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The ability to intercept, then destroy your opponents intentions efficiently and

ruthlessly can be achieved in trapping range. Although there is a distinct

difference between theatrical and functional Jeet-Kune-Do, the reality is that
functional Jeet-Kune-Do works within close-quarters, also called trapping range.

Jeet Kune Do

Bruce Lee realised very early in his quest for martial excellence that most
Caucasians were much larger than most people from the east, and although
Bruce would never shy away from a fight, the last thing he wanted to do was
go toe-to-toe with someone bigger and stronger than himself. With that in
mind, one of the biggest revelations Bruce had was that most martial artists in
the 1960s and 70s trained and fought in maybe one or two ranges of combat.;
they specialised in either kicking and punching, trapping or grappling. At that
time it was unheard of to cross-train in another martial art, let alone in multiple
styles. Bruce realised that most arts consisted predominantly of kicking or
punching while very few specialised in the lethal art of trapping.

Although theres a fine line between the trapping and grappling ranges, a clear
distinction needs to be made between trapping techniques and trapping range.
When we say trapping, were generally talking about the momentary
immobilisation of a limb in order to score with a hit. Trapping range, on the
other hand, not only encompasses a whole series of traps but also the concept
of fighting in very close quarters, terminating an opponent with some of the
most vicious and brutal tools available to human beingshead-butts, knees,
elbows and eye-gouges.

These are tools that put people out of commission very quickly. Size and
strength become a mute point when were talking about thumbing someones
eyes, slamming our head in their face, then kneeing their groin. By combining
these tools, were creating a synergy of violent technique that is
incomprehensible to most people.

Below is a comparison and breakdown of the various tools available to use in

each range of combat.



Kicking Range

Boxing Range


Trapping Range

Head, Teeth, Chin, Shoulder, Elbows, Inner Forearm, Hand, Hip Butt, Knees,
Shins, Feet.

Grappling Range

Teeth, Chin,

Arms, Legs

Its quite obvious that trapping range not only possesses a superior and more
varied arsenal, but it is also the range of combat that most martial arts are
unfamiliar with.

Imagine you had to put money on the outcome of two world-class boxers, lets
say, Sugar Ray Leonard and Roberto Duran, and the fight went something like

First round, they are about even on points; the same in the second and third. In
the fourth round, the referee walks up to Sugar Ray and says, "Any time you
want to, just sneak an elbow in there, I wont mind. In fact, anytime you want
to, why dont you even head-butt him in the face? I wont care, Ill pretend I
didnt even see it". Who would you put your money on?

Obviously, youd bet on Sugar Ray. The point is, being able to thumb
someones eyes then slam your head into their face will put you at a distinct
advantage. It is a method of fighting which is very conducive to street self-
defence and taking attackers out of the picture very quickly. The last thing you
want to do is be involved in a slug-fest, TRADING punch for punch with
someone much larger and stronger than yourself.

Understanding Energy

The ability to finish the fight in trapping range is not only predicated on the
refinement of ones tools in close range, but also on an underlying ingredient
known as tactile awareness. Tactile awareness is the ability to read or feel your
opponents intentions through touch and move ahead of his defence by either
dissolving, redirecting or bouncing his energy to allow for your attack.
The differences between seeing and reacting, as opposed to feeling and
reacting, is that with the former, the signal passes through the brain. With the
latter, the stimulus bypasses the brain, minimising reaction time. So the
concept behind energy is that you are not thinking, you are moving and hitting.
Fighting in this range requires one to be very attuned to the slightest changes
in your opponents energy direction and force.

According to Dan Inosanto, there are roughly 20 different types of energy, with
each bringing out something unique. Energy training can be found in many
disciplines and a J.K.D man might draw from Wing Chun, Filipino Kali, Hung-Gar,
Penjak-Silat, Mi-Tsungi or Tai Chi.

A good J.K.D. man will not only train and understand the concept of energy, but
also make the concept functional and combative. For example, two common
drills used in J.K.D. are Wing Chuns chi-sao drill and Kalis hubud/lubud drill.
Both drills teach a particular kind of energy, yet both stress different principles.
In the chi-sao drill, the concept is to engage the arms and roll, maintaining the
centre line. In Kalis hubud drill, they like to give the centre line.

In the early stages of energy development, just the shell of the drill is taught,
stressing certain principles. Once the basic drill is understood, the obvious
progression is to add certain elements and have your partner counter or
redirect the energy, with each phase of the drill becoming more and more
combative, until both parties are virtually sparring out of the drills.

The main theme behind any drill, regardless of whether its an energy drill, is
that drills are made to be broken. For example, when learning Wing Chuns chi-
sao drill, after countless hours have been clocked up learning the basic
rotation, you should then be able to put any element into the drill, whether it
be from boxing, silat, grappling, or whatever. The drill should be seen as the
nucleus, into which any element or principle can be inserted, regardless of its
origin. For one to achieve this, one must understand the underlying principles
that make up the shell.
Fighting in trapping range is not only an equaliser against bigger and stronger
opponents, it stems from a mentality bent on finishing the fight in a range that
is unfamiliar to a lot of people. This mind-set is very conducive to what Bruce
Lees art was all about: winning in the street.

This article is an edited excerpt from the up-coming book The Art & Science of
Jeet-Kune-Do, by Arthur Ligopantis. Arthur is Head Instructor of Progressive
Combat Systems and is certified under Jeet Kune Do instructors Walt
Missingham, Dan Inosanto and Paul Vunak. He can be contacted on 0419 253

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