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DESAPOINT TANZANIA Sign up Now @ To Access Notes Articles Books Course Work Class Announcements And many more Tel: 0659814742 fonen Smart unith Dasanaint INSTITUTE OF FINANCE MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT SCIENCES Zi RM 741: RESEARCH METHODOLOGY SECOND SEMESTER -TEST 1 DATE: 12" APRIL 2012 TIME: 70 MINUTES 4 Instructions: il ‘Answers should be cleariy presented in the provided answersheets._— SECTION A - ANSWER SHEET i ii [iit i al vik Be [ix, |x ) 5 ie | 1 Py eZ Nia aN [xe|4 [TR Wen [xt | sii [xii xiv xv 57 \ . — ale | } Oates: merce eae MATCHING ITEM QUESTIONS WRITE THE CORRECT LETTER IN THE “ANSWER SHEET PROVIDED BELOW Ti Systematic study im research implies that the study based on {Gy A etitcal role ofthe research methods and methodologies {Gi Hypothesis testing in research studies é : pone “{iv)A kind of research which attempts 0 determine or identify the way a phenomenon 5 = (9) Is among of good Kind of research tainly used by managers in dealing with organizational culprits. “(vi)A type of research based on experience Of observation alone (vit) An important stage in identifying the variables to be studied (viii) A stage where by a researcher can grab a clues on how to go about with research problem wr" 7 (jxData coding, editing and inputting the responses {y) A consecutive activities undertaken 10 facilitate the scientific investigation _(apRespondent’s willingness in joining the research work : “(xii) Newspaper versus voting patterns. = (il) A study undertaken ongoing activities, (xiv) Unscientific collection of findings Keon fev)’ Important stage which showing up the need for studies LisT B |, Identification of the researeh problem B. Research objective ©. Defining and clarifying the problem =D. Arbitrary methods » Applied research Scientific methods - Logical relationship . Empirical research Operationaiisation of concept Preparation of research tools . Literature review Enables to carry out scientific investigation Descriptive research . Analytical research O. Research process P. Dependent versus independent variables +Q. Research ethies R 5. = - Independent versus dependent variables Concurent research Research formulation U. Periodic research “V, Data processing W. Data collection X. Data analysis Y. Basic research Z. Conceptual research SECTION B - ANSWER SHEET Rea hii an wa 7 TS = SECTION B: FILL-AN THE BLANKS (50 Marks) ‘There are TEN (10) questions in this subsection. Each question 'S worth one (1) mark. Answer ALL questions by filling in the blanks using the words provided below: i, Intervening ii, cross sectional iii, variable iv. _ hypothesis y. citation vi, experiment —vii.__theory viii, exploratory * ix. induétive # x. _ alternative xi, null _ deductive « xiii, empiricism = xiv. primary xv. research problem - x ee reasoning is the process of reaching a conclusion by analyzing data collected. We start by analysing specific data and ending with = general conclusion. a statement that deseribes the relationship between two oF more variables. 3, One of the pillars of scientific fesearch is ———AttL——-whiich states that physical evidence is an important criterion to creating knowledge. To believe, @ person must be able to show proof from data or observation. wr Examples of these are age, entrepreneurial inclination and job satisfaction. 4A any concept relating to an object that can take up more than one value. 3. The --— ‘ypothesis deseribes that there is no relationship berween variabies to be tested. we VL tudy is one of the three types of research purpose of study where nothing much is known about the topic; there is no theoretical model to guide us in Going the study. The only research technique that allows us to Find out the cause and effect of a phenomenon any ‘This technique requires the researcher to be able to control. the is the independent variables being studied. } i 3. ‘Creating general conclusions from many individual observations refers to the ~ proach 1 reasoning (from specific data 10 @ general conclusion). Qualitative vesearch and the Constructivist paradigm normally make use of this approach. A study where the re: ‘searcher collects data at a specific time, like a "snap shot"; is known as. rudy. 5 10, Harvard, Chicago and APA are exampies of There are TWENTY (20) muiltipte choice questions in this part. Each question is worth two Q) marks. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question. LL. When the marketing department of an organization attempts to determine the amount. of ime the managers in this department spend at their computers in their offices each week, this is an example of which type of research? a) Pure research >) Basic research cy: Applied research 4) Causal research Basic research is research that: 2) addresses simple issues that are basic and research is not really needed. qi ») is conducted to make a decision about a specific real life problem, o} attempts to expand the limits of knowledge for a discipline. 4) all of the above 13 Which statement best describes the nature of basic research? 2) Basic research requires the use of experimentation. >) The primary purpose of basic rescarch is to facilitate the managerial decision process. cy+” Basic research is conducted to verify the acceptability ofa given theory Because basic research is exploratory, it does not require the use of scientific methodology. Business research is defined as the and aid in business decision making. a) regular, routine by. systematic, objective ©) systematic, routine d) systematic, statistical process of generating information for 15, The primary function of business research is fo: 2) provide the solution to a business problem. 5) attempt to predict future behavior. c) identify personal needs. :) provide information 10st managers in making decisions, eenden \ main goal of causal research is: 3) to directly seek the solution to a particular, pragmatic problem. & ‘0 identify cause-and-effect relationships between variables. to olarify the nature of problems. | { j i 4) to provide a conclusive statement about the characteristics of a particular population or phenomencn. 1. If the research problem were defined as: “Which of two press produce the most 7 sales?”, the most appropriate type of research would be: a) exploratory. b) descriptive. c} causal. ) associative. 18. ewe want to clarify the nature of problems, we would conduct _ research. a) clarification by exploratory ©) descriptive 4) causal Which type of research study is attempting to answer the question: “Which of two sales training programs is more effective?” a) Exploratory by Descriptive c) Causal d) Mail-intereept 20, What type of research study is being conducted when a researcher is attempting to predict future sales om the basis of past sales trends? a) Secondary data study b) Exploratory ©) Causal OY Descriptive 21 ‘Turnover will be higher among cmployecs who perceive themselves 2 underpaid, than among employees who perceive themselves as paid fairly, This sentence is an example of: a) a categorical relationship. b) a research objective. ¢) aresearch question a a hypothesis. ‘The __ is expected to influence the 2) predictor variable; primary variable. by _ independent variable; dependent variable. 3 dependent variable; independent variable: 3) criterion; hypothesis. ‘A(a) ___ indicates a specific business decision area that wall be clarified by answering some research questions. a) variable by problem definition cc) _ empirical hypothesis symptom The goal of defining the problem is: to state the research question clearly, b) to have a single hypothesis, ©) to translate a research problem into a managerial problem. 4), co initiate exploratory research, 25. The purpose of a literature review is to: 2) Use the literature to identify present knowledge and what is unknown 5). Assist in defining the problem and operational definition ©) Identify strengths and weaknesses of previous studies dy Alllof the above 26. The statement ‘To identify the relationship between the time the patient spends on the operating table and the development of pressure ulcers’ is best described as a research: ay Objective ) Aim ©) Question d) Hypothesis 27. A variable that changes due to the action of another variable is known as the: a) Independent variable b) Extraneous variable cy Dependent variable 6) Complex variable 28. In a qualitative research proposal you would not expect to see a: a} Research question b) Research aim -c) Hypothesis d) Operational definition 29, The researcher should rely on ‘0 determine which variables shouid be investigated, a), objective evidence fi b) atheory ¢) an analytical model @)_ none of the above are refined statements of the specific components of the problem, a) Hypotheses by Research questions ©) Business research problems d) Analytical modeis

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