palm, -- eye- 6. (p[) x d. O ! azine- # 'ine', 'ile'
brows, ] forehead. cheeks - \x,
p Tx O , -L. Magazine -
pupil - -, eyelid- -p, nostril-
p Tx, vA\, [, -@ (@, \[ easy #J l-
\ v], gums - -#-x, skull-v, -C) Automobile- --H,
# a.
>[, j]82
scalp- Vd C -j-. 2. I am in class intestine () -d etc.
email: pratibha@
email: pratibha@
I [- 16 W 2005

] \[ p[ L
C. L LE v ] JE
da N LTa. ' a
xEo [ ' C. ]
a E i ]l J[ .

the- \[ C, p[ ]?
[ phone, ringup, give a ring,
call- O-Eo- p[ [- o ,
'call', phone to a person, phone a person
Jh ----. ring up, give a ring
[- o.
1) O -J .
Please call me.
Please give me a ring.
Please ring me up.
WAS, WERE L. 6. I was at College. p- h.
Ram: Were you there yesterday? 7.Eo y \[ ]o? 7. Are you at college at this time every day? I will certainly call you.

(Eo y \[ o?) Why were you here yesterday? 8. Yes, I am (at college... every day - conver- Sure, I will call you.
Sx O h.
Raghav: I was there, of course. 8. o-[ C- \[ o[. sation C---a.)
( \[ o) 9. When are you at home usually? (-
I will get back to you.

Ram: When were you there?

My friend was here last Sunday.
d (past) N- d 'are') 2) N - .
(p-[-o?) p[ was, were . 10. I am at home in the evenings (Regular,
Please mail me the matter.

Raghav: I was there exactly at 6 when the C sentences english practice. therefore, am) but I was not (wasn't) at
Please mail the matter to me at
function began. 1. Praveen: O Eo x o? home last evening. J y .
(J_ { ]-j 6 - 2. Pranav: , x o. (Eo v, Eo vA last evening,

\ o) 3. Praveen: O o x o? last night). 4)

Send it by courier.
d y .
Ram: Who else was there yesterday?
4. Pranav: [. 11. Where else were you? (Eo d)
(Eo --o?) Post it.
5. Praveen: Eo O \[-o?
12. I was at a meeting. Send it by ordinary post.
- O, O friendF, O
Raghav: Anil, and Sunil were also there.
(E, F \[ o) 6. Pranav: -@ o. x -J--F practice .
Sent it by snail mail.
'snail mail' h- -u
- -E-. Ram, Raghav Eo ] O practice y answers x post E n.
[-Eo was, were p-- .
o. English jd Verb forms
p[ ? \ am, is, are, was,
JEo !
. p[, p[, - [- chew (u) - [
Eo am, is, are . o were English x-[-a?
3 swallow (y)- N[
E p[ was, were .
PRONUNCIATION GUIDE swallow in a gulp - \ N
trim (v)(mustache, beard)
was- singular
7. Praveen: vA W j -@ Tx- pure sounds -.
- (O, [f) Ah-J# J[
were- plural
p[ E-\[ o. ? (Regular) \j 'a'
clench (x)- GT- (-L fist)
bake, cake, case, date, face, game, hate,
I am here 8. Pranav: . injure () - [[
Eo \[ o. lane x #a--p[ Eo
9. Praveen: O - x p-[-
-L. injury (K)-
I was here yesterday
3. O Eo \[ o? C Question.
? bake- twist (yd)the arm - L-A-p[
d verb ] L 10. Pranav: -v x . Eo cake- snap the fingers - # [
Were you here yesterday? v v x . case- shatter ()- ]l d[
4. Eo -\-[-o[? (Question) 11. Praveen: -\[o? face- swelling (yL)-
game- inflammation (x)- C
Where was he yesterday? 12. Pranav: O-
5. -- vG - C. hate-
fracture(va)- N-[
India was under British rule.
6. 1947 - (rulers) ? date-
1. Were you at home yesterday?
2. Yes, I was at home. M. SURESAN
(I hate you- itch()- ]], scratch(v\)- [
Who were our rulers till 1947?
). abscess ()- (<)
Tx- j L- D, - 3. Was your brother too/also at home?
boil ()- [f
q, , j p[ sentence # 4. No, he was not at home. N -
(-- No, he wasn't. E -h) tale, tail pronunciation \ . pimple ()-
(wasn't = was not) p[ 'a', p[ 'an' C ]l vo. scar (\)- x a
5. Where were you? 'a, e, i o, u v u ], pus ()- < blister (Gxd)-[
'an' E, N ] 'a' E - Sx Verbs: vh, p[ [-Eo pN
vo: Had, would short forms I had/would - I'd . F C p[ d ]. a univer- am, is, are. [-Eo pN was,
sity, a European . d. were. N-u-h [-Eo pN shall be,
. We had/would -We'd O, o. I'd
We'd bd y had , would 'the' E C E p[, ] E p[ will be
---L? -L? -\[ .
x E, --[ , , , , , , , , , , , I shall be/will be there tomorrow.
: 'd O-ox had [-. y ing form #a--p[, O ] 'd l- v u English ] C- j- .
would [-. \[ had \[ p[ had -C. Do, go, come 'an' L. l ] a 'the'E C We shall be/we will be in Vizag on Sunday.
would C ]-sEo d v q-- verb forms ], be + ing ] 'd p[ L. N l- vu E [[ -.
. would -C. ] 'a' L. I shall be happy to see him.
A) He'd gone before I saw him. Example: They'd done it. 'the'E ] L. \[ [.
\[ He'd = He had (done past participle d 'd = had) a University ( v d 'a')
an example ( v, d 'an')
He will be here tomorrow.
]- 'gone' past participles They'd been doing it. (\[ been + ing
] would p[ ]. had v ] d 'd = had). the egg (\[ C, egg, 'a' v
hC. She'd marry him. 'd y marry E #aC d) O !
B) I thought he'd do it. d 'd = would the tree (] v. \[ # p Tx O
\[ 'd - past participle ] d She'd be going. \[ be + ing form ] l- v ] d). p Tx, vA\, [,
would n --L. N h-- d 'd = would. Communications/information
Have been + ing ] 'd = would. -C-# [. # a.
>[, j]82
d--L. Past participles ], 'been'
email: pratibha@
I [- E 18 W 2005

u EtEo ] yh x x[[
]u ]. u Jh . [
L o TxE
[ ]l di E ]. ] u

u # !
J# h x E C# #o h.

7. NT Ramarao could be the CM because he

was an actor.
8. If it is comfortable here, I can be here for
as long as possible.
9. It was very cool yesterday.
Yesterday was very cool.
10. How long can you be here?
'Be' forms ( am, is, are, was, were,
shall be, should be 'be' # ,
SHALL BE, WILL BE 3. h O ]_--? x tumbler (x) 'been' # aN have been, has been,
Kiran: Will you be here tomorrow? 4. E-\[ \-- [. lid (L) had been, should have been N) [[
y \[ -o? 5. -] j]-- . pan () n a Verbs. N EE L
6. [ V--C. cauldron (-v[) Verbs. ] A #a E B
Kranthi: What for?
]? 7. C EN-- C-- . J-T-[ boil () #a a.
8. F yA u N?(next step) [ fry (wj) A
Kiran: All our friends will be here tomor-
9. \[ [. a[ (A-]) = bake () I am a teacher (o).
row. Will you not be (won't you be).
10. \[ ---C? p[ Eo 'be' forms ( [-Eo She is a player (player C).
o---] \-[-- L Verbs): They are singers.
o. J y-[? can be - [[ (p[, N-u-h) B
Kranti: I shall be very happy to be with all of
could be - [[ () I teach (h).
you. What will be the programme?
may be - [-a (p[, N-u-h) She plays ([C).
O ]-J- [[ - might be - [a () They sing ([-).
. vv ?
x 4
should be, must be = L
Kiran: Let's decide when we meet. Answers: 1. He can be here in five minutes.
L- Eg-l. 1. When will he be here? [ \[ ] EN-x [--[.
- -E- ! N- 2. How long will you be in Hyderabad? 2. She could be the Prime Minister.
Eo J# x-[---o. will be, shall 3. Will the book be with you tomorrow? v-E [--L-TC.
be ! 4. I shall not be here for long? 3. She may be there now.
I shall be there tomorrow. [ \[ [a
( -\[ .) (?).
She is a player.
vo: The machine is out of service.
He will be a graduate soon. 4. They might be happy. The machine has out of service.
(y [ v[u- -[.) x - [-a (). j jC C? u has
h n hC? has
The train will be here in five min-
utes. She plays. 5. You should be here at 10 a.m.
y ] C-
\[ L.
( ] ENx j India won the match.

\- hC.) 6. Ravi must be in office

from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
India has won the match.
has Jh n hC.
How long will you be here?
N ] 10 # Bh n hC?
(y \[ - v 5 - , j]
?) L.
shall be, will be N- -- 'be' forms :
u-h [[ (A future ([-Eo L 'verb- M. SURESAN The machine is out of service. u
state of being) s' . correct.
- uA-- 'Time words' C u- Tx practice . The machine has out of service C
Eo L- English 1. Ny-\[ - [--? English ].
sentence # . 2. Eo x \[ p[ o? Has - p[ out prepositions
3. \[ sC [-a. .
India won the match. ]-s J-
eg: He will be here tomorrow.
4. h p [-?
They were here yesterday.
5. \[ Eo- L? ]. ]- L-# VF, DF p-x-
The meeting will begin at 6 this
6. [ Eo \[ [--L-[. won correct.
India won the match last week. C d.
7. .. - u--vA [--L-
Order: time, day, date, month, year
]- [ d. ]- last week E j -o
eg: The meeting will be at 6 PM (Time)
8. \[ , j [-- d.
on Monday (day), the 28th (date)
. India L-#]E, p[ L-# j p-
May (month) 2005 (year)
9. Eo x C. C-h India has won the match C
C English u. 10. O \[ - [a? correct. C u [.
(Sx Question order h-- 5. We shall all be in Hyderabad tomorrow. A. He has gone out.
Vb+Sub/1st Word of the Verb+Sub+the other 6. It will be hot for another two days.
Tx- - How long? p[ RxD j p-[-]. d
words of the verb.) 7. I will be in the theatre in another 10 min- ] How far? Eo-x How often? has + past participle correct.
C E English practice . utes. B. He went out this morning.
1. \[ p-[-[? 8. What will be your next step?
1. How long can you be here? \[ p[ - RxD, this morn-
2. O j]-- Eo--V--? 9. Nobody will be here tomorrow. 2. When could they be here yesterday? ing E j o. d past
10. How long will she be here? 3. There may be some trouble there tomor- simple tense correct.

row. C. She has bought a car.
has + past participle (j p[ ]
p Tx O v dish (), bowl ()
4. Can't you be patient? (Can you not = Can't
p Tx, vA\, [, x v Vessels (q),
D. She bought it yesterday.
utensils (-Eqq)
5. When should we be there? (bought - past simple- yesterday E
# a. (Eo). j -o d).
>[, j]82
email: pratibha@
ewer () 6. He could be here yesterday itself
I [- 20 W 2005

[ Eoi L [ x \J
n v] C. DE ' v
a. Eo \ \ N] Lq C.
C \[ vT x
]JE dC.

5) A cricketer (He/She) plays cricket

Cricketers (They) play cricket
verbs, v p- J
- [. regular actions.
n F...! p[ J - OE --Th.
I go to college at 10 AM (vA-W)
My mother cooks for me (p[)
O J-Eo sentences .
S} \-J [:
Ram: Where is your brother? to Guntur - -. 2) A doctor --- patients (I) am; (he, she, it) is; they (are).
O ]-[ \[ o[? N Tx x---p[ Doctors --- patients (treat) \[ am, is, are p[ [, p[
Raghav: He is watching the t.v. at home v-h--L. C verbs J [. 3) A lawyer --- cases [. was, were- [;
x O h-o[. A B Lawyers --- cases (argue) shall be / will be future [
Ram: Where does he study? 4) Pens --- I. I am in class
\[ ]o[?
come comes
go goes A pen --- (Write) (p[ x o)
Raghav: He is a student of Learn well school 5) A cricketer --- cricket My friend (he/she) is in the next room
o- \ NuJn write
takes Cricketers --- cricket ( friend, \ C o-[/-C
Ram: Which class is he in?
(Play) p[)
vh o -A ]-- My parents (they- x) are at home
-o[? Answers:
1) Wrist watches (x o p[)
Raghav: He is doing the 8th class
E-N -A ]---o[. (They) show the d am, is, are p[ [
time II. I was/he was here yesterday.
Ram: What games does he play?
x 5 A Wrist Watch (It) (\[ o o[ Eo)
shows the time My friends were in Hyderabad last week
Raghav: He plays cricket and hockey.
v, [-[. sing sings 2) A doctor (He/She) treats patients ( o- j]-- o,
j -- -E-. teach teaches Doctors (They) treat patients ) -was, were, [
III. Shall be/will be- future (N-u- [)
verb Eo x [-Eo -C. speak speaks 3) A lawyer (He/She) argues cases
is is
watching, does study ( = studies), is doing, AC , C n . F
Lawyers (They) argue cases 1. India will be a great country by 2010
(2010 -q--E p
(does play = plays) plays Fo - I, We, You, They C E --Th.
4) Pens (They) write
(actions) L
Verbs. A pen (It) writes
2. Anil will be here next week
(a E \[ [)
The girl is
The teacher is in class.
( x C)
He was on the playground.
(Play ground o[ ) reading They have had two cups of coffee so far.
B (p--- [ p )
The teacher is teaching (Verb) Present perfect tense J-T E,
(C-hC) p[ ( V, D, j) J-TD p--
He was playing have \ had u -- [.
([--o[ ) I have had my lunch. ( --C)
T--a? h u n
B ] verbs Fo L had had- C past perfect tense of 'have'.
(Actions) N? C tense -C?
Verbs. u had y \ Sx had Past perfect verb form: had + past par-
A C verbs [-Eo --. - h? E n N? ticiple
p verbs, action words. u L-C: J-T
hJ , t-[
Past perfect
eg: go, come, eat, talk, run, sleep, read, [ x ]---EE.
dance. : 'have' \ 'had'___ have had_ C He told me that he had passed
1. The boys are playing present perfect tense of have. present perfect (had + pp of pass)
2. The girl is reading verbform: have/has + past participle (pp); -u-E p[.
3. These students talk in class eg: have seen, have gone etc. pass , p, [ .
4. The cheetah runs fast Present perfect tense u L-C p-- pass ], p y. ],
5. A dog barks He, she, it C E [.
B - J-T E. DE for the past, for the last, 'pass' d had passed E past per-
English o - I/We/You/Andhras (they) speak Telugu since h.
fect [.
E-. My father (he) a) I have studied (have+ pp of study) here for
] -E \ C.
\[ [ past actions. \ [
h O] C
The book is on the table.
, O] y [. Tx-
My Mother (she) speaks Telugu
This class (it)
the past two years-
x C-.
E-\[ p---
]J past action. \ [
'have a scooter.' d past perfect of have =
I/We/you/these trains (they) go there b) He has worked (has + pp of work)
O] n, on 'table' ] [. My mother (she) here since 2004 = 2004 # p--- had + past partciple of have (=had) = had
Eo N-- .
from school -
at home -
\ #

This train
My friend (he/she) goes there every day \[ E--[.
p[ C E p
I have a car . -x
He had had a scooter before he bought the
In the bag - #
Fans (they) give air
A Fan (it) gives air C E , 'have' present perfect ( ], -E \ C)
tense, have + past participle of have
He had had his breakfast when his friend
Dogs (they) bark
O ! A dog (it) barks
N O Jh-h
(=had) L ! p--?
I have had this car for the past two years
came in.
(x v ap- E
p Tx O practice
. LT --C)
p Tx, vA\, [, o
(Brackets verb Jh ) have + had (pp of 'have'_
1) Wrist watches --- the time o) E. She has had (has + pp of 'have')
She had had the information before I told
her of it.
# a. this job for the last one year.
( p ]_ - C)
>[, j]82
A Wrist watch --- the time (show)
email: pratibha@ (-q- N-[ u C)
I [- ] 22 W 2005

7. - \-[-o? before?
Where have you been all this time? C u- O English practice .
8. O -- \[-o? 1. O \-[-o?
How long have you been here? 2. [-\ -- v-- o[?
9. \-[C? 3. 2001 # -d- o[.
Where has Pooja been all these days? (since, for the past [ --T#
Tx- have been / has been p.)
vu C. -p # p 4. 2001 # 2003 \[ -
F, -F j [-Eo I, o[.
We, you and they 5. -- Mx -E C.
'have been' F 6. [ V- F- o[.
he, she, it 'has (F Weak)
Pooja: Are you happy? It is an ox. etc. been' F #h. 7. O V- G@ o?
(- o?) Ux - Questions prac- -N-... 8. s o? (s
Durga: Certainly I am. tice . Eo V-/ Eo ill/sick)
() eg: Is he happy? -/ Eo -/ 9. j u-vA o?
Pooja: Why are you happy? Are they clever? etc. Eo -q-- for 10. O \-[-o?
(] - o?) j p --Eo English - the past (The last)... days/ Answers:
Durga: My cousin Saraswathi is here for question practice . ... hours/ ... months / ... M. SURESAN 1. How long have you been here?
vacation. We shall be happy in each Question structure hC ? years (Sx V, 2. How long has Tendulkar been a cricketer?
other's company. a) vb+Sub [Are (verb) you (sub) happy?] , , -q- u.) 3. He has been a collector since 2001/ for the
( > -yA -- \- b) first word of the verb + sub + other words eg: for the past (The last) 2 days / 2 hours/ 2 past (last) 4 Years.
#aC. -[ ]l-J of the verb. months / 2 years 4. He was a teacher here from 2001 to 2003.
] C.) [Has (first word of the verb) he (sub) been helping for 2 days / hours / months / years 5. Delhi has been the capital of India for a
Pooja: What will be your plan? (other words of the verb) you?] now . long time.
(F x N?) 1. [ [? V/ / / -q # 6. He has been weak for two days now (for
Druga: Come home tomorrow. You will know. the past/ for the last two days)
( . F -hC.) 7. Have you been busy for the past (last) one
- week?
am, is, are; was, were; shall be, will be y 8. How long has he been ill?
happy, plan j [-a. 9. How long has YS been the Chief Minister?
C E x[ practice . <... 10. Have you been here for long?
Blanks Brackets #a - j Sentences have been/ has been
E. [ -E. - v # p
I am ________ F, -F [-Eo have been/ has
(O p. :
I am Pavan) been L---h. Question structure
I am _____ ..! p[ verb + subject F, verb [-
He is _______ [ -, Ist word of the verb +
They are ________ Subject + other words of the verb F
My friends will be ______ C.
j #aN sample v. 2. ] ? --E since .
d, dq, [, d, , o 3. - ? (future) I have been here for the past (last) two
--/-]-, ]-, v-i, #, 4. x E-B x? (past) years.
5. xp[ \[ ??
[, J, , , p-, L-j, 6. O-\[ ?
I have been here since 2003
L-N-E, [, , E-B , 7. [ E-B -[E O t
She has been here for the (last) past two
? She has been here since February end.
8. [ v-h ?
9. O - -x? vo: -- t--[ --[
x 6 10. -p[ ?
Answers: I am a student Jp---[ ]-sx verb v3 E
] --T-h? ---
E-B E, t-]_, t-E , 1) Is he very tall?
Milk 'sold' here; Job work 'done' here;
O p- j English - 2) Is she beautiful?
'Spoken' English Institute -
. am, is, are; was, were; shall be, 3) Will she be happy?
E ] --T-
v1 v3
will be \ E Ja x-[.
4) Were they honest?
ho N-J---.
j - Tx 5) Where are they now?
6) Where will you be tomorrow?
t, xLx
tall, short, fat, slim, happy, sad/sorrowful,
7) Are you sure that he is honest?
kind, cruel, good, bad, lazy, active, patient, :
clever/intelligent/wise, foolish, talkative,
8) Will he be careful?
9) Were you happy?
1. verb v3
past participle: done, spo-
reserved, honest, dishonest, reliable, unreli- ken, seen etc.
10) Was she fat once?
passive form
verb p[,
'be' form +
Tx , was, were. past participle.
... p[ am, is, are # C,
\--d--E English countables p F, F [Eo
'Milk sold here'

'Milk is sold here'
. p--E have been, has been [.
short form.
: man, book, student, pen, town, village I, we, you, they have; he, she, it India has been independent for the past
verb 'is (be form) + sold (past par-
n t--[-C.
etc. has [. (last) 57 years.
ticiple of sell)'

O singular, plural . O 1. [ x v \[ o[. 'Job work done here' 'Job
singular ] p[ 'a' F, 'an' F
India has been independent since 1947.
for the past (last), since work is done here' E done,
-C h---L.
He was here four years ago.
2. [ p--\[ o[. u. C u [. (passive) --[ E.(is - be
I am a student. He is here. ]_ Eo \[ C. form + done - past participle).
n ,
He is an engineer. 3. [ --x \ o[. Durga was here yesterday.
2. past participle (p.p.)
She is a doctor. He has been here for the past four years. ]_ p[ \[ C. \[
She is an eye surgeon. 4. [ V- [ C. Durga is here.
eg: The man seen here every day -
[- uh. #--
He is an uncle of mine. It has been very hot for the past two days. ]_ Eo # \ C. torn paper -
5. 1947 # y-v C. Durga has been here since yesterday. T.
spoken english
x-[- Tx E n.
O ! India has been independent since x o \[o?
u W x -
p Tx O 6. -x j]-- o.
1947 (for the past 57 years) Where were they the day before?
} p-\[o? passive voice [.
p Tx, vA\, [, We have been in Hyderabad for the Where are they? t, o [--? !
x o # \-[-o? #-[f T E .
# a. past ten years (since 1995)
>[, j]82
Where have they been since the day #E-T T .
email: pratibha@
I [- v 24 W 2005

countable, singular). C regular actions English p.

2) I have an idea (idea - countable, singular).
3) An umbrella is useful in rain (umbrella- 1. v d.(like [)
countable, singular). 2. W [ ]--.
4) A pen is for writing (pen- countable, singu- 3. -- ] C--- v
lar) -.
'a'p[? p[?
'an' 4. t O J-q hC.
, , , , , , , , , , (watch - J-q, E- [[)
l v-u ] 'an' L. 5. o- V J- AJ-T--
N ] 'a' --T-L. h. (return, come back; 'home')
an umbrella (v d an)
an hour ( an)
Sudha: I meet Padmaja here everyday. I C n a N] an honour ( an)
miss her today. p. an idea ( an)
(W \[ ]t- -h. an owl ( an)
[, [[, [[, --h[, [[, an egg ( an)
V E---].)
Valli: Yes. She comes here everyday. I
vN-[, EvC-[, ' [, --T- v h a, an N-con-
too see that. [, h[, #--[ O fusion [].
( W \-[ hC.
Sudha: I remember now. Today is Sunday.
She does not come here on sun-
( h-hC. V C-.
C-- \-[ ].)
A, AN...
Valli: I do not know that.
( L-].)
Sudha: She goes to her aunt's place every
sunday. I too visit my cousin every
sunday evening.
( C x hu
-C. C-
] ]? N l ] a [.
6. vA-W ] - ]--.
(study; for an hour, every morning)
7. t -C.
Eo p--L-T Eo- prac-
(vA-W - regular)
v > -.) countable singular \[ #a E ] a
tice. F an F -Lq.
be forms [-Eo -[ j
Answers :
uxE meet, comes, remember, does Mother loves her child (wrong) 1. She likes this dress.
I write sleep
come, goes, visit - L--
2. I read the Eenadu (every day).

A Mother (countable singular) loves her child.
We play waste
h. You walk use f) Uncountable ] a F an F p[ 3. Our classes (They) begin / start at 10 a.m.

The boys run remember ]. 4. My mother (She) watches TV serials.

(They) cook forget Sx -J 1st RDW (1st Regular doing 5. My father (He) returns / comes back home

word come, go, walk), 2nd RDW (2nd

at 6 a.m.
Regular doing word comes, goes,
6. I study for an hour every morning.
Hemant (he) writes cooks uses

} walks) J-Q-Ll.
7. My mother (She) takes coffee (every day).
x 7 Sarala (she) plays loves remembers
I, We, you, they 1st RDW;
It(n walks sleeps forgets
J---x) runs wastes he, she, it 2nd RDW L.
- L C [. OE J-Q-L-. [ Regular doing words v p-
I Regular Doing II Regular Doing , Eu J [
Words Words
a) Pens (They) write. Regular actions . p[ J -
A B A pen (It) writes. O [.
eat eats (eat+s) b) Wrist watches (They) show the time. 1) W J- Ev]--h.
take takes (take+s) A wrist watch (It) C regular action. d I get up at 6 a.m.
give gives (give+s) shows the time. \[ every day E p, p--- vo: Oxford advanced dictionary
wash washes (Wash+es) c) Doctors (They) treat . get 1st RDW regular C \ ho pronunciation letters

like likes (like+s) patients. n---C. Eo [f, Eo --]- -

sing sings (Sing+s) A doctor (He/She)
treats patients.
2) NtC- - -. -]? OE a-J-L?
dance dances (dance+s)
d) Fans (They) give air.
We start for college at 9 a.m. ]--i E---?
go goes (go+es)
A fan gives air.
(Regular action - start - 1st RDW) Dictionary page bottom line ]
'A' C - I Regular Doing Words, B e) Teachers (They) 3) o- [. . O J# L---
C - II Regular Doing Words . M. SURESAN C regular action. .
-, j]--.
I Regular Doing Words (A C -)
's' F 'es' F Jh II Regular doing words
A Teacher (He/She) teaches. Eo Our friends (They) play well.

h. verbs
practice . 4) O-p[ u h. : Tx--E - (alphabet), Tx
A C [I Regular Doing Words
(p[ J--E). a-- a l--Eo- J-. ]-
(I RDWs)], I, We, you and they [. B
COUNTABLES, UNCOUNTABLES You always come late. x pronunciation confusion. o
C - [II Regular Doing Words a) countables \ dN. 5) o- ] 9 ---- - Eo l- #---E J-.
(Regular- vA-V). d --]-, [f o --
(II RDWs)] He, She, it [.
book, pen, teacher, boy, dog etc.
b) uncountables \-dEN. My father (He) starts for office at 9 a.m.
Eo l [-. -
I Eo l- h.

} E pLq - ].
milk, sugar, rice, water etc.
'v'E very l-E [-. --]-
c) countables v singular (),
You like milk
( \) .
starts regular)
o v = E but, shut, cut x
My parents
book (singular) books (plural)
6) t [-C (p[). a l-E [-. but- DE pronunci-
pen (singular) pens (plural)
My mother (She) cooks for us. ation, dictionary C. bt; cut =
7) 1st show -- v -C kt etc. {-vF key to Pronunciation

My father (he)
teacher (singular) teachers (plural)
My mother (she) likes milk (W ). h h l-E C N-
The Cat (it)
boy (singular)

boys (plural)
[]. The 1st show (It) starts at 6.15 p.m. C. -- pronunciation
casettes, CDs ----[-.
d) uncountables plural milks, sug-
j N] A group C Verbs, B ars, rices .
group C verbs p. vo: p-j -J O] h
eg: [
e) Very Important: countable singulars
( \-dN -Eo, JE J# O ! [-C E p--E Tx- --
p--p[) ] p[ 'a' F p Tx O i proverb L---.

} }
I He
We drink coffee She drinks coffee 'an' F -Lq. p Tx, vA\, [, . --, t-[.
You It eg:
# a.
>[, j]82 : O-o--E --i proverb D
They 1) A doctor treats patients (doctor - English ].
email: pratibha@
I [- C 26 W 2005

4. Tx . 3. x [?
Tx L-]. How do they sing? (How = ?)
O Tx ? Ans: [.
5. x C-h. They sing well
x C-. 4. O-] p[ -u h?
x C-h? Why do you always come late?
6. Tx E- h. Ans: I miss the bus.
Tx E- [. 5. O -- p[ l?
O Tx E- h? (W)
7. \[ dx j]u h. When do you start for college? (every
(j]u [ = treat) day)
\[ dx j]u . Ans: I start at 9 AM.
Ramu: Do you know Mr. venu? They know English. \[ dx j]u h? 6. ] j d h?
(F ?) x Tx L-]. 8. x -h. Why do you waste time?
Vasu: Of course, I know him. They do not know English. x -. Ans: d -[-].
( ) x Tx ? x -h? I do not waste time.
Ramu: How do you know him?
( F ?)
Do they know English?
hC Answers: C questions English practice
Vasu: We work in the same department.
(Question Structure
p[ ])
1. They come here daily. .
But he works in another section. 2. y-[ -u h. They do not come here daily. 1. x W \- ] h?
( -d-x \ ho. You always come late. Do they come here daily? 2. O Eo E---] h?
F {x E--h[) y-p[ -u . (not) 2. You meet him every day. 3. O - h---\[ ?
Ramu: Which section does he work in? You do not come late. You do not meet him every day. 4. x vA ]--?
( {x E h[?) y-[ -u h? Do you meet him everyday? 5. p # O -?
Vasu: Why do you want to know all this? Do you always come late? 3. We sing well. 6. O -C-h?
(y N- ] ---- 7. x W \- p--h?
----o?) 8. vA C- y--JE --?
j - -E-. Question do, 9. E- Fd?
does h-o. O [ ---[ 10. O K - - \[
English u. ?
Regular doing words (1st RDW, 2nd RDW) j questions vA--E --
- come, comes; go, goes- -N
not , d L ! .
question --p[ v-h L. Answers:
Txj d N 1. Why do they come here every day?
x -hC. Ans: They come here to see me.
vA W ] 2. Why do you watch so many movies?
NtC . Ans: I watch them because I like them.
I go to college at 9 AM. 3. o- - h. We do not sing well.
3. Where do you buy books usually?
] Nt-C- x - His friends help him. Do we sing well?
Ans: I buy them at that stall.
I do not (don't) go to college at 9 AM. o- - . 4. I know English.
4. What newspaper do they read?
vA V x o --. His friends do not help him. I do not know English.
Do you know English?
Ans: They read the Eenadu.
They meet me every day. 5. When do your holidays begin?
x --. 5. These teachers teach well.
These teachers do not teach well. Ans: They usually begin in April 3rd week.
They do not meet 6. How much do you earn?
Do these teachers teach well?
me every day.
--p[ (uA-
x 8 6. We watch English movies. Ans: Why do you want to know?
We do not watch English movies. (O-] --------o?)
- p--E),
question p[
o- - h? Do you watch English movies? 7. When do they come here every day?
Do his friends help him? 7. The doctors here treat well. Ans: They come here at 7 PM
1st RDW (come, go
The doctors here do not treat well.
N) 'do'
know = do know
Do the doctors here treat well?
8. Whom do you meet every sunday?
hC. come = do come
8. They act well.
Ans: I meet my friend.
help = do help
[ j ux -E-. They do not act well.
9. What kind of movies do you like?
Ans: I like suspense movies.
1) I go there every Sunday. C u- English practice Do they act well?
10. Where do you buy provisions usually?
a) I do not go there every Sunday. . English
what, where, when, which,
Ans: I buy them at that shop.
b) Do I go there every Sunday? 1. Rx-\- W h. whose, whom and why
2) They speak Telugu. Rx\- W . [- ? OE .
O !
'wh' words
a) They do not speak Telugu. Rx-\- W h? O questions 'wh' questions.
b) Do they speak Telugu? 2. y E W --. 'wh' - 'wh' questions 1
(1) go not --p[ 1 (a) do y E W --.
st RDW do + 1 st RDW hC. p Tx O
go -C. Question 1 (b) do y E W ---? 1. O ? p Tx, vA\, [,
go -C. 3. [. What do you know? >[, j]82
(2) Speak not --p[ [. 2. O-\-[-? # a.
2(a), question 2(b) do speak - [-? Where do you live? email: pratibha@
3) We like mangoes vo: standard {vFE J ] -]. --p[ vu- {vF a -C-# N-
a) We do not like mangoes L? j Word y o Spellings E - . N
b) Do we like mangoes? Ad Y]lA L---. L. existence ] spelling Pronunciation
Key to dictionary entries -- existance E parts of speech
\[ like not F question N? A- ] Dictionary -]. parts of speech , -i
F --p[ do like [ -E- j, K-- --p[ a ] e vu-o- Print , -
Type C.
. -[ -A ]. -
d 1 RDW + not/?= do + 1st RDW. : Standard dictionary Word A--d Y ]lA C.
Parts of speech Noun, Verb
Eo #hC.
1st Regular Doing Words (come, Word A-d ]lA . v h--Eo d a Idiom a h,
go -N)E not question --
Alphabetical order refer [. y ] -[ -- Synonyms, antonyms
p[ do + 1st RDW -C. L_ refer - C C. L.
---L. ] vA @j o Lead Word ...C. OE Key to dictionary
C- not uA-, questions English alphabet v a-z
practice . Eo --... L-L. --L. entries N-J-h.
1. x Tx . Spelling d -L. N {vF NE--Eo u -
A ] Spelling #a-
Key to dictionary entries n - hC.
L L. - pLx p-
I [- 28 W 2005

Raghu: Does your friend meet you regular- He does not

(O v Eo u-- -h?) move out of home
Ramu: Which friend? ( v?) on sunday.
Raghu: Seshu ()
Ramu: Yes, he meets me regularly. But
he does not meet me on sundays.
(. u-- -h[ F
C- v -[.)
Raghu: Why does he not (doesn't he) meet
you on sundays?
(C-- ] -[?)
Ramu: He does not move out of home on Does Usha play well? ANSWERS:
sunday. C u- vd . 1. a) Mr Ananda Rao teaches well.
( C- x ]-[.) 1. a) -]- C-h. b) Mr Ananda Rao does not teach well.
j - ! 2nd RDW meets b) -]- C-. c) How does Mr Ananda Rao teach?
question not does meet -C. c) -]- C-h? 2. a) They help others.
does move moves (not #a- 2. a) x -- h. b) They do not help others.
-p[). b) x -- .
c) x -- h?
c) Do they help others?
Come, go, Walk 1st RDWs
(Regular Doing Words) not, 3. a) - \ W h.
3. a) Mr Rao comes here every day.

questions --p[ do h-]E b) Mr Rao does not come here every day.

o. c) Does Mr Rao come here every day?

eg: 4. a) We watch the TV for an hour every
1) They come here everyday. morning.

Does phC?
a) they do not come here every day. b) We do not watch TV for an hour every
b) Do they come here every day? morning.
2) You come here often. c) When do you watch the TV every day?
a) You do not come here often. 5. a) The paper comes every day at 6 AM.
b) Do you come here often? b) The paper does not come here at 6
p[2nd Regular Doing Words- AM.
comes, goes, walks, talks
verbs not c) When does the paper come?
F, question F p[
'does' 5. a) We get the paper at 6 AM
hC.2nd RDWs- he, she, it [. b) We do not get the paper at 6 AM
he, she, it --T- Q: Does (Sunil) find?
L. 4) goes (+ not) = does not go; b) - \- W . c) When do you get the paper?

1) Sunita (She) sings well. Q: Does (Sita) go? c) - \- W h? 6. a) They understand his teaching well.

2nd RDW
h--. 4. a) ] O h. b) They do not understand his teaching
a) Sunita does not sing well. takes = does take (with not/?) b) ] O [. well.
2nd RDW
c) O W O p[ h? c) How well do they understand his teach-
\[verb 'does sing' - not . comes = does come (with not/?)
writes = does write (with not/?) . W ] 6 hC.
5 a) ing?
b) Does Sunita sing well?
p[ C E . b) W ] 6 - ]. 7. a) You read the paper every day.
\[ verb 'does sing' - question . N
-C-#- c) W Eo- hC? b) You do not read the paper everyday.
\[ sings + not/?
1st RDW, 2nd RDW
N. Eo ]sx 'do',J Eo 6. a) x ] n-C. c) What paper do you read everyday?
= does sing
]sx Lq C. v-h b) x ] n ]. 8. a) She goes to her friends' on Sundays.
sings not F, 'does'
c) x ]
question F -- nC?
b) She does not go to her friends' on

p[ 'does sing' 7. a) O W ]--.


C. b) O W ]-.
c) How often does she go to her friends'?
9. a) She likes him.
2) Kumar (he) knows c) O W ]--?
8. a) C-- x vq
x b) She does not like him.
a) Kumar does not
M. SURESAN -E# practice . C. c) Why does she like him so much?

b) C-- x vq x].
know English. 10. a) He goes to Vizag every week.
b) Does Kumar know English?
11 .. [--. c) x vq - - b) He does not go to Vizag every week.
(-E- !
knows + not/? = does know)
1. a)
I go to bed at 11 PM. C? c) Why does he go to Vizag every week?
3) Hari likes music.
b) 11 .. [-. 9. a) - d. 11. a) We take coffee.
a) Hari does not like music.
I do not go to bed at 11 PM. b) - d ]. b) We do not take coffee.
b) Does Hari like music?
O-Eo- [--? c) - ]- d? c) What do you take, coffee or tea?

'not' questions J-Eo
2nd RDWs
10. a) vA- j [.
[. 2. a)
When do you go to bed?
[-C. b) vA- j x[.
1) works (+ not) = does not work;
Q: Does (he) work?
Usha plays well.
c) vA- j ] [?
11. a) B-.
O !
2) takes (+ not) = does not take;
Usha does not play well. b) B. p Tx O
Q: Does (she) take?
c) [-? c) O B-, ? p Tx, vA\, [,
3) finds (+ not) = does not find;
>[, j]82
# a.
Nq q Lq #a--p[ my book. simple present
present perfect email: pratibha@
vo: v-h B--L. 5. I know (that) you stolen my book combination j--?
1. I know you've stolen my book. yesterday. past past perfect j--? tion j-. O ] u .
uEo -a? 6. I knew that you had stolen my book
simple past simple past j-?
just I Know (simple present) you've stolen
2. I knew you had stolen my book. yesterday.
recent actions present perfect +
3. I Knew you stole my book j u ]-s L. present perfect j- N-J---.
(present perfect).
simple past, past perfect combination o
4. I have just Know (that) you've stolen u j- ? . , o-, o [, ] u d.
: I know you have stolen my book F h T-L--E . uEo -a u j-.
DE n y h -L--E \[ T-L--[ . L--[ I knew you had stolen my book. eg:
. . \[ [ past ], I have just noticed that he has not attend-
] T-L-#C LC I Knew you stole my book. y J- d knew, had ed class for the past two days.
p[. ]-sEo d DE n -a stolen L. have noticed, have attended [ pres-
I knew you had stolen my book. F - u p. Simple Present, Present perfect combina- ent perfect ! [ a.
I [- 30 W 2005

v p- J, -
N, 2nd RDW (Regular Doing
Words- comes, goes)
RDW (Regular Doing Words- come, go)

N [.
(Past Doing Word- PDW).
a-[, E-[[, EvC-[, --[, n
-[, [, [, ]l--[[,
a[, u [, -[, [[,
'not' E,
question F NvA B-[, E-[, ' [,
'do', 2nd RDW
'not' E,
question E [[, [ [, d[, E--[,
'does' hC E -o. [.
Ravi: Hello Ramana when did you return
from Vizag?
(, j # p[ AJ-- Let's go over what we've learnt so far.
a?) -- a--oC J l.
Ramana: I returned yesterday. am, is, are; was, were; have/has been; shall
(Eo AJ--a.) be/will be;1st Regular Doing Words (go, h @. come - came
Ravi: Why did you go to Vizag? come, walk
verbs), 2nd Regular Doing The pages of the book (book's- [--[]) like - liked
(j ] x?) Words (goes, comes, walks
verbs) x. talk - talked
Ramana: I went there to attend a marriage O 'not' ,
do, does [[ legs of the table (table's p) smell - smelt
the day before. --o. -Doors of the house. kill - killed
( Rx --u-] o p[ OE -E-. --v
Wheels of the car. etc.
\- x.) -J/---JC = whose p[ - [. OE j L- past actions [.
Ravi: How did the marriage go off? -J-E/---J = whom Ramu: I went to my uncle's place last p[ [.
(Rx J-TC?) a) Whose book is this? evening. 1) He comes on time everyday, but he came
Ramana: Oh, it went off very well. late yesterday.
(Rx J-TC.) (vAW j h[, Eo -u
j - -E-. return a[ yesterday - came)
p[(yesterday, day before)
day), went (day before), went (also day
Fo J-T .
past actions ( J-T-- -
V, , -q E #a L---
p[) verb - past doing word. C
u [.
1) He comes here every day.
of 2) My mother goes to bed early (regular-
goes). She went late to bed yesterday
E j o d
3) India became independent in 1947.
( 1947 yv uC.)
4) The movie flopped on the first day of its
release last week (flopped - last week).
5) She passed Intermediate 2 years ago.
] #a I & II Regular Doing Words
(vA-W) regular action C J h? (Eo v u past formsp.
2) I go to movies every sunday. b) Whose is this book? x.) eg: buy/buys (regular) - bought (past-
C regular d
'go' h -JC? Raghu: What was the matter? J-T--C)
B c) y -JE \ d--[-?A , B ? (]?) sing/sings (regular) - sang (past- [[
1) He came here yesterday. Whom do you like more, A or B? Ramu: My cousin returned from the states --C)
( Eo a[) the day before. He wanted to see OE vd .
(past action , Eo ? Eo E j me. A[ (Regular), [, [-[, a-[,
o d came) (o x-s -J # [, x[[, [, [[, d[,
2) He went to a movie last night. AJ--a[. o ----- [, ][, [
C Eo vA j x 10 o[.) Answers:
J-T-]E o d went. Raghu: I tried to get you over phone this eat/eats - ate;
C d [. morning; but your people told me buy/buys - bought;

Regular actions d) y -J --- you were out. walk/walks - walked;

(v p- J-N) [-? ( V ]l O learn/ learns - learnt;

Regular Doing Words Whom do you help? . F O x E write/writes - wrote;

e) ? p.) talk/talks
Whom does she know? Ramu: Yes, I spent the whole of last night
my- mine- C. at my uncle's.
weep/weeps - wept;

(I, We, You & they) (He, She & It) a)C . M. SURESAN (. Eo v u build/builds - built;

x- o.)
drink/drinks - drank;
go goes This is my pen.
move/moves - moved;
see sees b) C. - J-Q-Lh J L- change/changes - changed.
come comes This pen is mine. - J-T --- J# x--
know knows our - ;
ours - C x -hC. verbs: went (last evening),
tell tells your- F/O returned (the day before), wanted (after he
teach teaches yours- FC/-OC came), tried (this morning), told (this morn-
write writes This is my book; Where is yours? OE
ing). went, returned, wanted, tried, told -
sing sings (C h; F-\[?) - .
past tense past
keep keeps his- -E/---EC; verbs- Past Doing Words.
learn learns her- \ OE u J-T , V, vo: present tense, past tense, future
walk walks hers- C -q, j E L---p[ tense N], x -
Past actions, Time stated
her E n C. [. -T- N-J---.
( j J-T-N) This is Ramesh's shirt. I met him yesterday. . , ]l-
C \. -C, - C (Eo E ---o)
Past Doing Words
E L----E 's (Apostrophe- s) : Tx x--] tenses x -
went saw
They lost a lot of money last year.
---Lq - ]. Time of action (E-
( -q x [s -d- -J ) d -Lq verb (verb
came knew
o J ]h. -o)
told taught form) -- . p QJ{-
wrote sang
My father's cloths.
t j L- past actions ( J- #a -Fo tense -C-#-. E
kept learnt T -) past doing words (past sim- vd .
ple ) L--L. past doing words (past
My mother's jewels
J E E, -J C E F p--E : (W 28) Q&A
C n a English verbs , English 's (apostrophe- s) [.
simple) --- vJ# voE u
Regular Doing Words, Past Doing Words
v E ---i C --E 's go - went jC ]. u L
practice . [. E ] 'of' [. see - saw I have known (that) you've stolen my
eg: A[
eat (I RDW), eats (II RDW), ate write - wrote book.

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